
Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kahna, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. Xerjyx New Member

    I'm not hiding behind an anonymous name, if you want to be taken seriously and credibly, maybe you should post as your in-game toon friend. Also, maybe you should invest in high-speed internet if you're not seeing Marl render because others see him.
  2. Risiko Augur

    I just can't understand why Marl needs to despawn at all.

    Boggles the mind why this has not been changed yet.
  3. Xerjyx New Member

    Every step of the SK epic is like this. At least the 2.0 is easy, almost as if they were sorry for all the pain and suffering they caused the SK population for 1.0.
  4. Gromph Elder

    Philadar the SK featured in the screenshot is a known cheater and a known .
  5. Mairzy New Member

    Bored, waiting for the server comes up. This thread has potential entertainment value. Brb getting popcorn!
  6. Herf Augur

    Again, all they need to do to fix Marl is allow him to stick around for maybe half an hour before despawning, so that days group of SKs can get their turn-ins done.
    Taladir, Risiko and Doomrage like this.
  7. Doomrage New Member

    This is such an easy solution to all this drama. Even a 60 minute timer would be fine.
    Risiko likes this.
  8. Gromph Elder

    I think they should extend marls timer to 7 days. That way the SKs with their epic on server are that much more epic for it.
  9. Dranix Augur

    Its been petitioned, upvoted, discussed .. we've asked, begged, hoped, and let it go so many times.

    My last petition called this and its only going to get worse. I know several SKs who just straight up wont bother because they dont want to deal with the toxicity. This is the only epic gated by a mob that needs multiple turn ins thats up less then 2 seconds almost everytime.

    To be completely honest, my last turn in was an hour and a half sitting there muscles tensed and adrenaline flowing. Felt like all day from the stress it put on me.
    Risiko and Doomrage like this.
  10. phaeril Augur

    Good luck stopping mouse macros. Put the pet there because he'll hand it back to top level slot. Known spot for Marl, known spot for button, known spot for inventory. Put it on a loop, and spam your AFKness to the world. I share in your sarcasm, but this is clearly an simple mouse automation script/macro... something more advanced wouldn't be handing to a pet... also the user might understand EQ enough to know how sketchy that looks.
  11. That One Guy Augur

    It would be brilliant if daybreak was keeping it like this so they could easily spot the cheaters here. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case and they just really don't care about taking 5 minutes to change this spawn time.
  12. Risiko Augur

    I honestly don't mind the long camps nor do I mind farming mobs to complete "epic" quests.

    What bothers me is the fact that if you want to complete your Shadowknight Epic in era, you have to CHEAT to even stand a chance at completing it.

    You can not compete with auto-clickers and automated scripts.

    That's what bothers me, and that's why it should be changed.
    Herf and phaeril like this.
  13. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    What's funny is that he forgot to check, "Click through pets". Then there would be no spam for everybody else to about. But then, it's only spam and it's not like DBG will do anything about spam :)
  14. Taladir Augur

    This is actually a really good solution. If he was even up 10 minutes it would preserve the tenacity needed to find him up, but not require either high levels of stress and time doing it legitimately or resorting to cheating as others have been shown to do.
  15. skkoris New Member

    Hey i'm just trying to give my pet something why you getting so mad? Taking pictures like i'm a celebrity of Coirnav. Stop it you flatter me.

    Yeah i did go ape at you Dranix coz you beat me for the turn in, F you lol, i'm still salty.

    :D hahahahahahaHAHAHA

    On the real tho this camp is aids and I do feel like you have no chance playing fair, which i do, which is why i don't have 1 turn in yet =( unlike some people coming back after they have epic for BP and earing. Would be nice if turn in was easier, but i doubt they will change it now after how many times its been asked for. I suppose it will feel better once we get it??

    Making a post taking a picture and whining like a B1ATCh tho just coz you lost turn in thats low end bro
    even for you, shame on ya, ya scrub. I just wanna get my turn ins done like everyone and then me and poor Kobanab can peace out.

    Mans was full sky in era pleb.

    Mans dnt cheat mans too swole for that, ya Jabroni.

  16. Dranix Augur


    Mans tried to pay someone to open trade with me and we laughed about it in tells.

    Mans tried to use cash shop item to screw up my trade.

    Mans failed at griefing then spent the next two hours in a nerd rage

    I'm glad you're laughing along with us at least you're not taking it so personally.
    Taladir likes this.
  17. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I think it's great that this thread is about to be locked because DBG will read your personal attacks, but they won't comment on the toxic situation they have created that is causing you all to be so hurt and caustic towards each other.

    Come on, DBG!
    Taladir likes this.
  18. skkoris New Member

    Fake news but... LOL

    I believe you bent the knee and complimented me for this.. LOL

    Mans never failed mans allowed you the turn in fam.. LOL

    Try 4... LOL

    It is what it is bro, this quest is aids... LOL

  19. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    Just to be sure you all have the same info, and because if you follow these instructions you don't need to worry about ever interacting with each other, I re-present this handy set of instructions for getting the Marl hand-in:

    You may not be first, but there is zero reason to be hating on each other.

    Even if it is friendly hate :D
  20. Xeris Augur

    You can absolutely get Marl turnin without scripting or autoclicking or anything. Most of the people who complain about it in my experience are just slow as and don't know how to do it properly, lol.

    If you're an older dude with reflexes that aren't so fast, you're gonna lose the turnin and just blame autoclicking because you can't fathom people fast with a mouse