New player - TLPs vs Classic, and bonus questions

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Eshna, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. Eshna New Member

    Hey everyone. Potentially old payer returning to relive the day of old on the new Corinav server that is being planned. I dug around the forums looking for the answers I seek and couldn't find any. I apologize a head of time if this has already been hashed out.

    1: Will there be items that were nerfed on live, added first in their prenerf version and eventually either removed or nerfed to their current version? The FAQ was fairly vague on this. Stating that some "may" follow this route. Was curious to see the real world examples on current TLPs. Example being Circlet of Shadows cast time nerf around velious.

    2: I see with purchasing the new game content there are bonus bags, exp goblets, and other goodies that have the * next to them to be included on TLP servers. Some of these items never existed in some of the locked time lines. Are these available from the get go?

    3: With true boxing the wording states that it is one account per computer. Now specifically is this one per computer or ip address? Or is it one per paid account?

    To add a reference point I have been playing quite a bit on p99 and would like to experience some of the contact that I enjoyed most (PoP, LDoN, GoD). The new TLP server sounds like an opportunity to do so. My biggest concern is how much of that original feel is going to be frankensteined into something else, for better or worse.

    Thank you for the time and any insight!
  2. Yruc Augur

    Welcome back, while you wait on the launch of Coinav if you haven't already I recommend you get your old account back. Also go through the tutorial on one of the live servers to learn about what has changed and learn about what class you may want to play.

    Go to this link, and try the first steps and if that doesn't work then click that didn't work link at the bottom. Provide as much information as you can, old billing address / old credit card #'s (check amazon they keep a history of credit cards), old email address, old server you played on, characters names etc. It may take awhile but it is really worth the effort if you can recover the account. You get vet rewards. While the vet rewards will not be available immediately on Coinav when it catches up to the live servers, some of the vet rewards could be claimed.

    Now to your questions:

    1. Yes. Main one that is missing is the mana stone, it is gone. Though rubicite, dark elf mask, circlet of shadows will be available (for a short time, dark elf mast available until 2 weeks after launch of Kunark, then the nerfed version shows up. Same with the rubicte / circlet of shadows though I don't remember how long the un-nerfed versions are around)

    2. The bags and xp pots should be available. Things like mounts may not be until it reaches a certain expansion. in the DB store it sells mounts, those mounts are not available until Luclin launches. Some of the illusions may or may not be available, especially if it has extra stats or abilities, like ability to levitate all the time.

    3. The true box code, is 1 account logged in per computer. So if you 2 computers you can login 2 different accounts. This has helped reduce the number of box armies, but some people have bought cheap systems to run eq to box more characters.

    There have been quality of life improvements made to EQ. Playing on the TLP is a lot like it was back in the day, but not as harsh. When you die, you respawn at your bind point with all your equipment minus some xp. You can go back to your corpse and get a rez to get xp back, but you dont have to do it naked any more. Hell levels are gone. Everyone gets a "origin" ability at level 5 that lets them return to their home starting city once every 20 min (nice for melee not having to always look for a port out of a dungeon) there are soulbinders in cities that melee can use to bind, and not have to wait / pay for a caster to do it for them.
  3. Eshna New Member

    Awesome thank you very much! That pretty much covers the big ones, the rest I will just have to get a feel for poking around in the game.
  4. Inictus Elder

    I'm not so sure about Rubicite this time around. Per the Coirnav Progression Server FAQ:

    Cazic-Thule - Will begin in the form after Rubicite was removed.
  5. Yruc Augur

    I see that, Not sure what that means. I know it dropped in classic on Agnarr. Hopefully talking about the zone layout kinda like they have to use the new freeport instead of the old one.. So hopefully it will be there.