June 21 Patch Status

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Plainbelly, Jun 21, 2017.

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  1. Restac Journeyman

    I've played some mmo's over the years with Stellar pr. During downtime there would be an update by a dev at least every 30 mins. Usually somewhat detailed as to what the problems were and what they're doing to fix them. The players loved it. These random posts from devs here are just almost useless. Virtually No information conveyed beyond what is obvious.. "the servers are down, we're not sure for how long" Like others have said it would help if you would tell us whats going on. Do we sit here hoping they will come back up in another few mins, or should we go do something else if they're going to be down another hour?
    OssOr likes this.
  2. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Take it easy, Daybreak and friends. Things will turn out all right in the end.
    Fanra, Khat_Nip and Jhenna_BB like this.
  3. Roartyger Smoot Elder

    It's almost 4:20. Should be up the minute before that.
  4. telezar Journeyman

    Think people are starting to get angry. I saw a angry mob gathering with pitchforks and torches.
    Krelian likes this.
  5. xakanrn Augur

    Well sorry but my memory of EQ was extended downtime nearly always and looking thru threads seems this has been the pattern even after I left .
    Its called ' lessons learnt" in most companies .
    If a pattern occurs even 50% of the time for over 1 year its something is wrong somewhere and no lessons learnt for sure.
    fuloph likes this.
  6. OssOr New Member

    When my clients get frustrated because of my fault i compensate for it, always.
    Let's hope DBG does too, or i'll stop believing they can get frustrated.
    fuloph likes this.
  7. geteven New Member

    no joy in mudville today
    Regnon and Kazak like this.
  8. The real Sandaormo Augur

    I haven't been able to play all day I want my:
    30 divided by $14.99 = .49 cents back!
    oops appears i over reacted.
    Ethereal likes this.
  9. Lennyn Elder

    How do you get to test when the EQ launcher looks like this still?
  10. Ethereal Augur

    LOL this.
  11. Malachi Augur

    Man this seems like such a familiar statement. Same dev different game. Bought out. Shut down.
    Kazak likes this.
  12. Ethereal Augur

    If you ever plan to use test, it's a good idea to run a separate EQ folder just for test.
  13. Restac Journeyman

    you have to go to your eq folder and run the TestEverquest application. That should open the test server patcher.
    Lennyn likes this.
  14. Nalisa Lorekeeper

    DBG has this self-entitlement attitude when it comes to customer service, because they know you will get over it and play the sub. They don't deal with real people, they deal with twitter, facebook, and email on their computers. They are a cut and paste resolver. send you a flat statement when it doesn't even relate to your problem. Heres an example... there was a NPC missing in PoK that I needed for progression to another Tier zone. I sent this issue in and got a blanket statement saying I will send this to the appropriate dept. Then closed my petition as complete, as it wasn't and then moved to a TLP server after a month of waiting. I would love to have a job where I can pass the buck and call it a job well done.
    fuloph and Regnon like this.
  15. Tunks Journeyman

    So I have some experience with troublesome electrical gizmos and gadgets and if there's one thing I've learned from various customer service conversations about them it's this:

    (1) Look at the internet light, is it flashing?
    (2) Press the reset button
    (3) Look at the internet light, is it flashing?
    (4) Unplug your modem
    (5) Plug it back in
    (6) Look at the internet light, is it flashing?
    (7) Unplug your router
    (8) Plug it back in
    (9) Look at the internet light, is it flashing?
    (10) Restart your computer
    (11) Look at the internet light, is it flashing?
    (12) "kkkkshhhhh wshhhhh pffffffff tunnel sssspppphhhh losing you"
    (13) *click*

    Should fix your problem regardless of what it is
    Gyurika Godofwar, Senadin and Stephen like this.
  16. Twiztyd New Member

    Eh i will forget all about this server downtime once it`s back up, what i think is going to sick with me is the only real communication i can see or find from the team and community managers are `warnings`and the `its all down dunno whats going on` post. That + deleting posts leaves me feeling like there is some not very professional people behind the keyboard at one of my favorite games :(

    Oh well, life goes on. Maybe we will get a bonus xp weekend or something like that :) fingers crossed!
    fuloph and OssOr like this.
  17. Senadin Elder

    It isnt about the time lost. It is about the lack of infos and the way they handle these patches. They are setting themselves for failure when a few simple good steps could make a whole of difference!

    Better communication through the process
    Better planning of the updates, say middle of the night when you dont have most of your user base on.
    Better process to implement said update with rollback when there is failure.

    I'll go on a limb and wonder how much this update was tested before they try to implement it.

    Saying get over it or white knighting DBG is not the point. It's that we decide to accept it without saying a word, as if issues like these are OK. They ARE NOT okay! it is NOT how things are done in the real world. Finding excuse and say ohh they are a small team is also wrong. It's time we demand better as gamers and this goes beyond EQ.

    Who am i kidding.... we are as a rule, sheep, when the game is up... this will be forgotten until the next issue and rince and repeat without a fault.
    fuloph, OssOr, Regnon and 1 other person like this.
  18. Regnon Journeyman

    i know stuff happens in the IT world. but the lack of communication is appalling. The longer this goes on the more pissed i get. Other MMO's are starting to look better and better.
    fuloph likes this.
  19. Stephen Journeyman

    Hurrah......i have a solution
  20. xakanrn Augur

    Easy way of putting it
    But for many its not about the money .Its a loss of a service.
    most service outrage actually cost pennies to the customer
    fuloph and OssOr like this.
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