Why am I being harassed for boxing?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Champ, May 25, 2017.

  1. Febb Augur

    He isn't talking about controlling all those PC's using 3rd party software. He is talking about using the in game macros pushing one button on each of the PC's keyboards to make the characters do a variety of actions.
  2. The Hated One Augur

    Yeah wife and I got hassled last night. I just ignore them. I don't train, take all the mobs or hassle anyone. We just do our thing and hang out with people we know. One of them questioned us about whether or not we had all the computers so wife fired a pick off of our custom comp station. The response was "Nice!" eheh. Sure some folks may be doing it the wrong way but all the folks I know box legally on this server. That said I would leave agnar and phinny in a second if they made a regular exp, non locked, instanced server that boxing was ok'd on. Boxer heaven =).
  3. Amygdala New Member

    Yeah. You are going to get people that don't like boxing and hence don't like you. You will get the people that will train your whole group of boxes before you can even blink twice. Haters gonna hate regardless of what server you box on.
  4. Vandross Lorekeeper

    Nope. You're absolutely 100% wrong.

    I run 2 mages in my 6box. A bard, which I literally don't even have to play , i just hit /melody and he's basically not having to be touched outside of moving to a different zone.

    Same with my wizzie, she's just a port box. I'm literally only playing 4 characters. 2 aren't doing that much, so yeah you have no idea what you're talking about.
    Janakin likes this.
  5. Stigmas Elder

    Well he decided to talk about something I never was. From the start I'm talking about six boxers, that have all six characters performing actions simultaneously.
  6. Vandross Lorekeeper

    Yeah, I have seen none who hit all actions at once. That's BS and you guys know it. It's 1 out of 100 boxers who cheat like that. Stop blaming your shortcomings on people who like to play 6 toons. I'll give you a simple example what bothers me about you box haters.

    I'll hit space bar on both of my mages (2 of my 6 characters) both my pets will assist my main character. Then, I hit both nuke keys simultaneously on both mages.

    "He's cheating! He's cheating! He used multiple spells at once!" like seriously? (not that anyone has accused me of this yet, but it wont surprise me one bit)

    Also, take into account this game has very low APM and being able to hit 2 keyboards at once isn't hard. Now if you see 6 characters doing things all at once that's a different story. But like I said, that is 1 out of 100, if not more. I haven't even seen it yet on Agnarr.
  7. Stigmas Elder

    You need to chill out and stop being defensive. I doubt anyone has even bothered you on the server.

    I have specifically seen someone running 6 mages all pets attacking at the same time and all mages nuking at the same time.
  8. Baldur Augur

    Did you even read his links, he's talking about in game macros, not 3rd party software.

    And I'm sorry you're not talented enough to do it, but for all of you saying you can't control 6 accounts and cast at the same time are wrong. It's a lot of busy work, constantly hitting keys, but it can definitely be done.
  9. Stigmas Elder

    And did you Even read my post? Where I specifically talk about all character performing actions at the same time.
  10. Strawberry Augur

    A server meant to limit boxing should have always only allowed for 1 IP address.

    TrueBox was supposed to limit boxing, and it's clearly incapable of doing that.
  11. Kunon Augur

    I don't box, but the anti boxer paranoia and hate makes me boggle. So.... This is to make you boxers out there better. =P

    Example of Mage Social Macro
    /assist (tank or main toon name)
    /pause 3, /pet attack
    /pause (variable, lets say 50), /cast 1 (best bolt spell)

    Variations of this will work for every class since there just aren't many abilities or spell to cast per fight.

    Example of Wizard Macro
    /assist (tank name)
    /pause 3
    /pause 50, /cast 1 (nuke)

    Example of Rogue Macro
    /assist (tank name) - This turns on autoattack
    Then just position toon and have auto abilities on (will auto mash backstab)

    Example of Healer Macro
    /target (tank name)
    /pause 3
    /pause 50, /cast 1 (heal)

    And that is pretty much all there is in classic EQ. Cast one or 2 spells, position and autoattack, cast a heal or 2. You can literally be great at early EQ, or multi box 6 toons at once by pushing one button (or 6 if 6 boxing) while watching your favorite TV show. Bind those socials to a different keys on each keyboard for each computer. This prevents the occasional miss read from the detection system of multi boxing from a single computer.

    Later in life, when the game actually start to require using multiple abilities and spells you will want to set up macros and multi binds. Here is a video on why binds and multi binds are good and how to set them up. Not my video, a guildmates.

    Everyone should use binds and multi binds. Clicking is just no. It is bad, friends dont let friends click stuff in game, and it is far far far from playing even close to max potential later in the game. And for the love of god this isn't a FPS. Use third person, not first person.
    Champ likes this.
  12. Champ Lorekeeper

    If not for us boxers, there would be no EQ. While you filthy casuals left the game, we kept EQ alive.
    sifonin likes this.
  13. Machentoo Augur

    You don't need to position the toon, just the mob. When I six box a heavy melee group, I usually pull with the tank and keep all the melees autofollowed on the tank. Pull the mob to the tank, and, it usually ends up sitting nicely between the tank and all the autofollowed toons. Sometimes you have to flip the tank around to get the autofollowed toons positioned behind the mob, but if you practice it a bit it becomes very easy.

    Or, just stand all the melees in one place, and pull the mobs to right in front of them, if you are in a static camp and the group doesn't need to constantly move.

    People think boxing melees is hard, but it really isn't, especially now that they auto backstab and flying kick etc. You can go hours without ever having to move most of the toons at all.
  14. Goodnews Augur

    I wonder if a single server offering no-box, no krono would help distinguish to potential players which one they would enjoy the most.
    Then Daybreak can keep both revenue streams and these kinds of negative interactions need not happen.
  15. Dabrixmgp Augur

    They just mad cause they poor and cant afford 6 computers.
  16. afrique New Member

    Because everything is contested there will come a time when you're at a cash/item camp that requires a group to do. Another group will come along and be pissed off that you're being greedy and keeping it all for yourself. You're not the only one boxing so this will be happening at multiple camps. In short its because you're being greedy like Mr. Scrooge and keeping everything for yourself while ruining the fun for others.
  17. nagash101 Augur

    I resurrected all my old PCs, i had in a closet for the last 8 or 9 years. heats my office up fast as hell but its worth the cost to have a few boxes up and running.
  18. Rauven Augur

    Its pretty easy. Report them back. If they report you for boxing and you report them for harassing. Then Daybreak will make a choice.

    If they get banned, then you can box. If you get banned, you cannot. Pretty simple and you'll know where DB stands on the issue.
  19. Dixa Augur

    I was boxing everquest in 1999 as were many others.
  20. Dixa Augur

    it prevents automation on the level [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] provides

    macros are in game tools using in game commands.

    this difference shouldn't need to be explained to a rational adult.