Out of group is the new group

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kaneras, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Karhar Dream Crusher

    I sure tell you what, its so much easier to find a group on your not exactly wanted alts with a 60 enchanter or druid oog than it is solo.
  2. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Really, you should say "If I see one more group not conforming to what I think is correct, I'll SCREAM!"
  3. TLP Addict Augur

    I much prefer the OOG boxes helping out to the IN group boxes that mostly stand around and leech xp.
  4. Ootax Augur

    EQ isn't a hard game anyway, never really was. It is more of a grind fest game and always has been. People hate killing the same thing over and over again just to get a level or a few AA's so the out of group characters are a huge welcome. Like someone said, ask before you join or go solo, it will be slow and risky which is apparently what you are looking for and if you like the community atmosphere there is always general chat to talk to people since you wont have a group.
  5. Kaneras Augur

    It just warms my heart how social this fellow is. Can't wait to group with him! This was in Lower Guk by the way.

  6. Ootax Augur

    I don't see the problem here? A guy wiling to bring his druid to PL a group. The xp on this server is horrible. I'd jump at this in a heartbeat. Do you not play when they have 50% or double xp weekends and stuff? You shouldn't if you are complaining about people bringing out of group characters to help the horrible grind go faster.
  7. Whales Aren't Orange Lorekeeper

    Could you un-blur the name please so we know who to invite? Also post yours so I know who to avoid.
  8. Silverado New Member

  9. Ming Tee Augur

    Next TLP... the old hag server.
  10. justasub Journeyman

    /em touches astley
  11. Kaneras Augur

    You can't make this stuff up. Lower Guk.

  12. Kahna Augur

    Who goes to lower guk anymore? There are plenty of other places you can go to get exp in that level. If you really hate getting exp so quickly you could always end your gaming session with a ranger gate, and let your corpse rot. No one who complains about exp ever seems to take that option though?
  13. Kaneras Augur

    You would be amazed. The experience modifier in Guk so high. I watched a low 20's player in my group tonight get a level every 30-45 minutes.
  14. Astley Augur

    Just to be clear Kaneras...

    Do you refuse to take higher level buffs out of principle?