Whirligig Flyer Control Device - Oh how I hate thee..

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Eanelder, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. Eanelder Augur

    As much as I hate it, I don't honestly expect anyone to stop using the copter or whatever other noisy mount they want. I will continue to use what ever workarounds there are, but will likely never turn sounds off. I just find having sounds on to beneficial in most cases.

    But seriously, the fact that sounds are "torture" IS a problem. If 90% of the population play with sound off cause EQ sounds suck, is this not a huge red flag to the devs?
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  2. Iila Augur

    Sound can be a really cool and useful part of game design!

    It's too bad EQ has so thoroughly poisoned that well for such a long time, and in so many ways that sound can't really be used for anything useful or important. :( Having sound cues in events would be an even bigger PITA than auras are currently.
  3. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I am in the same boat as you. And I can understand when people don't play with sound because they don't want sound period. But it is sad when a lot of people don't want to play with sound because everquest has so many annoying sounds. Ambient noise is cool, sounds that give you game information... such as the sound of a giant coming up behind you is cool. Whirligig type sounds that are there non stop and just get super annoying are not so cool :)

    Some people will always have sound off to listen to music, the television, listen to what the kids are up to... listen for the wife coming home so they can jump off the computer and pretend they were doing something productive but for the rest of us.. please mute, tone down or give us switches for the more annoying sounds.. thank god not many people use those robo boars.
    Vrinda likes this.
  4. Dreamrider Elder

    Axxius, why are you getting upset because people are asking for more control over the sounds in the game? The solution to everything is to play with no sounds in the game (or any game)? Seriously? This is your solution?!

    You cannot say the majority of players do something, then when asked for your proof, spout "Ask around, ask <insert group>". It is NOT the responsibility of those who doubt that claim to prove YOUR assertion. It is YOU who must validate your claim or withdraw it.

    What is wrong with requesting more fine control of the sounds from EverQuest? We have detailed capabilities for Spell Particles. I have to have a lot of the spell particles on low else I wouldn't be able to see the mobs or anything else through all the spell flash bangs in raid events.The last time I tried, there was one spell effect that blackened the area sounding the mob so much that it looked like a black hole spawned in the game.

    Fine, people play with no sounds. But I think it's a tad arrogant to assert that requesting more sound control is a dumb request. I'm sorry, playing a game as if in a sterile operating room environment like I'm deaf isn't fun. Besides Gina's voice.

    NOW . . . some people will respond with "they need to fix <insert pet peeve here> before even needing this!" or "they need to readjust <insert perceived overpowered class and/or item here> downward but I'm not asking for a nerf! Honest! /CrossFingers"

    Those requests are going swimmingly as we can attest by the uproar messages in here as well as the "I am going to stop playing and stop my subscriptions for my <insert "/ran 1 1000" here> alt accounts" (On a side note: that guy never responded back as to whether or not he'd let me have his stuff.)

    Since we don't know what they are working on or ignoring (I hazard to guess that some of the requests [demands else they'll quit] fall in this option), this request is just as valid as they are.
    Silv, Faana and Mayfaire like this.
  5. Thraine Augur

    i agree Dream, i feel like everyones blaming the victim here lol

    *edit* ive switched over to old graphics and turned off mounts completely, i dont see or hear whirlygagers anymore and i get to keep my sound on for game purposes.

    Asking a dev for anything is kinda like asking your dog or cat to make dinner, they will just walk away and $h!t on the floor
  6. runecrow Elder

    It's a perfect example of simulation to a fault. I'm sure the sound exists because the developers wanted to simulate the sound they thought this device would sound like. Roleplaying aspect won out over gameplaying in this regard. I'm presuming that hardcore roleplayers (while simultaneously agreeing the sound is nigh unbearable) are the only people who are glad the developers were so faithful to authenticity that the would the obnoxious sound. So why does the sound file exist? Because that's what a whirligig would sound like in a simulated environment.

    It's like the hammering sound effect. I'm at the Buried Sea doing some exploring, and at the main encampment by the dock, there's the constant sound of hammering. bang bang bang, bang bang, bang bang bang, and I'm sitting there trying to rest and focus and think and bang bang bang, bang, and so I can bang bang, just get a moment to think bang bang, bang bang. So I moved. Now I hang out at the druid ring. It's quiet there. Just the sound of wind and wave. And warbling raptors. And howler apes. But no hammers.

    It's one of those things I hate because you can't just turn down the one sound, you have to sacrifice all sound to be rid of the one, and that doesn't work because sacrificing environmental sounds is sacrificing your ability to play the game at the fullest potential.

    At least when the zone music sucks I can turn it down. Which is even worse, sucky zone music. Because at least the whirligig noise has the plausible deniability of it being done for sake of simulation in rpg. But bad zone music doesn't even have a reason to exist.
    Mayfaire likes this.
  7. Repthor Augur

    i play with some sounds on. Dont think its unreasnoble to have a pet mute and mount mute function. with terrible and repeatble them sounds are on a loop
    Silv and Thraine like this.
  8. Gundolin Augur

    Between Gina and Team Speak I can't handle any additional sound.
    Faana likes this.
  9. Naugrin Augur

    It sounds like your animals have sound turned off.
    Yinla likes this.
  10. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    I wish it didn't sound like I am stabbing my wolf familiar in the neck every time I suspend it. It makes this ranger want to cry =*(
    Silv and Faana like this.
  11. Littlelegs Elder

    The combat music evokes a Pavlovian response that makes my battle senses heighten. Also eq sound dampens the sound of darth vaderesque breathing through my speakers via vent, skype or teamspeak.

    Nah, just kidding. I have all of that (eq music and sound) off and any of my guild members can tell you I haven't spoken in channel in well over a year. Buuut, this seems like a bizarre discussion so I I still wanted to post without adding value.

    In a related topic, I think we should focus efforts on a revamping of the special titles or suffixes or whatever they are. Can I have the exclusive suffix "The Ninja Murderer Who Feels Kinda Bad About It But Not Bad Enough To Stop"? I feel like that would enhance my gaming experience
    Vdidar likes this.
  12. Yimin Augur

    I will not group with anyone that is using this whirligig ...

    Yi Min