Molo leving path tips for new players effective but reccomended for second or third character.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Questoften32, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. Drusi Augur

    I am starting to believe OP must have a browser plugin that inserts random errors in his/her text.

    There is no other way that a published author with 16 stories to his/her credit and English as his/her first language would write like this.

    Then again that might be part of your genius to think "different".

    Please, have someone in your house proofread what you write before you post it.

    There is some useful information in your posts it is just hard to parse for us mundanes :)

    Let's take this nugget of wisdom:
    I am assuming you mean that if the new player keeps dying to the other mobs in the zone(Mesa), then they should be soloing by pulling 6 giants.

    My reading of your text is that these 6 giants must be in Mesa and that I should pull them as singles.

    Perhaps you meant something else. Perhaps I should pull all 6 giants at once...

    You need to make this kind of advice more precise otherwise it keeps us guessing and in suspense.
    Annastasya and kinadafz like this.
  2. Questoften32 Augur

    Yeah..and more than that, young or old, more to do with chosen culture than age. They don't even teach people how to write properly in most schools.

    Tis a wonder they can sign there name in cursive. Might have start making there mark with an X. All this is weary interesting, but neither here nor there, oh clever pals of mine.

    Read it and post on the subject or if you cant comprehend, move along. All the same to me. I have decided just to respond on topic, as it were. No more jolly-rogering.
    My bank deposit records, and the letters I still receive from readers, say otherwise, why should your words bother me?;)
  3. Quasimojo Elder

    What strikes me about the OP's post is that it's targeted at new players, but worded to only make sense to veterans. Heck, I've played EQ off and on since 2001, and there are a few items on his list that I would have to go and research, just to know where to begin. Then there is the fact that for a "published author" there are a lot of confusing grammatical errors that you have to read a couple times to understand.

    I'm away from EQ often enough and for long enough periods that every time I come back I face a learning curve. I appreciate anyone who makes an effort to help. I just wish they would put a little more effort into their effort. :p
    Questoften32 likes this.
  4. Drusi Augur

    Questoften32, the golden standard for EQ guides should be this:

    Almar's guides are simple to understand for players new to the game and still useful for those who already have experience with EQ.

    I realize you are trying to be clever but clever can be easily misunderstood.
    Questoften32 likes this.
  5. Sely New Member

    Read as a new player, there is not enough information for an actual new player. A real new player doesn't know reach means Crescent Reach, what a hotzone is or how to find it, what A. caverns is. Starting characters are taken to the Mines tutorial if they start a new character
  6. HULKMAN Lorekeeper

    Check out the Hotzone vendor guy in POK . He tells you whats the hotzone and gives you EXP bonus quest
  7. Rokkeb Journeyman

    Crescent Reach gets you to 15ish so fast and easy with defiant drops at a pretty good rate I think wasting time running to CB/BB/Najena isn't worth while. And if you stay in the undead area you can easily get to 20, but if Blightfire Moors happens to be on the hotzone list for 30 or whatever it usually is. Leaving to do rats/snakes at 15 will get you to 20 crazy fast, then gnolls, then spores etc. You can power from 15 to 30 in Moors with a new character and a f2p merc easily in a short session.
  8. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    i have tried the CR route.
    People think so much of it, that i simply at one time "had to".

    And i maintain, from my own first-hand experience:
    TSS mobs are "overpowered" for their levels.
    And while TSS zones (CR onwards) are "ok" and certainly "doable",
    there are faster - and most importantly: easier - ways than that.

    Not that it REALLY matters at these levels.
    It's the 40s and later in the 70s when different paths pay off or not.