2 players 10 accounts on Mangler

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Xyla, Mar 9, 2019.

  1. Lagerale Journeyman

    Difference is most people don't have five computers to play five accounts on but most anyone can play five accounts on one computer. I thing the fact you can't see this difference says a lot about the reason a lot of the community "hates" boxers while they are often ruining overs game play experience without caring, as long as you have your fun you don't give a crap and are annoyed by anything in your way.
  2. Maligannt Journeyman

    The value of true box versus not is in the reduced automation the typical true box setup has. DBG had an agreement with the dev who makes the most popular cheat/automation tool used on EQ, that he won't make it available on true box tlps. So while yes, players use multiplicity and other (legal) tools for true boxing 5-10 PC's. You pretty rarely see a fully boxed group and almost never a huge army. It is fairly easy to ruin a box armies day in any at level camp, and the effort to regroup makes that a losing scenario for the boxer.
  3. Coder Joe Journeyman

    Make 10 necros and only send pets without casting anything yourselves. It will take a while but chaining pets will kill some of the bigger targets ;)

    You'll also want to collect a few thousands bone chips :)
  4. Spayce Augur

    You literally could not be more ignorant. Here is the post where DBG introduced True Box:


    To quote:

    "If people are truly wanting to multi-box, they’ll have to do it the old fashioned way."

    They even went as far as posting a picture showing an example of an 8 PC set up.

    So...stop spreading ignorance. I'm sure you won't respond.

    Pirlo likes this.
  5. istrak123 New Member

    It's nice to know the Everquest community is still thriving with generous people willing to share their knowledge, and tools like this that try and force information into people's minds with a hammer to provoke confrontation for no good reason.

    To those comparing Everquest in it's classic form, to the Everquest of today.. I remember playing an Everquest where boxers were so very few and far between, because the player base was predominately single character players. Boxing was a thing, sure, but it wasn't popularized until later on into some expansions. Those classic days were great fricken days, and I'm for anything that attempts to recapture that experience, but the reality is, nothing DBG can do will ever recreate that for us.

    So instead we have the issue of solo character players vs boxers, which really isn't an issue at all. Paying customers are going to play the game as they see fit within the EULA and whatever server specific criteria exists, so, they don't have to group up with anyone they don't wish to. The crux of the issue is contested NPC's.. Solo player characters get to believe they're the more virtuous player type, and therefore should be entitled to spawns, all that yadda yadda. Box players like the OP will go into a brand new server and circumvent the classic style to profit on auction websites..

    What a world, hahahaha.
  6. Kittany Augur

    I see you're so passionate about your stance that you're so willing to resort to insulting those who are not against your opinion. Is the next step to dress up as a ninja and harass people? See, two can play that game.

    That all said, the rules are as always, open to interpretation. Where you see DBG's absolutely giving absolute permission, I see the big 'ol "IF" statement in there. The way it reads to me is "The server was setup to deter boxing. However, with the way we've written the code, IF you should so choose, here is a possible way to do it without breaking any of the rules. We don't endorse it. But it can be done"

    I'm sure that is ignorance at it's finest, eh?
  7. Machentoo Augur

    Considering you can get a computer that will play EQ for about $100, anyone who can afford $75/month in subs can probably afford five computers to play them.

    Not saying it isn't stupid to have to do so. But I doubt finances are the impediment here for most people.
  8. Lagerale Journeyman

    I said that most people don't have five computers so they won't truebox. My point is most that simply box on one computer because it's easy aren't going out and getting and setting up five rigs to play this game, it's not finances it's just life. Five computers takes a lot of rooms (even laptops) and it takes a commitment to the game that simply playing on one computer doesn't take.
  9. Maxe Augur

    Post a picture of the 10 monitor setup when it's done. I gotta see this.
  10. nobosy cares New Member

    ok i get that , but they aren't stopping nothing with truebox so whats the point ???? what good did it do ??? let me answer NONE . Mangler will be a ghost town after a few months once the EASY server becomes over populated with boxers regardless how they are doing it , rapid re spawns is a farmers dream to per-ma camp WTG DBG .
  11. nobosy cares New Member

    Haha , you actually spent the time to post this ? first of all your wrong most ppl who really box has barebone systems that they buy from ebay for 100 bucks a pop , with I7 CPU's . and as far as boxers ruining game exp ?? who's if you seen 5 ppl in a camp would you be mad ??? did that just change your whole gaming enjoyment ? ok but if same 5 toons were there BUT it was a boxer now its different . either way someones gonna be behind those toons if its 5 or just 1 EITHER way your not getting the loot from that camp ? so explain to me why your so sad about your gaming exp ?? or are you one of those ppl living in the past on how EQ use to be and talks about it in general chat all the time "back in the day " ok EQ has evolved best it can being 20 years old get over it or find a new game like it or not BOXERS pay for the server use . do you really think that signal players bring DBG more cash flow than boxers ?? this is really your educated assessment ?? so no i dont see it even before i started boxing which was only 2 years ago boxers NEVER bothered my "gaming experience" so stop whining
  12. nobosy cares New Member

    LOL all you want servers that started when it did is still standing , its the only one that is literately DEAD im talking no players . . so yes it was a flop a BIG one .
  13. Lagerale Journeyman

    With your vast knowledge of everything EQ from your two years experience how can I argue, it would be like an E-8 arguing with an O-1, I can be right but you would still insist you are and I can't change that.
  14. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Sure it absolutely didn't help.... :rolleyes:

    RF and LJ - No true box
    I can't count the number of 7 to 24 boxers I saw on these servers it was that bad.

    Phinny - Truebox
    Up until Agnaar went live I saw less than a few 6 boxers and I think I saw one larger boxer.

    Agnaar - Truebox
    Similar to Phinny

    It cut down on about 95% of the mass boxers overnight and as exploits are made to bypass the diligent create tickets to curb those folks as well.
  15. nobosy cares New Member

    I agree with , but still gives way for 6 box crews to perma camp stuff , so yeah your right not as bad but still doesnt help matters any
  16. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    6 boxer is easy to compete with as another group.
    a 24 boxer at a camp isn't.
  17. Until We Felt Red Augur

    In several years of TLPs, I can count the number of times I've been disrupted by a boxer on one hand. To count the number of single players or regular groups who've trained, harassed simply stole my camp, I'd need several more hands. Have fun!
  18. Jedipokey The Devs have become better at Apathy! (380)

  19. Ceffener Augur

    The original announcement was very clear. Anyone who doesn’t think it’s clear just doesn’t like it.


    You want to box, box. Here’s how to do it. Thank you DBG for explaining it, even with visuals.
  20. Trox2010 Augur

    And yet even with pictures and them straight out saying "This is how you have to do ut." people still want to say that it is against the rules. ....

    Mother Nature can you please just hit the Reset Button already, and chalk it up as a failed experiment.