So what is it going to take?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cicelee, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. Cicelee Augur

    Many players are angry and upset about the necromancer changes in the previous patch. While most are understanding of the Manaburn change, the other two came out of nowhere and apparently have made main necromancers so unhappy that many are choosing retirement and account cancellations. Not only are players angry about the changes, they are also more upset at the randomness and lack of transparency in communication with these changes. One line patch messages state the change; however no explanation or reasoning has been given.

    We all know this. We all know the specifics of the necromancer changes.

    What we all know, also, is the continued changes to classes combined with a lack of reasoning and explanation has been repeated for a very long time. Where your class could very well be the next one to get a significant change with no understanding by the players. Which will further continue to incite and anger the paying customers.

    So my question is.... When does it stop? When do we, as players, make a stand?

    Because right now what happens is changes come in a patch with no explanation. A week or two of anger posts happen, and then we go and continue to do our two raid nights of TBM. Or we continue to do our Gribble HA. Or our hot zone tasks, the same ones we have been doing in Valley and Grounds for 2+ years. In other words, we just accept the status quo and move on.

    I wonder what it is going to take for us, as players, to unite and do something. Or are we going to continue to just accept things as they are, complain for a couple weeks, then log on and hope for phat raid loot every week?

    Anger posts for two weeks obviously does nothing. We need to do something different if we want change. And while account cancellations are one thing, that means ending something that many of us who have played for 10+ years really don't want to do. But our methods of expressing frustrations seem to fall on deaf ears. It is time for something new to hopefully get DBG to understand our disappointment with their product and what we would like to see from a communication standpoint.

    And then be held accountable to that standard...
  2. Vdidar Augur

    You do realize if the players unite like your hoping for and quit paying they will just sunset eq lol
  3. Tyraxor Augur

    Tbh there's just nothing you can do, if you want to keep playing the game they got you by the balls.
    All you can do as customer (sounds weird i know) is shop somewhere else (aka play something else).
    Or you can talk with your friends and see if they are interested in taking a break together, which makes it easier.

    Being helpless feels especially weird if you played for so long, but hey...their whole business model relies on people being unable to switch.
    Quatr, Indrigoth and Felicite like this.
  4. sojero One hit wonder

    Another issue is the fact that many people have long subscriptions, I know I do the yearly, so even if I quite right now, it wouldn't hurt them until my sub date came up. I have already let one of my 3 accounts go silver, but my wife plays eq2 and sometimes eq1 with me, so that is 1 of 2 remaining accounts that are active for other reasons. Also the nerfs really only hit the people that really care and learn. Those that mosey around don't really know how to play well and thus it does not effect them nearly as much.

    This effects raid necro more than any other. Most necro don't group much because they have always sucked at groups. Same with the rest of the nerfs to classes, it really only effected the raiders and very top end of groupers. The one difference would be the pet changes, but those have evened out over time.

    So yeah I can scream "you take that, and feel it in 9 months!" but it kind defeats the point. Right now I don't play for the game play as much as the friends that I have developed over the past years.

    Kind of reminds me that the best torture for your enemies is to let time ravage them and leave them old and decrepit.
    Quatr and Faana like this.
  5. Iila Augur

    If you have a recurring sub, canceling the recurring portion can trigger the "this player is quitting" survey.
  6. Faana Augur

    Ayep! I'm down from 12 to 3 Gold. One has 65 days. The other two are around 200 days.
  7. Zamiam Augur

    this is how i see this scenario playing out ..

    1st billing agent sits at a desk and counts the number of subs coming into EQ and reports back to DB..

    2nd desk sits empty with all the canceled subs that get auto generated into the recycle bin and deleted on a daily basis .. no one the wiser ..

    If a tree falls with no one around does it actually make noise when it hits the ground?
  8. sojero One hit wonder

    Interesting, when I let my other account go silver, I never received a survey, email, or anything. That was last august/september
  9. Iila Augur

    It doesn't happen every time, probably just a random chance. I only had it happen once when I was canceling the recurring subs on my accounts.
  10. Cicelee Augur

    I am not specifically calling for everyone to cancel their subscriptions. Read my last paragraph on the original post. I am saying that is an option, but there are other out there. I know I personally do not want Everquest to end. I have 16 years in this game, a main I have had for 16 years, with thousands and thousands of hours into it. Now my wife doesn't want me to play anymore, but that is an entirely different thread.

    My point is, a lot of us continually get angry and upset with DBG about how they conduct their business with this game that many of us have loved and enjoyed for countless years. We don't want to see it end, we want it to be better. But the constant lack of communication, the surprise changes out of nowhere without explanation, the broken promises of working content only to see expansion bugs run for three months still not be fixed? Again, at what point does it take for us to make a stand? We, as players, seem to just accept things as is. Yeah we complain, but that is the extent of it.

    What would it take for DBG to hear us? Maybe if no one (and I mean no one) logged into their servers for a week. What statement would that make? Your players care so little about your product that we just have chosen to stop logging in. Maybe DBG won't care because we are paying for that week. But maybe the developers who have devoted and invested so much of their time and energy into the product, only to see it be blatantly ignored by 30,000 people? Maybe that gets them to hold a protest against DBG and ask for more support so they can put out a product everyone enjoys.

    I don't know. I don't have the answer. I just feel what is happening now is all of us just accepting the status quo. And that bothers me a bit.
    Utaerx likes this.
  11. Tyraxor Augur

    There's a million reasons why this won't work, imo... ;)
    The raid guilds, how will their leaders explain "guys we won't raid this week, it's a revolution" when most members don't even read here. Plus they need to keep it going, or the system doesn't work. would you reach all the players who don't do anything but log into the game? will a smoker react if you take away his daily smokes? Prolly similar to how an Eq player reacts if he can't go to his camp.
    Or...DB knows exactly what's going on, this is not a gaming company it's an investment group.
    If they decided they let a game bleed out without investing back into it, they keep doing so no matter what some players do.
    Or...after they kicked out half the Devs, woudl the others risk their job?

    Your post isn't bad, far from it's not realistic i fear.
  12. anvil Elder

    well i took my stand by not buying TBM. it was broken and still is. beta wasnt long enough, there wasnt enough zones and it just wasnt a good expansion. now did it hurt DBG? of course not. did they care? of course not.

    the devs might care about EQ but CN most assuredly does not. and they never will.

    its a shame really that the game that got the genre really going has so little support

    i do still have 6 all access accounts at least til september but after that is unknown at this time. since there is no support on their end perhaps its time for no support on our end
  13. valiantSeven Elder

    Yet another thread expressing frustration over the absolutely facepalm level of communication and heaping mounds of s--- we've been getting served for the past several months? Yep, in before the lock/deletion/merge into another thread so it can't be found.

    Anyone with a brain or a body temperature somewhere in the 90ºF-range would be able to see that all the discontent and frustration that's being posted here is the rough equivalent of a broken and disappointed customer base trying to "make a stand," but nah... not in this community! No way no how! Around here, stuff like this gets ignored, locked and buried! I mean... why the Hell would you actually pay attention to all these people that are on the edge of pulling the plug after months of worthless and/or broken content and plenty of nerfs?!

    You know the answer to your own question: it doesn't stop. The business model is: 1) blindside bend classes over a chair (while there's plenty of other stuff that could actually be fixed) and just call it "balancing" because we for some reason think we're in an EverQuest that's 10 years ago, 2) provide absolutely no explanation or communication [and no, patch notes are not communication because all know jack s--- gets done after those patch notes are posted until it's all too late], 3) let everyone get upset and frustrated and ask questions in many, many different threads, 4) lock, delete, bury, and ignore the threads and the customer base ultimately leading to more lapsed subscriptions, 5) rinse and repeat.

    No one cares. No one cares about communicating or listening to the customer base. Either they don't care, or they're not allowed to care, because we've been paid nothing but lip service. My faith in the Developers and/or the suits behind the desk that call the shots is buried in the red at this point (and has been for a while) because there's absolutely nothing from any of them that suggests it will ever be any different going forward. There's a difference between the scripted "yes, we're listening and we're dedicated!" bull versus actually listening, communicating, and being dedicated.

    This is now EverQuest.
    Nenton, Indrigoth, Bobsmith and 2 others like this.
  14. Utaerx Elder

    You forgot about the members of the community that consistently talk down to anyone who is unhappy about said lack of communication and stupid changes because...well, I don't actually know why.
    Igniz, Nenton, Indrigoth and 8 others like this.
  15. valiantSeven Elder

    Yep! Until it's their turn to get bent over a chair for no reason without explanation balanced, and then the shoe is on the other foot and all of a sudden they care, because typical procedure around here is to think you know everything about everything else so it's never "really that bad" until it happens to the class you actually play.
    Igniz, Nenton, Indrigoth and 7 others like this.
  16. Utaerx Elder

    This is so spot on I almost want to make this my signature.
    Indrigoth, Bobsmith, Dibab and 2 others like this.
  17. Tyraxor Augur

    Oh they are active, just not here.
    Buffed Velious mobs is the new hit.
  18. Raynrace Augur

    I had 2 accounts on annual membership that are up fro resub.

    1 account is now cancelled and the 2nd will go month to month so I dont regret giving a years worth if they do this crap again.

    Next time my main hangs up his bow after 17 years.

    So be it.

    Thats what you do...
  19. Mesc No $$$ Until the Experience is put back on Mobs!!!

    Was going to buy TBM for my 2nd account. Decided to wait until after the patch. After the Nerfquest patch i sure am glad i did not buy it.
  20. Arcainos Augur