balance.. where art thou?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Drogba, Dec 5, 2016.

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  1. sojero One hit wonder

    They are just one of many ways to do the same thing. Do I expect balancing to come to tanks and zerkers, yeah, do I care, nope. You just have a problem with them because you are not in those groups doing it.
  2. Reval Augur

    The solution to that berserkers are fighting rooted and blind: take away the root and blind components of their abilities.... Or can you make whatever class I play be rooted, blind and go linkdead after 30 seconds but I'm 80,000,000 dps? I mean it's ok to sacrifice all sense of balance because of this inconvenience right? I love the idea of being able to put more into a class and get more out of it, but come on. There are better ways to do that, and there should be limits to a class regardless.

    I don't want berserkers to be in a bad place, I just also don't want every other dps class in existence to be in a bad place. maybe tone it down a bit so that they are more reasonable but still the best. And yeah I'm sure they eventually will, but yeesh.
    fransisco and Azzurri like this.
  3. mageface New Member


    Is needed, Sk's are clearly over powered. unless day break intended on SK's swarming any zone pretty much. or they want enchanters to tank. ect...
    fransisco and Azzurri like this.
  4. Fian Augur

    Let me jump in on the enchanter tanking side, since I am a tanking enchanter. I tank better than a poorly geared tank. I have geared my character to have very high heroic agility so that it is possible. Other classes would probably also tank quite well if they geared their character the same way that I did mine. But more than that, there are 2 reasons why enchanters need to be able to tank.
    1. Our spells are very high aggro, especially mindstorm. This can be corrected, but if you nerf tanking, but leave aggro unchanged, then we are in big trouble.
    2. Enchanters spend much of their time solo with an untanked mob. We are trying to mez them and the mez is resisted. As such they are attacking us, and not the tank. This is especially true in raid encounters where we aren't facing normal trash, but raid level mobs. If we can't survive some blows from a raid mob, then we can't do our job in the raid. The worst case of this is the new Lcenium raid where we are expected to be casting AE stun on 10+ mobs while raid tanks try and maintain aggro.

    While I understand philosophically why enchanters shouldn't tank, on the other hand, we need the ability to perform our duties.
    RPoo likes this.
  5. Wizdons Augur

    I haven't read all of this but..

    There is currently 2 classes that for the life of my i have no idea what there point is on raids outside of something that could not just be done with a box or not even have at all on raids. Also bard needs lots of help

    Monks i have no idea why they are not up there with at least current rogues and zerks. Currently they are laughable.

    Mages I dont know if our mages just suck so badly in our guild but i could not tell you the last time i saw a mage in the top ten on parse. They need some sort of DPS mode that significantly bumps their dps. This is to make it so mages are useful on raids but not so OP in group level content. Could be some sort of Pet mode that gives them blistering DPS but very fragile if mob has agro on pet.

    also Bards.. if not for the few things they provide ADPS wise there is no point in them. Yes bards are wanted, but bards are very unfulfilling to play. Literally we are dead last among all classes that DPS. way below ench way below tanks even. Any class that can dps (im talking Tanks in DPS mode, Ench, BL, Ranger, Monk, Mage) is at a minimum 50% higher than a bard if they are worth their weight in poop compared to the best performing bard.

    Now that every other Tom D & Harry has some sort of ADPS that really muddies the water were bard ADPS is concerned. ADPS is really no longer a class defining ability for Bards. Only solution would be to significantly increase bards ADPS or their personal DPS. EoK attempted this, but relative to other classes gains, all those gains are moot.
    Vdidar, Zenn and Sancus like this.
  6. Reval Augur

    I agree with Wizdons about bards. Make them more fulfilling to play. Maybe they should get one combat ability and one spell ability that if it's empty and they click it targetting a groupmate, it copies the last one that groupmate used, and they can use it twice, or keep it for 2 minutes before it goes away. If it's ever gone, then they can copy a new one. That would add so much meat to the class. It would be really cool. Or just be boring and make it so that they do 70k'ish or 80k'ish dps sustained =P. You know, whatever.
  7. mageface New Member

    I guess this is how eq is now meant to be played, lets all roll Sk's

    fransisco and Azzurri like this.
  8. Horyuken Augur

    Those videos are fun to watch! Kind of like NEO from the matrix, he can dominate all the program has to offer up!
  9. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Quiet you!

    I may no longer need your complete heals since my class is now apparently OPAF God mode king of the universe (top men!), but I still want your mediocre dps and dry wit <3
  10. Voxynn Elder

    Clearly Shadow Knights be needin that nerf stick hard whats what I seen in that video.
  11. sojero One hit wonder

    I think the real thing that needs to be nerfed is the warrior heal parses. Have you seen warrior heal parses since alliances came out. Bind wounds is real!
    Drogba and gotwar like this.
  12. Xanathol Augur

    The only video of anything really unique to SKs is the last one. I have long said that if devs wanted to stop SKs burning the kitchen sink to kill a 'swarm', then simply make a code change so that leech effects don't work on ripostes. That keeps all intended functionality present while addressing swarm pulls.
  13. Nickalispicalis Journeyman

    I see complaints about the arrangement of the deck chairs on board the Titanic. I would settle for being able to play on a server that doesn't crash every day. Start with that and deal with the minutia later.
  14. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I can't believe anybody would cry for a nerf. Your local SK would almost certainly rather have a complete group of players. If you play a non-tank, you have always needed a tank to play at any real speed. You know who always asks to join my group? DPS classes, that's who.

    You guys scream for a nerf to tanks and you're only shooting yourself in the foot.
  15. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I think the problem with this might be that SK's, unlike other tanks, have been designed to be dependent on those leech effects to stay alive.

    But more importantly, ANYBODY can play an SK if they want to. SK's have some 30k+ AAs to earn, more than most classes. All tanks have to invest far more time and money in gear. If you don't play a tank, you are playing an easier/more forgiving class, by choice. I don't think it's so bad that SKs and other tanks are rewarded for all their extra work and time.
    Xeladom and Jhenna_BB like this.
  16. Wizdons Augur

    /viewport on that UI...
  17. Wizdons Augur

    BTW i think its totally out of wack for what SKs can do.. both swarming and DPS wise..

    I have seen so many SK parses and just blow my mind.

    I have seen SKs just run in to rooms and train them self with no worry of dieing with or without a healer even do anything...

    I cant say it enough how unbalanced SKs are relative to warriors and really just about all other classes at this point.

    I also at some point thought they fixed the SK swarming ability? Guess not.
  18. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    How many AAs do warriors need access to? How many SK's are the MT in raid guilds? If you're gonna compare the characters, compare them fairly.
  19. Wizdons Augur

    AA are irreverent.. it takes < 1 month to go from level 1 to max EoK AA..

    You know Knights in general are extremely key in any raid guild.. so whats your point? and yes SK have been the MT.. at least the skilled ones. If SKs could be exclusively MT then there would be absolutely 0 reason for warriors in the game.

    ugh to sit there and say something about SKs on raids.. shall i list all the raids they are very key on? you should know if your a raider. Or if nothing else what is your assumptions of what SKs and Knights in general do on raids?

    If you do not agree that what SKs can do is OP, i am very sorry, you must be blind or the alternative (and involves you riding a yellow buss of not normal length).
  20. Xanathol Augur

    Drugs are bad.
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