Bootstrutter server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zipe, Feb 21, 2019.

  1. Evade2019 Lorekeeper

    Construed as casual? Removing truebox and adding FV is the exact opposite of casual. You multi boxers need to stay as far away from the casual server as possible.

    I’d argue the very act of setting up multiple accounts, programs and hotkeys in order to run 6+ characters at the same time is the very definition of hardcore play. Not Casual.

    I really hope Daybreak isn’t even considering allowing this
    Schwifty, Haeldar and Vorkosh like this.
  2. Iyacc Augur

    Well, you can lump me in with the evil multiboxers if you want, I don't really give a rat's . I do run a 2nd account occasionally but it's typically more trouble than it's worth and I only really do it for extra dps or utility on a raid.

    And yes, I would agree with you that going to all the trouble to run multiple setups is not very casual.

    And yes, in comparing the two similar rulesets I proposed - this one would be the "casual" version in that all loot would be tradable and removing EITHER motm or truebox would seem to make the game easier for a certain niche of players although not probably the SAME niche.

    Either way, I've managed to rile up at least one person so my work here is done.
  3. Elyani Augur

    I can agree that running 6 characters is hardcore. Using hotkeys? Everyone does that. If you don't, you're doing it wrong. Using a program to help run those 6 characters? That's just lazy, not hardcore. Anyone using programs just wants to sit back and do nadda. Probably the most tedious (which is what everyone seems to think hardcore is) part about them using their little programs is setting it up. Not sure how long it takes them, but I imagine not very long. So they are hardcore for what? 10 minutes? Then they sit back and let something else do all the hard-work for them? Seems pretty casual to me.

    It's like a McDonalds Worker versus a McDonalds automated Machine that takes customer's orders. One works hard themselves and the other does all the work for them. The hardest part is turning the machine on in the morning. Lol!

    If they don't have a box-friendly server, us multi-boxers will be right there on the same server as you, like we always have been. Get over it. Nothing you can do about it. You don't want us to have a server, but you want us to stay away from the server you play on? Absolutely silly-talk. Ha Ha.
  4. jeskola pheerie

    It is pretty easy to rile out the anti-boxers.
  5. clan darkpaw Journeyman

    Evade also was upset when Windows introduced Multitasking. Other pet peeves include jugglers who also balance an item on their nose, watching television while working out, and walking and chewing gum at the same time.
  6. Ishbu Augur

    Ever quest, where the population never stops preaching about how they are grown adults with lives and families yet constantly act like little children
    Kittany, So Happy and Iyacc like this.
  7. Trox2010 Augur

    I would argue that is extremely casual since they now don't have to waste any of their limited game time trying to find groups so as to start enjoying the game. It would take maybe at most 1 play session to get things set up that is most convenient, and if they done it before then it is a simple matter of copy and paste a few files.
  8. Iyacc Augur

    There's no proof anywhere on the interwebs that I've ever claimed to be an adult and mature.~
    Ishbu likes this.
  9. Risiko Augur

    Well. That's interesting. I can't wait to hear the rest of the details on the changes.

    This is definitely news worthy. Added to @EqNewsAndPolls.
  10. Elyani Augur

    There is proof now. :p
    I think the only thing more casual than someone using a program would be logging in and hitting a "Randomize Raid Loot" button once a day and getting a random piece of gear just for logging in.
  11. Iyacc Augur

    Kind of like many/most phone based games. You get a reward just for showing up on a daily basis. Give it time.....
  12. Polekn Augur

    So we get 3 servers? I wonder if Bootstrutter will have TrueBox disabled. And if so how it affects "competitive" players distribution between these 2.
  13. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    Mangler is the "Unknown DB String 5602-30".(and 5603-30, 5604-30, etc) in the calendar.
    No comment on anything else.
    klanderso, snailish, Elyani and 3 others like this.
  14. Risiko Augur


    Incoming speculation on your no comment in 3... 2...
  15. yerm Augur

    If you are changing the release date it is a pretty serious move and we need to know. Tweaks by all means take your time, but a 3/12 launch instead of 3/16 is a huge thing. I have paid vacation set for for 3/18 and 3/19 and wrangled up some old friends to play with me on launch day and st patties. I NEED advanced notice to change that, and my employer is probably a ton more reasonable than many others' especially if some here do stuff like retail. You can't change shifts at a moments notice.

    I would first beg you to not go changing an announced date, and if you do for some reason, tell us immediately.
  16. Agno New Member

  17. Sterling-Silverfox Elder

    My neighbor is going to play with Amtrack, if the dates change his mind is going to melt.

    I thought most of the progression servers launched on a Wednesday so the 12th makes more sense. Glad i can carry 3 laptops in my brief.
  18. Elyani Augur

    I feel like you're playing with our emotions. :confused: But by God, just having you say anything at all, has put me at ease a little. This no-word at all on the servers has been a killer.
  19. EEpromm Lorekeeper

    My guess is they have revised the server plans and Bootstrutter is the Mangler replacement and that the "Unknown DB string" is related to the code that grabs calendar events from the database and assuming Mangler was deleted from the database I could see it leading to a default or null response like that. If you consider that many people were saying Selos was the real "hardcore" server because of fast unlocks and then consider the name Bootstrutter (fast) and then also consider all the complaints about the name "Mangler" it seems to be a likely scenario.
  20. Sterling-Silverfox Elder

    From all the complaints on the forums and the only possible change would be the name.. That would really suck.