How do you feel about single account players?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by JPearcy83, May 8, 2020.

  1. Xeris Augur

    I know several prominent people in my guild are single account players. Definitely what other people have said: it's totally doable and fine but you have to be social.

    I personally find the game boring unless I'm boxing so I choose to box, but playing a single character is totally viable
  2. Gremin Augur

    Absolutely love them as they make up the base of my guild DHS.
  3. Hinastorm86 Augur

    I'm aware of your "mains first" policy.

    Are you saying you think most of your members will be single boxers outside of raids? I find that hard to believe. I'm not quite sure what you mean by base of the guild.
  4. Gremin Augur

    The base means its what we are built around. As far as majority of my guild being single players, right now its about 60 40 with single players in the lead. My group at start is 5 of us minus a cleric we still looking for are all single players minus me. Ill box because none of them are on but if a guildie needs a spot i drop a box for them. Which is a basic tenet of our guild.
  5. Mrjon3s Augur

    I am a solo account player and never have problems getting plat or groups. All you have to do is start a group. If the people in your group are any good add them to your friends list. Then when you log in the next day check your friends list and ask them if they have a group or want to start a group. Keep doing this and pretty soon you will have a set group of people to play with and don’t mind splitting cash loot so everyone eats.
    Gremin likes this.
  6. Sturn Augur

    I brought up rogues in reply to someone who was complaining that certain classes couldn't solo and that it made it unfair for them to get money. Since rogues are universally considered the toughest class to solo with, I thought it relevant. I mean, what classes was that person talking about that couldn't solo if not rogues?
  7. Kobra Augur

    I am a single account player. I never have issues. I am even anti-social and introverted, but I suck it up and make friends and I always start groups.

    You have to be willing to go outside your comfort zone. If you just expect somebody is going to hand you everything then you will get what you put in (nothing).

    Be willing to help other people do things you don't want to do and they will return the favor.

    Don't go afk all the time if you are grouped with someone else. If you know you have to afk then don't group up. Pull that crap in my group and I will never invite you again. I assume other people are similar mindset. Nobody wants to carry dead weight.

    I even go out of my way to invite non-meta classes because they often try harder. I like that type of player.
  8. JPearcy83 New Member

    Thank you guys for all the replies so far. I agree whole heartedly that you have to be proactive in starting groups and being social and you can’t just sit there LFG. It’s very encouraging to hear all of the people who have done it, or who specifically play in a way the keeps single players in their groups and moving forward.

    I suppose my biggest concern of losing too many players and requiring boxing to really accomplish everything (I am an achievement hunter sometimes to a disgusting level, to the point where I’ve completed hunter of LDoN achievement as an example) can be circumvented if I find the right group of people to play with. I know this answer seems obvious, but it helps to hear the viewpoint of people who have actually played on the TLP servers. I’m sure it will be a vastly different beast coming from live servers.

    I’ve read some classes are a lot more powerful than others because of changes made to the live game over the course of 21 years, but in the end I’ve played pretty much every support class from bards to tanks and healers. I’ve never truly played a class focused on dealing damage as it’s main focus. Disregarding enchanter with charm, now I am contemplating caster vs melee. I’m aware that monks are superior supposedly and that mages are very strong. What have you TLP players had the most fun playing in your experiences on these servers?
  9. JPearcy83 New Member

    Apologies for the double post, I should specify I’m not specifically looking at monk vs mage, I just used those because I know a lot of people will suggest meta builds. I’m interested in what people have enjoyed playing the most rather than what is specifically the strongest.
  10. Tachya Elder

    Tell me how the hell it can be intended that you need multiple accounts just for a baseline gameplay experience? The whole attitude behind this thread (which is typical, not to single out this particular poster) and that this is now pretty much the norm, is a major reason that I rarely play EQ anymore There are plenty of MMOs where an account allows you to enjoy the game, without being handicapped by having "only" one account. This right here is why the old days of EQ are never coming back, no matter how many new progression servers are opened.
  11. Hinastorm86 Augur

    The old days are long gone for many reasons. A shift in game design and the way we like to play has also happened.

    Lots of us no longer find it acceptable to log into an mmo, not be able to do anything meaningful at all solo, and sit LFG for potentially long periods of time. I love everquest, but I never loved these aspects of it frankly. I prefer to single box honestly, but the upsides are boxing are too many to pass on.

    People gnash their teeth over boxing, but the fact is most boxers also raid, which is a social experience. I have no interest in boxing my own raid, even if it was feasible. It would feel meaningless. At the end of the day it's the interaction with other players that makes mmo's feel meaningful as opposed to a single player game. That is the real spirit of an mmo, and that hasn't gone anywhere.
  12. Tachya Elder

    Well then, DPG might as well make it so that you don't need multiple accounts to do anything meaningful, if the social interaction happens in raids anyway. I'm not disputing that you pretty much need multiple accounts nowadays for EverQuest. What I don't really get is, why so many people think that it's just fine.
  13. Protagonist Tank

    Skipping past the non-sequitor, off topic slapfighting to answer the OP question - Nobody cares. Some guilds will be happier if you box, as long as it's a bard or cleric - but none will care if you don't.
  14. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Playing as a single toon is roughest around level 70 when 2 things are happening...

    1. The game is at a slog and instances start taking over and the content is not very compelling ( often requiring group progression while outside of raids the gear is relative trash)
    2. New tlps are siphoning players

    Both of these really hurt single players and favor those willing to add a box.

    Mercs helped a ton on selo, but I think a lot of the damage is irreparable by that point.
  15. Ebine Augur

    I play on TLP from 1am to 6am so its easier to box. During the day time I think you can single and make groups. I like to add people to my group just to make it interesting. Just bugs me when I add someone and they don't talk much.
  16. Kittany Augur

    This is just my opinion of course and I will preface this with; As long as somebody isn't cheating or botting (As defined by DPG's), I personally don't care how somebody would play the game.

    That said, I would fall under the single account type of player. It's not that I'm against boxing, but I personally find it to be extremely stressful and not fun. For me, it's the equivalent of trying to drive two or more cars down the road simultaneously without causing major loss of life, limb or property.

    Some people indeed do find it fun and challenging, but then again there's people out that enjoy putting their genitalia into cheese graters as well. It's not for me :p
    Tuskapoli and JPearcy83 like this.
  17. Gio1999 Augur

    A lot of people play just 1 account and any decent raid is going to have the majority of players playing only 1 account. I feel like you met someone along the way who had some warped view of multiboxing and made it seem like it was a necessity.

    It's not and a lot of groups get pretty annoyed when a "friend" gets invited that just going to stare at the wall for hours and hit need.
  18. Vicus Augur

    You speak mostly of the areas before PoP I assume. Try being a solo rogue during say SOD or Underfoot. Without friends or guildies you can accomplish nothing. Why Truebox needs to be turned off after say PoR (or insert any expansion don't care). Rizlona is going to make a lot of people happy who have wanted to see the future expansions without having to batphone the early ones.
  19. Hinastorm86 Augur

    I mean ya, I agree. I'd love to see them add out of combat regen for example. It would have no effect on the chain pulling groups, but would really help out soloers. I'm not a fan of running multiple accounts overall, I just can't pass on all the upsides, like I said.

    So at least for me, I don't think it's "fine". I think its super silly that we're running 6 accts/characters at the same time.
  20. Accipiter Old Timer

    My experience as a single player in EQ... It was, um... how... uh.... You know, it was 20 years ago. I can't really recall.
    Tuskapoli likes this.