*an enraged golem

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Wrathful, Sep 8, 2020.

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  1. Playrod1625 New Member

    Just glad to finally get my epic so I don't have to set my alarm every 20 minutes in my computer chair to make sure I'm awake. Also my fiance is happy I will be coming up to bed now.
  2. Karendune420 New Member

    If broken golem was a couch and the accused guild made a hit song called super freak
    Talimat likes this.
  3. Trubles New Member

    I bet you complain when your steak is medium instead of medium well, don't you?

    90% of this server would never have made it to 50, let alone planar zones on Combine/Sleeper.

    Karendune is the correct name for this server. If you don't get pixels exactly how you want it, it's always a /petition.
  4. Dragnet Sleuth Elder

    Personal attacks are not allowed on other forum users.
    Talimat likes this.
  5. Trubles New Member

    There were no personal attacks made.

    Point proven.
  6. Mr Blue Sky Elder

    I can see the cracks forming....only a matter of time :)

    Oh and dismissing a suspension as nothing...hmm do it again it's on your record, and you posted you don't care here on the forums. Disrespecting the players might be ok, but the GM's and daybreak rules.
    Say hello to your perma ban.

    BIS gear, all that time effort down the drain.
  7. Trubles New Member

    Stick to your DZ and you'll never have to worry about him.
  8. TheGoblin Elder

    Too bad we have to actually kill things outside the DZ, so we get to enjoy meeting the bullies.
    Talimat likes this.
  9. curious2 Lorekeeper

    and that ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of sociopath
    thats not an insult... i myself am a bit autistic, that is not an insult either
  10. AtabishiWoW Second best guild leader you'll ever have

    Lol is the fanboying this real that someone made a video pretending to be me? hahaha this a whole new level of hilarity
  11. Cicelee Augur

    Telling people to stay away from bad behavior doesn't change the fact that bad behavior is happening and needs to be addressed.

    Players playing a game should not have to play in fear. The real world presents enough of that garbage for many. They come to Norrath to escape that reality, not to deal with it again in a different format...
    Talimat, Aneuren, Weebles101 and 2 others like this.
  12. TrollMan Elder

    Clearly that was a troll..... Last thing anyone on this server would want to be is...you.

    With love Trollman.

    Anyway, Gratz Playstation on getting your epic despite the efforts of a guild who wanted to prevent you from getting it so they could get the pixels. Thank God I'll never have to deal with that.
    Dragnet Sleuth and Talimat like this.
  13. AoEBox Elder

    No one will worry about him because he is garbage!
    If he intends to do it again , he will be reported again and suspended AGAIN.

    I am quite ready for ToV with TEQ.. I hope to see a GM enforcing the craziness that is going to be!!
    Train ! Train ! Train !
  14. Trubles New Member

    ToV will be clear 24/7. Good luck
    Good game Karendune.
  15. AoEBox Elder

    If you have played on any TLPs over the past 5 years you would know that is a down right LIE.
    ToV will have plenty of competition and mobs, get ready to get steamrolled BOI!
    Antonico and Talimat like this.
  16. Weebles101 Journeyman

    If it's "just a few light blues" and "we do this unbuffed while killing raid bosses" then it clearly is trivial and training this competitor guild won't do anything at all... so then why do it?

    Just own up to being scum, the ridiculous excuses just make you look even more pathetic.
    Talimat and Dragnet Sleuth like this.
  17. curious2 Lorekeeper

    ToV probably will be cleared 24/7 the first 30 days... they have 190 simultaneously online members...
    and that is why they dont really care if someone gets suspended here and there
  18. Tinthalas Tigris New Member

    TEQB: "We have skills, thats why we are so awesome."
    Also This:
    TEQB: [IMG]
    Talimat and AoEBox like this.
  19. AoEBox Elder

    If you believe they will have all 190 members online in 1 pick of ToV , sadly mistaken.
    Multiple Picks , 3 wings , 1hr respawn .. highly unlikely to keep it clear 24/7 , specially given they are the only BATPHONE guild on said server .
    The initial week will likely be TEQ rushing warders to claim " we woke them so no one could RMT" then proceeds to RMT..
  20. Mushnar New Member

    I'm really getting some Ready Player One vibes from TEB lol, they remind me of Innovative Online Industries where they just have an army of members ready to login to a new accounts when one gets banned.
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