True Box

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tyrial, Mar 16, 2018.

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  1. Machentoo Augur

    The guys leveling the fastest are not boxing, I guarantee you. If 6 real players can't outplay one guy boxing 6 toons, don't blame the 1 guy.
  2. WhoIsIt New Member

    Rofl, don't let the door hit you on the way out buddy. 2018 and complaining about boxing. I box on cheap $100 refurbished laptops, very inexpensive and the game runs on just about anything. What makes you think the best boxers are cheating? I think players like you that point the finger at boxing are getting old and tired. Get over's going nowhere.
  3. Machentoo Augur

    They got old and tired in 2002. Now they are just going for nostalgia.
  4. Laronk Augur

    If this guys setup is beating a group of players dayum, he's not even using macro enabled controllers
  5. BadBeans New Member

    Multi-boxing makes me sad panda as a solo player. I know other people say “it doesn’t hurt you” but I disagree and think it does. I want to play EQ because it forces people to group. However, multi-boxers don’t need me in their group or camp. They prefer to solo in a group game by having 6 computer and 6 keyboards and 6 mice. As such they don’t need me or want me in their groups, and then I am force to solo. And EQ is NOT a fun game to solo and thus I don’t have a good time. And when it’s time to raid I’m rolling against the same person with 6 different accounts to mine one, and it hurts. So from my perspective it sucks and I refuse to box. Sorry, just my opinion and I understand it’s not the majority of EQ now. I guess you can never go home again.
    SithWizard and HoodenShuklak like this.
  6. Machentoo Augur

    Thankfully, Daybreak has given us servers (truebox servers) where I am not forced to group with you. You may want it, but I don't. #metoo.
    Accipiter likes this.
  7. Kahna Augur

    Huh, what raid rolls on loot, or gives boxes the same status as mains?
    Nickatropolis likes this.
  8. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Mostly that would be relegated to RMT guilds.
  9. kamikazeheart Elder

    I understand your point of view, and I used to share this perspective as well. While I would like to see a progression server without krono (or at least no krono until maybe PoP) I have also experienced Fippy, Ragefire, and Lockjaw, and I can say without a doubt that the True Box servers are way less toxic and way less often are people boxing more than maybe 1 or 2 other characters. I can assure you that as the krono rush begins to slow (around Velious) you will not see as many 6 boxers.

    There are a lot of people playing only one main, trust me, its probably close to at least 75% of the server with 20% maybe running 2 or 3 characters, and a small percent less than 5% maybe running a 6 box team. You will hardly see them once levels spread out. Also most raiding guilds do not allow people to bid on loot with boxes unless no mains want the item in question.

    tl/dr: don't rob yourself of the opportunity to experience classic EQ and make new friends and have fun because of the 5% of people on the server 6 boxing. You'll run into them a lot less than you think and after around Luclin/PoP they are very rare.
  10. Ocelot New Member

    This is such a common misconception, that if you take away the ability to box all of these boxers are just going to start grouping with you. I box because I prefer to solo, you restrict my ability to box and guess what? I'll be the mage soloing giants in Solb, not grouping with you. I am busy, have to afk a lot, and like the freedom to come and go as I need. If I could not play EQ in a mostly solo capacity I simply won't play, it's not like all these boxers are potential group mates, they are boxing because it fits their playstyle\lifestyle and EQ gives them that outlet you take it away and they will just leave.

    Boxers and single boxers can co exist on the same server, one is not hurting the other. Single boxed groups can monopolize content, and certainly will, just the same as boxers can.
    Ilshade, Chatoyan, Accipiter and 2 others like this.
  11. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Not how that works. The faster those items start getting farmed the faster they are going to drop in price. Right now the demand for them is as high as it's ever going to be, as time goes on and more people start hitting cap and farming them for themselves the supply:demand ratio will start leaning more towards supply.

    Nobody is forcing you to buy GEBS/Djarn rings at level 25 for 5 krono, but the option is there for those that want it. The people that buy them TODAY aren't going to be competing with you in a month to buy them so the price you pay will be less.

    And the amount of plat they dump into the economy is very small compared to the total # of people playing. You aren't getting a pair of GEBS for 400p whether or not Billy Mageface killed 1000 hill giants before you left Crushbone.
    Chatoyan and Pikallo like this.
  12. Adrienna New Member

    Oh hey, someone complained about me and even posted screen shots (Caramia is my warrior).

    Why do I box 4 accounts? Because I'm a busy mom of a special needs 4 year old, and the only time I have to play is after my son goes to sleep. My play time is mostly limited to 2-3 hours a day. And to make matters worse, I'm on the west coast, so many people are already done for the day by the time I get a chance to log on.

    And I can assure you that the only real money involved is coming from my pocket for potions.

    If it makes you feel any better, I'm not sure I will even continue on this server. Exp is just too slow and I don't know if I will be able to keep up.

    Are there any more assumptions you would like to make?
    jeskola likes this.
  13. Febb Augur

    BigHurb and Sikem like this.
  14. pinco Lorekeeper

    Camilia and all boxers come to lockjaw you can box to your hart content and its not a true box server,and most people are friendly, and better exp then phin and cor
  15. Adrienna New Member

    I've thought about going back to Lockjaw. I rolled a real 6 box there when it came out, but stopped playing because I was tired of all the boxer hate. What expansion are they on now?
  16. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Get a group of friend together and level together so you can level fast, farm items, and screw up the economy.
  17. Hinastorm Elder

    Bighurb, you know nothing about this woman. B/c she's single and has a special needs child, that means she is unable to have any time for herself at all? Or that it automatically means she is struggling finincially?

    The hell.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  18. Febb Augur

    I'm pretty sure we all know who is psycho here and it isn't the mother of the special needs child.

    You need to get some help if you get this bent out of shape over a game.
  19. Babayetu0101 Journeyman

    A wild, uneducated redneck has appeared
    Kattria Minx and Kaenneth like this.
  20. Diadem New Member

    Agreed. I don't necessarily condone boxing but personal attacks like this are completely out of line.
    Kattria Minx and Kaenneth like this.
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