balance.. where art thou?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Drogba, Dec 5, 2016.

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  1. EnchFWO Augur

    If it wouldn't get me banned for some reason I have no idea about I'd make a grumpy nyan cat sig in your honor.
  2. Minato Augur

    As long as its not a Gif signature they'll leave it alone >.>

    =*( R.I.P old sig
  3. Whulfgar Augur

    This is awesome coming form anyone in triton !!
  4. Maedhros High King

    Calling total BS on this. Let me see a video of your ranger buddy tanking 20 mobs at the Sarnark fort for an entire lesson burn with 250AA or whatever.
  5. Kaliko Augur

    Notice he said "A Bard Mezzing" aka the ranger isn't tanking 20 mobs :p, but I could see a ranger tanking 2-3 in raid gear with slow belt and WS proc running alot.
    Xeladom, sojero and Xanathol like this.
  6. Seldom Augur

    Nothing a Warrior can do for a raid that a Shadowknight can't, including dependably main tanking cutting edge bosses before being geared up. I love how after receiving Reaver's bargain, boosts to Tvyl's resolve and self healing capabilities, you still have a few SK's complain they have no raid role. Your raid role is to tank and you have vastly superior aggro in comparison to the other Knight class (Only time in all EQ history FYI). That's in addition to extremely powerful SK only tank ability in Reaver's Bargain (Only time in all EQ history FYI). SK's are as strong in raid content as they are in group game currently. Some classes need to be balanced and I hope they don't go the boost everyone else route. It'd be silly having more classes swarming zones when grouped, soloing 12 Lcea spiders at same time with dps mercs and running around saying get more skilled, nothing to see here!
  7. Xinj Journeyman

    WOW!! Nice video!!! Good job, btw necros need more loving please =D
    Vrinda likes this.
  8. Sindaiann Augur

    LMFAO I just pictured Jet Li coming out of nowhere!
    EnchFWO and MrMajestykx like this.
  9. Bigstomp Augur

    I got jumped between raids tonight, and the rogue in group tanked the mob fine as I healed.
  10. Thraine Augur

    are you saying triton chanters and wars out parse the rogues and zerkers here whulf? im assuming since you left triton that this is some kinda derogatory post? never can tell with you

    you complain about not having many friends but then for no apparent reason you go and blast one of the only people who liked you. your a strange guy whulf, hope SR fits your personality better than triton did
  11. sojero One hit wonder

    The hate from this one is real, Thank you

    PS reading comprehension.
  12. Whulfgar Augur

    I have never had issues with friends until I joined triton. There if you're not kissing Repthors or another officers your seen as a trouble spot.

    Never have never will kiss .

    I say anyone in triton saying anything at all about performance standards of raiding members is hilarious due to the fact that Tritons own leader Arrowheade posted in triton forums about performance standards of his raid force. That are absolutely not held across the board its pick an choose with you guys on whom to apply the "performance standards " on

    Here's the rub .. You guys apply them to certain players who are amazing the best in guild in class .. Yet allow shotty players to coast.. And not one thing said to them about the crap they pass off as "performance " the fact y'all had avory go off in guild chat just last week proves the very validity of my post here . And is the very reason I left.

    Your own raid leader Axxius has gone on to flat out state he will not hold people accountable to performance standards when it comes to clerics .. Yet other triton people such as yourself try to say yall do adhere to a performance standard ..

    When everyone knows you don't.
  13. Whulfgar Augur

    PS: Who's SR ?
  14. gotwar Gotcharms

    This thread isn't about guild drama, this thread is about nerfing:

    Enchanter DPS (Success!)
    Warrior DPS
    Monk skill level
    Mage's ability to sit in guild hall during raids (They should wait outside in the GL)

    And buffing:

    Zerker DPS
    Cleric baking skill

    Please try to stay on topic to avoid post pruning or thread locks. This needs to stay open to allow Drogbaa to post more videos of SK swarming in order to justify nerfing Warriors, Enchanters, and Mage pets.
    Vrinda, IblisTheMage and Vdidar like this.
  15. Reval Augur

  16. EnchFWO Augur

    LoL. Oh yes... major success ;)
    gotwar likes this.
  17. Picard Journeyman

    ROFL Xikteny!! This explains so much. It really does haha! How the heck is that showing up and I'm so going to give him major jazz about this now that I know about it?
  18. drinkdrpepper New Member

    ok well i guess we figured out why you're complaining about parses if you're not using it for crane stance
    it's been common knowledge since voa came out that you hit ironfist hit calanins hit crane stance and then you click that garbage off and use heel line
  19. Minato Augur

    maybe i should have put this differently i forget other guilds run events differently then we do.

    Yes i do use crane with ironfist AND terrorpalm. its reuse is short enough to get used with both of these + more times.

    We run from event to event with no downtime what so ever (perk of my server no loot down time til the end of the night) therefore wasted disc is simply bad. Now if every disc i have will always be up per event yeah i might actually do that unless it means im down a disc for 2 minutes on an event. Big numbers are lovely to see if you link one burn parse but if you link them all for the event and you wasted 2 minutes of a pretty decent disc for special attacks your parse will be worse.

    Battle of the burst vs sustained i guess
  20. drinkdrpepper New Member

    there's literally no "burst vs sustained" battle either you use ironfist the best way possible or you aren't competitive at all that's your choice
    you're looking at this in a terrible way your burn damage is also your combine
    if we pretend(not saying you are or aren't) you're one of those players that diddles their pecker on raid during add phases trash clears split phases etc but you drop a big boy burn you can still be competitive on the combined as well as the burn look at berserkers they are a prime example
    you're effectively crippling your own dps burn and combine as a large portion of your combined is your burn damage on mr boss man by using ironfist for the full duration it's the equivalent of using weapon affiliation or some garbage like that as your main burn because you don't want to waste a garbage disc
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