The Druid epic click (1.5+) needs a rework, compared to other priests

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TakeMeSeriously, Sep 21, 2018.

  1. TakeMeSeriously Journeyman

    Druids get the only caster epic click that becomes useless at 75, and to be fair it was about 99% useless all through gates, omens, and most of the other xpacs. Since almost everything in gates and omens was highly caster resistant.

    The cleric click is a nearly instant group heal via Div Arb, and the shaman click is a HUGE DPS increase and a group HoT. While the druid click is basically useless. The other priests get group heals, while the druid gets a single target mob debuff that is very under powered to begin with, and only gets worse over time.

    I'm sure it would be a lot of work to change the click completely. If you wanted to keep it the same, but actually useful, please remove the level 75 cap on it, and make it boost melee also. Kind of like Funeral Dirge (bard AA).

    But if you were wanting to do something different, the most logical effects would be something along the lines of Spirit of Wood. So a Heal + large Dmg shield, but you could even just do a group spell mitigation or a single target version with a DS included, kind of like purevine skin. Druids get very bad group heals, and no group HoTs except our 15 minute cooldown AA ability, and it's very weak. Having another group heal would actually be really useful.
    Season's Fury:
    Slot 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 50% (Before Crit)
    Slot 2: Limit Max Level: 75 (lose 5% per level)
    Slot 3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
    Slot 4: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
    Slot 5: Limit Type: Detrimental
    Slot 6: Limit Target: Exclude Caster AE
    Slot 7: Limit Target: Exclude Caster PB
    Slot 8: Limit Target: Exclude Target AE
    Slot 9: Limit Target: Exclude Old Giants
    Slot 10: Limit Target: Exclude Old Dragons
    Slot 11: Limit Combat Skills: Exclude
    Slot 12: Limit Min Level: 2
    Brontus likes this.
  2. That One Guy Augur

    Druid 1.0 would also need a rework? Since some druid dots got re-worked, the 1.0 clicky is LAUGHABLE damage. Just look at the clicky dot they get off the ES arms in kunark. Sure, its "useful", but it's a joke of a clicky for being an epic.
  3. Kazz99 Elder

    Our casters love the druid 2.5 ADPS click as much as the melee love the shaman one.... maybe the benefit does not last forever... but most epics do not, you named a couple of the very few that do.

    We are locked at 75 on Phinny at the moment and at 75 it is still very good.
  4. a_librarian Augur

    When and why did they remove the snare component from that spell anyway? I was pretty excited about getting it to have a high -MR snare but then saw that was no longer the case
  5. TakeMeSeriously Journeyman

    OK, let's compare the DPS change between two groups:
    - SHM + 5 melee (one most likely being a bard)
    - DRU + Any 5 casters you want

    The melee group differential will smoke the caster group. Not even in total DPS, in differential. I would guess 3 to 1. The druid epic affects 20 total spells, the SHM epic affects every swing for 60 seconds, and actually lasts longer with AAs later. So druid epic becomes 100% useless and the shm epic becomes better.
  6. a_librarian Augur

    Is there any spell lines for druids that have a similar effect for 75+? Seems like a cool concept and an ability that druids in a raid could work together to optimize uptime for
  7. Adonhiram Augur

    The druid epic 2.0 is awesome, I am nagging our main druid all the time to click it (/hug Tirya) !
    And it doesn't stop working at level 75, may I remind you the 5% malus applies proportionally and not in absolute value, id est the 5% malus is applied to 50 per level as a fraction, not a subtraction ? Which means a level 80 nuke will still get focused by 1-37.5% (and not 1-25%). A level 85 nuke still gets a 1-25% bonus. It becomes totally useless at level 95 (theoretically speaking ; nukes beyond level 95 have a bonus reduced to 0).

    [EDIT] We are speaking of the 2.0 btw, 1.5 has a 1-30% focus iirc.
  8. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Gotta agree with the 1.0.... its a joke. Some clickies are great. Some are ok for a bit... but dru 1.0? Its not even worth clicking IN era.

    Unfortunately, druids on agnarr really feel the brunt of a lot of changes. If they didn't power level so well i doubt you'd see many on a day to day basis.

    They get some help in ldon at least with bard dot songs.
    That One Guy likes this.
  9. That0neguy Augur

    If I recall all 1.5 epics were so bad it was like you didn't even have them in gates....
    Machentoo likes this.
  10. Kazz99 Elder

    Your casters suck then, melee group MAY still parse higher but in no way will "smoke" the casters... and you do have to set both groups up correctly for max ADPS. Bard is in both groups too by the way.

    We have wizards that outdps monks on some fights and always have zerkers wizards and monks in the top 10 parse. This is TBS era for these parses so not live but since yer talking epics this era is prolly a lot more relevant than live...

    Also yes, the shaman epic is one that is always useful.... most aren't though... I think the ONLY 1.0 that is always useful is the cleric one..... The shaman 1.0 dot is also laughable.
  11. Accipiter Old Timer

    There are some notable exceptions: SK, Shaman, Bard, Cleric...
  12. TakeMeSeriously Journeyman

    I'm not even talking about the 1.0, first off. I'm talking long-term use of the ~2.0 clicks and rebalance of them because you use them for so many expansions.

    You made the anecdotal point that you have wizards that out parse monks, etc. which has nothing to do with how an epic click affects the differential damage (with and without the epic buff, before and after).

    My point still stands, a shaman epic increases damage by a lot more than a druid click. And a cleric epic is a hell of a lot more useful than a druid epic. The point is the shaman epic applies to all 1,000 melee swings that happen for 5 melee over the course of 60 seconds, while the druid epic applies to 20 spells or 30 seconds, whichever comes first, on ONE mob. It can only be used on one mob, 0% usefulness on a trash clear, while the shaman epic ups the DPS by quite a bit in every situation.
  13. TakeMeSeriously Journeyman

    As stated above there are some that were useful, but you had the 2.0 in omens, you only had the 1.5 for 8 weeks? Moot point.

    My point is that because the bosses were so resistant, sometimes 100% resistant, in omens and gates that it made the druid epic click basically useless. 1-50% bonus on a full resist is still zero damage.
  14. That0neguy Augur

    Think you guys both missed my point about epic 1.5's being worthless in GoD.
  15. Adonhiram Augur

    Looooooool :p
  16. Machentoo Augur

    No, pretty sure there were zero exceptions. SK 1.5 was absolutely trash during Gates. So were the others you mentioned.
  17. Kazz99 Elder

    Cleric and shaman ones are basically the same buff just a longer reuse....

    Guess my point was missed, not ALL 2.0/2.5s are usable forever.... I am not familiar with em all but the cleric, shaman and necro ones (hell necros still wield theirs live) are the ones I am aware are still useful at live. If your is to make them all useful at live.,.. good luck... yer gonna need it.
  18. Kazz99 Elder

    Yes, anecdotal that I can provide parses for... our casters love the druid click, it sucking in GoD is NOT the click itself... it is the mobs in GoD... they suck across the board for all casters.... not just the druid epic.

    Also, the druid epic is a DEBUFF on the target and benefits the raid as a whole... the shaman epic ONLY benefits the shamans group.... Seasons Fury also has a -300 resist check and uses a chromatic check (lowest resist) so I would suspect if you wait for malo and tash and harmony it rarely doesn't land (except on bosses that are hard to land any spells on). 20 nukes landing for 50% more is quite a lot... does the shaman buff result in more dps, maybe, very easy to setup ADPS for it, does the druids compare... also maybe... in a caster / wizard heavy raid 50% more damage to those 42k wizard nukes is quite a bit, times 20... yes best case... but you get my point.

    Yes, I love the shaman epic, it rocks, but, again, not ALL 2.0/2.5's are usable forever.... I am not familiar with em all but the cleric, shaman and necro ones (hell necros still wield theirs live) are the ones I am aware are still useful at live. If your ask is to make them all useful at live.,.. good luck... yer gonna need it. removing the level cap of 75 from the druid one may be feasible... but it sounds like you are advocating a complete change to an epic that has been this way for what... 9 ish years?
  19. Golgothird Journeyman

    Druid 1.5 and 2.0 are pathetic jokes. They need a higher hit cap and there's certainly zero reason why the effect should have a level cap on it. There are at least 10 classes for whom the epic will literally never stop being useful. Doubling the hit cap and removing the level restrictions on the druid epic would bring it right in line with the other epics. It's really kind of shocking that they haven't done this already.
    TakeMeSeriously likes this.
  20. Accipiter Old Timer

    I believe you are correct.