Why am I being harassed for boxing?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Champ, May 25, 2017.

  1. Deltaloko New Member

    You realize DBG has like 5 employees for EQ now right? And all of them need EQ to survive to continue to have those jobs?
  2. Samueru Journeyman

    Pictures or I don't believe you.
  3. Vandross Lorekeeper

    Should every one of the 6 boxers post pics / a video?

    Getting 6 computers to play a 20 year old game isn't hard. You can do it under a thousand dollars. If you guys are jealous that we can play 6, i'm sorry but that's just how it is. :cool:
    sifonin likes this.
  4. Vandross Lorekeeper

    I 6 box using 6 physical computers, and I don't use any softare. Does that make you mad? Or do you think I'm stupid for doing so? Either way, I'm not going to stop!
  5. sifonin Augur

    Dude just keep on doing you. As the pop spreads out more on Agnarr, you will get less grief for it, and probably find like minded folks.
  6. Samueru Journeyman

    Yes, I should also get a cookie every time I see a boxer.
  7. Strawberry Augur

    People who say they operate 6 different individual keyboards and mice are full of **** and 100% lying

    If you figured out how to use multiple PC, you are also aware of the thousands of programs and multiple mice and keyboards that allow you to operate those PC through a single keyboard / mouse.

    Microsoft, Logitech, Synergy, tons of switches you can just buy on Amazon, there are thousands of options to operate multiple PC through a single mouse / keyboard.



  8. Your_Ad_Here Augur

    So, I'll chime in here.

    When I started on RF, my first TLP to try, I was really upset seeing people boxing. Now, at the time, I had come from ESO where BOTS were rampant. Lines of them parading around just wiping everything out. So I ended up having a 'build in' bias against any big group or line of people doing things at once.

    So one day, I'm fighting, and I see a group of players CLEARLY boxing/botting (to me mind you). So I sent them nasty tells and rude remarks. But what was interesting, is the lead player, a barbarian, actually stopped and replied back. He asked me why I had a problem with him playing more than one character in a boxing group.

    I told him how they would take up all the mobs in an area, keep me from getting certain quests done, and I think (internally) that I was a bit jealous that I couldn't play more than one character at a time.

    So do you know what he said? He said "Well, let me know what creatures you need and I won't fight them. Or, I can drop one of my boxes and you can join me for a bit."


    I feel some people do get a bias after seeing or reading about all these nasty boxers taking things away from people. Or perhaps they are getting boxing and botting confused. And granted, I have run into quite a few groups where no matter how many times I send tells or talk to them (and I mean each of the characters) no one answers. So yes, I admit, I make a video and report them as bots.

    So I suggest to those, before they fly off the handle, talk to the player that looks like they are leader of the group. You might be surprised. They could be nice peoples.
    sifonin likes this.
  9. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Just give it up. Really. It's nothing personal, but you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Using switches to control separate boxes is not specifically disallowed. There are software packages that allows players to broadcast keystrokes to multiple instances of a game. It was being used on the earlier iterations of TLP to such an extent that they came up with True Box. There is a gulf of difference between broadcasting keystrokes and switching between control of separate boxes. One is okay. The other is not.

    Even so, there were dev posts around the time of Phinny launch where the dev highly recommended not using any kind of switches and just using a regular keyboard and mouse. Why would he say this? Because they have code in place to detect for the use of hardware and software that isn't allowed and using a switch could trigger it.

    No one that you see 6 boxing on Agnarr is using anything they shouldn't, as much as I'm sure you would love it to be true. As with anything technical, of course, at some point someone might find a way around the code. If you suspect that a boxer is using 3rd party assistance contrary to the rules, by all means, report it. Getting video helps, too. But it's not something you can just assume because someone is boxing a group and it's not always something that can be eyeballed. Some people really are just fast and good at it. But a GM can look at what they are doing and make that determination.

    I'm an occasional boxer, myself, and I don't want to see anyone cheating either. But playing a bunch of toons at once or boxing in a camp you think is owed to you isn't that, in and of itself, even if you would like for it to be or it looks like it. 6 boxers aren't breaking any rules just by 6 boxing and they aren't using disallowed assistance just because you say so. Because of the steps DBG has taken to enforce this, when you see a boxer, more likely than not they are doing absolutely nothing contrary to the clearly stated polices. If you are looking for a no-boxing server, you are looking in the wrong place.
  10. Groans Augur

    this, they have no idea if they weren't on rage with that one guy that had 20 mages boxed lol, this is nothing, these true box server are so much better
  11. Groans Augur

    Also to the guys giving all the props to boxers for making the servers run. That is not how it works, they do not typically generate revenue directly, what happens is they can lock down a camp for a high value item/items etc. Then farm and sell, they then use those finds to buy Kronos from players to fuel Thier accounts, some sell them to other sites which is bad for dbg, some just use them or gather great in game wealth.

    This is why other people and myself would like to see a no Kronos ttuebox server that would be a better way to limit boxing, no Kronos means you have to pay the monthly subscription for each account.
  12. Throndor Augur

    This topic reeks of SJW communist double-speak.
    sifonin likes this.
  13. Machentoo Augur

    You are overstating the case here. There are definitely a few that have working versions of m q. Doesn't mean all or even most 6 boxers are using it.
  14. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Basic economics, my friend. The farmers consume the krono and take them out of the system. Necessitating that people buy, from DBG, more krono. Hence, they drive the krono economy. DBG doesn't have to worry about 3rd party krono sales because they all originated with a purchase from them. Krono aren't created anywhere else. As much as I'm not a fan of krono, gotta hand it to them for coming up with the system because it's smart. The RMT market goes on, regardless. At least this way, they get a piece of it every time.

    I love that this discussion has me saying all this this. I don't like krono or the krono farmers, either. But the fact that they help keep the game going is undeniable, as freaking irritating that they are.

    I would love to play on a server like that, too. I'd be there with bells on. But it's never going to happen.
  15. Throndor Augur

    Yep, there's a workaround being distributed amongst the good old boys club.
  16. Fluid Augur

    While I am not sure this was his motivation, I was grouped with a someone who apparently had a second account in follow mode. Three people in group with one guy using autofollow to get a 4th. We got repeatedly trained and it resulted in 6 or 7 character deaths. Understand I never met the other people in the group before last night and it was just an Ad Hoc group. I'm assuming we were targeted because he suspected we were bots. Dumb vigilante since he could get banned. Pretty easy for DBG to figure out we were live players. We didn't turn him in but I hope he gets that he dodged the bullet on this.
  17. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Oh, I'm sure. But that's my point. What's being said is that all or most 6 boxers are cheating and that's simply not the case. You can't just see a 6 box group and assume, by default, they are doing something they shouldn't. Most people who box are regular, rule abiding players, who just happen to like to box.
  18. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    If I recall correctly, a bunch of people got banned on rage/lj training box groups they thought were using the disallowed software. Your guy there definitely dodged a bullet. Anyone trains my group,boxed or not, there are going to be petitions and reports.
  19. Groans Augur

    Ok tis part is not exactly how it works. If they sell them to an rmt site people don't buy them from dbg, they buy them from the site, sure initially it works but once someone goes and sells 200 Kronos dbg does not get a piece of that, Kronos makes them money only they get consumed so they really are losing alot of money this way. Something is better then nothing sure but it's still a loss.
  20. Strawberry Augur

    Of course it's condoned, where did I say it wasn't? You can't detect these hardware solutions.

    I said that people claiming they box 6 characters using 6 keyboard and mice are full of ****.

    I think this massive influx of boxers is ruining the EQ experience for others, but that's another discussion.

    My post was a response to people claiming they didn't use any additional software or hardware to box 6 characters, which is bs, no one is juggling 6 keyboards and mice.