Anashti Sul - Enslaver of Souls

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mayfaire, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. Mayfaire Augur


    I'm not really worried, tho, about the damage I am taking. It is just the inability to position her during the 2nd phase so we can kill her and not have dps being summoned over to her only to get killed by her + the 96k dot. Her wandering around the room like she's drunk is bizarre.
  2. Triconix Augur

    This seems like normal pathing in TBM. It's definitely one of the worst pathing set of zones I've experienced. In Stem the Tide raid the stupid rat ran the complete opposite way of me while I was tanking and trying to move him/her/it away.

    It was actually quite funny. I watched it the whole time as I was walking backwards, it just turns and bolts then got stuck in this yo-yo loop for awhile after I started to chase it down, then it finally chased me again so I could properly place it.
    Mayfaire likes this.
  3. Silv Augur

    You'd be running around like a drunken maniac too if adventures already slaughtered you two times before :p
    Mayfaire likes this.
  4. Ranonman Elder

    Enslaver is unforgiving mission. Jennre and I've done this mission a couple of times. First win was War, Druid, Bard, Rogue, Zerk, and Wiz. There are multiple ways to do this but there is one of the important strategies are to get through first and second phase of this mission. After that, it gets easier. Yes, there are many information going on in short amount of time. If you can figure mechanics out, it'll get easier. Many people may think this event has bugs. IMO, mechanics are in place and it works pretty well but the tune of this mission requires strong group.

    Feel free to send tells to me! I'll be glad to help out. Good luck on this mission!
    Jennre likes this.
  5. Mayfaire Augur

    Again, I have to ask, have you done this since the patch?

    On the 2nd phase, she now wanders over to us at the pool we are in, I am briefly able to aggro her (for about 2-3 seconds), then she wanders away around in a large circle, sometimes does the circle twice, then goes back to her original spot, summons a random person to kill, comes back to us for 2-3 seconds, then she wanders around again.

    None of this happened before the patch. The group of mine that did this yesterday, all of us but one had done this quest at least once (if not multiple times) and not one of us saw her do that at any time before the patch. That definitely seems buggy to me. Previously, I was able to pull her to whatever pool we were in until the first mini spawned, and then she wandered back to her spot until the third mini spawned.

    Now, it could be that this new version is actually the corrected, intended version of the quest, so that we have to now adjust the strat that we had that worked perfectly before.
  6. Quuq Apprentice

    You might need more heroic charisma to get the mission to function properly, May.
    Sancus and Mayfaire like this.
  7. Cheryberryfairy Elder

    The toughest!

    Your face looks like a monkey sack.

    Benza! You're my favorite troll too!
  8. Kongfoo Elder

    I have never run into the pathing issue that you've had with this mission. I haven't done this mission since the patch but based on what you've said, it sounds like it is working the same as before. It sounds to me like you are missing a key part of the 2nd phase. Figure that out and the mission will be easy for you.
  9. Cheryberryfairy Elder

    Sounds like you got WTF pwnddeded..Maybe try again with a different guild tag?!
  10. Jennre Band Leader

    The "wonky" pathing is on purpose =)
  11. Silv Augur

    The mission *may* be working as intended but it's overtuned. The only people who would say otherwise are raiders who have extensive knowledge of optimization and perfect ADPS co-ordination, ATs, and advanced mechanics.

    The raid should be hard. The group version should be feasible [for groupers]. For raiders who want a challenge... do the raid. The mission needs tweaking.

    The fact people are also acting like the details and strats are raid quality are a bit ridiculous as well :rolleyes:

    Post the info for the masses or don't post. No one cares about top 10 on a group mission, I promise :)
    Xeladom and Mayfaire like this.
  12. Jennre Band Leader

    Its is overtuned, yes, but it can also definitely be done by a group geared group, if they have full current expansion gear.

    Here Silv:
    Here is how we have done it. You don't need to burn her in 10 seconds flat to beat it

    Phase 1: Health
    Burn at 90%: Make sure she is dispelled when she has mark on her (every 35 secs once its starts being cast). Ignore adds that come or have an AE class (we have used a zerk/rogue/wizard/mage on our runs) AE them down while tank holds agro.

    Kill Shards when they pop, we sic one dps on North shard while the rest run around the room, killing the other 2.

    DPS her until the Decay phase before another round of shards pops (shards stop popping at 65%).

    Phase 2: Decay
    People will get marked for death, stay in the circle you are fighting in.

    DPS her until she breaks off, runs to each of the 3 pools, gets to the center, and casts poison blast. At this point, a blue aura will appear in a random pool. You have about 5-6 seconds to get the entire group to that aura or you get Mortal Decay and possibly hit with poison blast (stay away from the center). Rinse repast until Mini phase.

    When fighting, nobody can leave the circle, have the tank drag her to you. Don't try to agro her while she is pathing.

    Phase 3: Mini bosses
    Drag each Mini to their vulnerable aura circle (first is North, second is East, and third is West). If you are not running to a circle or inside a circle with your group, bad things will happen and you fail achieves.

    Phase 4: Decay
    This is where it gets tricky, stay in WEST aura (purple) and dps her down, when she ports back to center have the tank drag her to you AFTER she poison blasts. Again, nobody leave the purple aura, not even for a second, or bad things happen.

    Jennre the Bard
    P.S. Swarm pets are a nono here, at least during the health phase.
    roguerunner, Silv and Mayfaire like this.
  13. Mayfaire Augur

    You have to love helpful peeps. <3 :)

    Jennre just spent about an hour in tells with me comparing strats. Turns out we have almost identical ones. Somehow we bugged out phase 2 Anashti the other day, possibly with too fast dps, or maybe I am aggroing her too early when she first wanders around. In any case, Jennre, you rock, thanks for trying to help and narrow down the issue. We'll just have to try her again and see if she doesn't bug out.
    Jennre and Silv like this.
  14. Silv Augur

    Don't stroke Jennre's ego... he's already good enough ;)
    Jennre and Mayfaire like this.
  15. Ranonman Elder

    Haha, Jennre and I are proud of our hard works through mechanics for Damsel and Enslaver! Mayfaire, let us know how you and your group in next runs!
    Mayfaire and Jennre like this.