Agnarr, time to change it to F2P?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by globeadue, Oct 4, 2019.

  1. Terranos Elder

    Time to cut your losses and move to a server with a future, people were warned over and over that Agnarr was doomed within a few months of PoP unlocking.

  2. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Exactly which servers have what kind of future?
  3. Machen New Member

    I think it is safe to say that any progression server that does not lock at PoP has a better future than any server that does.
  4. Jimmy2times Elder

    Devs please make the change..

    Can we at least get a response from one you guys even if it is a riddle with no clear direct answer?

    Thanks devs.

    F2P ftw
  5. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Fippy says hi.

    Don't let agnarr become Agnarr Darkpaw.
  6. Machen New Member

    Did you even play on Fippy?

    I did. For a while I was the guild leader of the only remaining guild on Fippy as we were trying to continue to progress, desparate for new people to come to the server so we'd have the bodies we needed to beat the raids. And I can confidently assure you that going Free to Play would not have helped Fippy in the least. $15/month was not the barrier that kept people away.
  7. onesong‘Baralku New Member

    I think it's a bad idea. I purhcased a subscription earlier this year in march 2019 to play on the EQ2 Kaladim server.. I subbed for march and april before canceling. I didn't cancel because I hate the game, instead I cancelled because I always lose interest in any mmo after a month or two. I wanted to say that I lost interest somewhat in Kaladim and jumped over to Agnarr. I like the fact it's locked. When a server is locked you can always rely on it having a specific form of gameplay. I enjoyed playing on Agnarr. Now, several months later, I want to sub again to play on Kaladin and Agnarr. Ironically, I think I'm split between them in interest. But my point is Daybreak is a business and don't they wnat to make money? I don't like cash shops, and I don't think anybody here wants to see this turn into a microtransaction-rich MMO.

    I reiterate, Agnarr is special BECAUSE it's locked at LDON (or pop). Making it a normal server removes what makes it special. As far as population goes, all servers die. The question is whether the pops are too small to support enough guilds.

    I think if they want to increase pops they should do something else other than F2P or making it a normal server or advancing to later expansions. They could advertise better on the client or the website. They could have more in-game GM events (player GM's who're not paid). They could even consider some form of wipe. Maybe some things could be preserved, like money or titles or someghing else, or maybe players could be given the option to ALSO move their characters to another server. Wiping would allow Agnarr to progress from classic to ldon again, giving it some rewewed life. Or maybe they could give players on Agnarr special titles if they've completed certain raids up through ldon. These tittles can't be earned on other servers.

    If you look at old MMORPGs (or servers), they usually lose population over time until it's a trickle. Even Project 1999 doesn't have the pops it used to. Right now it's sitting at about 978 players, but it's lower than it was a couple years ago. I left project 1999 a long time ago because I wanted to give money to the live servers. It felt good to play on the live servers earlier this year again and pay for it. I played a warrior and cleric alt. Was enjoying it quite a bit. I had nice groups low level. I really miss that. Been playing STar Wars The Old Republic and it's night and day different. Too strongly solo-oriented. Story is so linear too, and that's supposed to be its strongpoint.

    So there you have it. If there was no other choice, I'd rather see a hybrid wipe than changes such as F2P, normal server state or more expansions. I think a hybrid wipe could work. Wipe, but preserve money or something else (with restrictions), and allow players to move full characters to other servers. Sign me up.
  8. onesong‘Baralku New Member

    Wrong, this server is not like Fippy. Fippy was a standard TLP, meaning it would advance to the latest expansion. This server is capped at ldon.

    Personaly, I think it's fine to require a membership. It discourages boxers for one, or any activity reliant on free accounts, and on another point it encourages some of us to get a membership to play there, as well play EQ2, DCU or Planetside 2 with membership benefits.

    I realize every MMORPG/server gets old and stale and htey need some kind of attention-gettin change to interest people in coming. A lot of players leave MMORPGs when they can't find other people to gropu with or otherwise feel alone. In EQ1 this is especially true. If interest is low, there won't be many people to meet in lower levels and this will mean lower pops. My suggestion above is a hybrid wipe. I'm certain there're other options. A hybrid wipe would encourage people to experience a fresh start, and it would also mean all the max level characters would need to start over. I do think it needs to be hybrid so that players who've invested a lot of time won't lose their characters (can move to another server), or will at least preserve some of the things they've earned after the wipe. A wipe restarts the economy, meaning plaeyrs who've amassed tens of thousands of plat won't ruin the economy for new players. It lifts up new players.
  9. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Discouraging boxing on a mature tlp. What's the point?

    They still need to truebox and it's not like some farmer is sitting on efreeti 24/7.
  10. Jimmy2times Elder

    Devs can we get a response? Would you all explore the idea of F2P for it?

    Got it you don't want to loose subs aka money.. make it F2P up to level 50 or something as an example then your required to sub at the point.
  11. Oakenblade Former ForumQuest Champion

    The TLP community as a whole has no idea what it wants.

    They want a locked server. Then they cry because the server is locked and they're bored. They want server that progress further, but then when it does progress they jump ship because newer content is foreign and scary to them. They want old school style because all the QoL stuff makes the game too easy. They get QoL stuff and they cry because the game is too "watered down" and "not classic. The QoL stuff gets removed and they cry because they got nerfed. So they jump ship from their servers each time a new TLP comes out. They cry because the new servers are killing to population of the old server. Then when they're on a highly populated server they cry because there's too much toxicity and competition. So then more instancing is added. Then they cry because they don't like instancing.

    There's nothing Daybreak will ever be able to do to pacify the TLP community.
    Machen likes this.
  12. Machen New Member

    This. If you look at voting on the TLP's, pretty much every single time we've been allowed to vote on anything, the player base has regretted their choice six months later. Heck, there have been times when SOE/DBG flat out ignored our decisions because they knew we had gotten in wrong (eg extending expansion time on Fippy in the 70's eras...)
  13. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Agnarr seemed to be what the community wanted and by God I played on it and so did a ton of people. It was alot of fun for a ton of people.

    Agnarr can't be considered a failure because most people don't want to rehash a beat server given the plethora of new tlps constantly coming out.

    In other words, the first iPhone isn't a failure just because it got upgraded or replaced.
    Makta likes this.