Feb 15, The day all SHD became eunuchs.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Unpleasant, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. Mattnaik Lorekeeper

    Hyperbole I presume?
  2. Coronay Augur

    I hear Shamans are gonna be l33t dps now.
  3. Tucoh Augur

    I haven't seen any new parses with sha/dru dots, but I know they are pretty happy about the changes. I'd be surprised if they surpass necros right now, but necros' DPS is currently underpowered.

    However, this is all a precursor to a revamp of Necro DOTS, which hopefully will make their DPS much closer to zerker DPS.
  4. Janakin Augur

    I would love a DPS increase for all classes, I want new loot faster :p
  5. Shinzen New Member

    Speaking as a Monk... screw you all.
  6. GothicCelt Lorekeeper

    And speaking as a Paladin ... ditto ... ;)

    Shinzen likes this.
  7. Peechka Journeyman

    Yep, must of missed it. :(
  8. Orienn TreeHugger

    Most "Headshot Heroes" were dumbfounded by the nerf but I looked at it like a good thing, instead of light blue mobs its 1 level below $$ :D
    Belexes likes this.
  9. Vanlaven Elder

    Hey now, Headshot Hero is the name of my rangers guild lol
  10. Aghinem Augur

    This. This would have been a perfectly viable solution.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  11. Aghinem Augur

    Very accurate assessment.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Azbaelus like this.
  12. Aghinem Augur

    You're gravely mistaken. There have been plenty of compromises that have taken place between the developers and the player bases involving certain nerfs. Take for example, the changes to the tradeable exp potions on FV. Originally, they were going to be set to notrade - but after a fairly loud outcry, both sides agreed that the new exp potions would be notrade and the existing potions would be set as dusty exp potions, until they're consumed.

    So getting people to stop 'whining' is as likely as getting you to stop berating.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  13. Orienn TreeHugger

    So I go 2box some EoK HA's for collections and named I can see a change when I get a few adds to before but it's not drastic or anything, now I press more buttons and win lol. Until povar goes down abruptly smh
  14. Natal Augur

    In general is people complain loudly and bitterly about a change, it was probably a change that was past due. Otherwise they would shrug their shoulders and carry on.
  15. Natal Augur

    Warriors can't swarm alone. Don't make stuff up to try to rationalize yourself.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  16. Swiss Augur

    That doesn't really make sense, if they said tomorrow wizards lose 90% dps people will complain loudly and bitterly but that doesnt mean it was a good change.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  17. Aghinem Augur

    Aren't druids & shamans now out-dpsing wizards?