Can't get past Character Select [Trouble shooting]

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Thundersnake, Mar 14, 2019.

  1. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I got a brand new computer a couple days ago. Worked fine yesterday (only playing one toon on Selos). Today, it has crashed 3 times after selecting the character. Can't play.

    Again...brand new computer, brand new install. No 3rd-party stuff (not even GINA or Gamparse yet), and nothing else installed except for EQ.

  2. GulazMM New Member

    Same problem on Bertoxx with multiple characters. It is a 5 minute process every time I try to enter the game or even ZONE (frozen from character select, end game in task manager, log in again, boot character, get to character select and it usually lets the character zone in.) Then when I zone it crashes, same process of starting EQ, getting to character select, having it freeze, restart, boot character, get to character select, then zone in.) It is horrible, happening with both of my accounts. This is on Bertox.
  3. Telkiney Elder

    Happening to me on my character Telkiney on the Firiona vie server.
    I can log into other characters on the same account and server.

    Only fix I've found that somehow works is I've installed a new everquest directory on another SSD and can log in fine with a blank new install.

    When I use my normal directory issue just repeats, very frustrating, assuming it has something to do with the new tabs considering the bugs surrounding them. Really hate spending hours setting up my UI back to how I particularly like it (I use the default ui at that).
  4. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    EQ support told me to delete a bunch of .ini files, but the solution was just one file:


    Deleting that file solved the problem, but of course meant that I had to reconfigure my entire UI. To restate: this was on a brand new install, on a brand new character on the new Selos server, and without any custom UI elements. It seems pretty clear that there is a bug/problem with the changes they made to the UI in the last patch.
  5. Telkiney Elder

    I solved my issue by deleting specifically 3 chat windows in the ini then could log in no problems.
    Kikyu65 and NameAlreadyInUse like this.
  6. Theodisius New Member

    I had the same Issue, I fixed it by deleting all the ini. files dealing with that character