Monk Thunderfoot (Bugged) or sucks

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Ashten-Prexus, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Because lazy people were complaining that we were doing better than them.
  2. Dropfast Augur

    Yea the usual crybaby crap I'm sure what's caused all this. Just like how wizards cried a river because monks could SOMETIMES (rarely) got a 1 mil damage kick off crane stance kick of which could only even be attempted like once every 20 min. Even then, it took a LOT of luck to get that.(at that time, wizards couldn't nuke for a Million damage, it was an OUTRAGE that monks could hit that high like twice a month!) Next patch or 2 after that, they ninja nerfed Crane stance and AGAIN didn't even have the balls to tell us. I have months of parses that prove this. Now, Wizards are getting 1.5 to 2.5 million damage hits every raid event. That's totally ok but monks having proper Thunderfoot and Crane stance kick is not ok at all.

    Not only that, they made every single powerup for casters now stack. But still haven't done the same for melee. I'm getting mighty sick of cry babies getting their way. Seems like a few select players have the Devs ear, all they have to do is complain about XXX Class to get them nerfed. Or like Xianzu said, some guy who sucks at his class cries because someone else who is good at their class can out dps them. /outrage! Nerf Bat Inc!
  3. Kiillz Augur

    Amen to Drop and Xianzu...
  4. Minato Augur

    getting back into the game has this been addressed yet?
  5. Riou EQResource

    Yes, proc rate doubled to its intended 12%, if you look by total flying kicks it will only double to 2.4% ish, because of how it works (can only proc on first kick on button press or w/e)
  6. kyong Augur

    I would really like to know if this was an intended change or if they've just been trying to fix something that they broke and really don't understand how it worked since inception. Should have a chance to proc off every flying kick attempt fired by technique of master wu along with doomwalkers and stunning kick.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  7. Dropfast Augur

    You are exactly right. I know what happened now. They changed the coding on how these strikes work but they borked how the monk one works. Instead of firing off of any flying kick as it should, it can only fire once off of a single key press of flying kick only. Which is why it's really not a 12% proc rate off any flying kick like it says, it's a 12% chance off single key press only. Aka- it is not being triggered from the extra flying kicks from T. of master WU, Synergy, or Stunning kick as it should.

    The Devs were not listening very well and thought it was just the base proc rate that was messed up. It wasn't just that, the way it's coded now is not applying to ALL flying kicks as it should. Making the 12% proc rate is actually only about 2.4% proc rate off all flying kicks or 12% proc rate off single press of the flying kick button only.

    It's very easy to test, I looked threw months of raid and group parses, all are the same. I got anywhere from 1% to 2.5% proc rate off all flying kicks. Meanwhile, the rouges massive strike is firing off of ALL backstab attempts as it should. Not only that, rouges got an AA to let their massive strike twincast 10% of the time as well.

    Now I brought up the rouge version not because I want them to be nerfed, but just to show that the Monk's version is NOT working as intended. Rouges should have better version than monks, but as usual while doing their ninja nerfs, they took it way to far. Rouges getting around 25 - 35% proc rate overall compared to monks getting 2.4% is total crap.
  8. Telkiney Elder

  9. Caziku Lorekeeper

    Not sure, could be worth posting.
  10. Tx-Canyon New Member

    2 nights of Group and Raid content. (Arx Raid geared, 1600+ hDex buffed)

    7428 kicks landed (only FK, Synergy used)
    140 Thunderous

    That's with Heel burns on raids, BP clicky
  11. Kiillz Augur

    0.018.....YES ITS FIXED!!! /cough cough