One Group Naggy

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Daax, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Facebook New Member

    Please forgive Grug. The guy comes off as an elitist that thinks he knows everything about Everquest. I'm happy for him.
  2. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    I was the wizard in this video, that's why there's no monks!

    I'd probably pick a monk over a wizard. Necros, and especially mages, have a tough time landing much on Nagafen, wouldn't be the best choice.

    Here you go - just over 12 minutes :)

    Lord Nagafen in 730s, 114k @157 - King Tranix 39k [33.8%] - Satoshi + pets 34k [29.57%] - Dreddnaught 24k [20.57%] - Chisvin + pets 7k [5.9%] - Sclif + pets 7k [5.72%] - Phinea 5k [4.45%]

    The only external buff that was used was a mage DS. I actually thought it was going to go south quick when the tank died near the end of the fight - I had to tank for a bit while he got rezzed in. Was a ton of fun all around!
  3. Machen New Member

    Would be curious to see Phinea's parse as well!
  4. Hinastorm86 Augur

    hmm i would of thought tranix would smoke a wizard over a 12 min fight. I know tranix is not doing full dmg, but still.
  5. Melodylord New Member

    Wasn't naggy duo killed or even soloed like 2weeks ago by boxers =/
  6. Rovell Elder

    Great job. Too bad for loot but there's always next week!
  7. Evenstar Lorekeeper

    I want to congratulate you, but I can't stop thinking about how incredibly awful your guild name is.
  8. Daax Elder

    that is true, that guild name!
  9. Dranix Augur

    This is why we can't have nice conversations. Nerds on alt accounts bringing irrelevant things into posts where they're not needed.

    Grats guys, cool video.
  10. Finley Augur

    Definitely not on Phinigel. A few weeks ago I think Nagafen and Vox were regenerating significantly more than they are now and it may not have been possible to 6 man them.

    Congrats OGC on the 6 man kill.
  11. TL_KRONOLORD Augur

    Necromancers have essentially zero difficulty landing magic or fire dots on Nagafen if you are using a composition that has a shaman. The fire resist rate is surprisingly low even without malo.