April Fool's Funny For The Wrong Reasons...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by HeatherPurrs, Apr 1, 2018.

  1. Zaviere Augur

    Speak for yourself, grandpa! :p
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  2. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Your signature is obnoxiously large.
    Yinla, Tankk, gotwar and 1 other person like this.
  3. Mendel Journeyman

    /chatfontsize only works for the current chat window. It does nothing for buttons or menu items (the EQ button) or anything else. The /chatfontsize also doesn't work on the chat input line. You're always typing in the default font size, usually /chatfontsize 4.
    Herf likes this.
  4. Bumkus Elder

    i like the font. i've shrunk my hotbuttons to keep more of my screen visible and now most of the hotbutton text fits inside the buttons. how can i keep it this way?
  5. Zaviere Augur

    The third quote isn't catching on as much as I would have liked, so I guess I'll take that out. Everything else is far too important to not be in my signature.
  6. Cicelee Augur

    Next year's prank for April Fools should be a 1 million unresistable damage death touch to one random character in game once per minute. Could be a bazaar mule, could be an AFK toon in guild hall, could be the raid leader for a raid. One person, per minute, per server.

    Could have the emote say something like Bristlebane laughs at you for 1000000 damage!

    Now that would be hilarious.
    gotwar likes this.
  7. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Oh the salt...

    Its one damn day, if it bothers you... go the F outside and find some eggs... or watch tv, or other internet related videos about how babies are made. Something tells me tomorrow, all will be right in the world of Norrath and Forum_Quest
    Geroblue and Maedhros like this.
  8. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Let us Rampage in PoK next year on April 1st please!
  9. menown Augur

    Make PoK a PvP zone next year.
    Maedhros likes this.
  10. Maedhros High King

    I am thinking of keeping this as my font all year round.
    Its like lifting weights for my eyes. Pretty soon I will have the strongest eyes in history.

    Seriously though, shouldn't you triggered people all be in the hospital right now, what with the traumatic eye injury you just sustained and all.
    Geroblue and Nennius like this.
  11. Oakenblade Former ForumQuest Champion

    I would "Like" this comment, but I've been banned from Forum Quest too many times for hurting people's feelings. So they took away my "Like" button. But I felt you should know that what you said was found to be enjoyable by me.
    Maedhros likes this.
  12. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Did it for you. :)
  13. Bigstomp Augur

    It was amusing for a bit, then I started using /font arial
    Typing 11 characters after zoning to the final zone I'm expecting to end up in wasn't a big burden.
  14. Oakenblade Former ForumQuest Champion

    I'd ask you to like this one for me too, but I don't want you to come off as self-serving.

  15. svann Augur

    A practical joke is funny once. Not over and over. Just sayin
    Yinla likes this.
  16. Mediik Augur

    Not funny. Annoying.
  17. Allayna Augur

    Omgz DBG...cmon I demand you please 100% of the eq community 100% of the time. Anything less and the whole community will rage quit and join a blizzard game!

    I demand my $0.50/day be heard!
  18. Rowanoak Elder

    Filthy Casuals, Wingdings is where its at
    Azbaelus and Jumbur like this.
  19. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Like the drakes in skyfire :)
    Yinla likes this.
  20. Critts Augur

    There should have been a quest that screwed up your font. That would have been some next lv game play.