Stability AB

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Diani, Sep 8, 2015.

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  1. Soju Elder

    And again booted from AB. Please have a Dev just come play on AB for a while and see what we are dealing with every day! Huge lag spikes (sometimes 1-2 minutes between the action and seeing the response in game), crashes, booted from server, rollbacks. The game is unplayable like this and just should not have to pay for a game that is unplayable.
  2. hackermom New Member

    AB down again. kicked players, server seemed to stay up. when i tried to log in this morning, all servers were locked. first time for me to see that. seems like server is very unstable. all access member, paid up front for a year of play. could really be better!
  3. Mesmorise New Member

    yep crashed again, roll back and cant complete mission as all the items are gone due to using before crash this is ridiculous now, XP bonus is not worth a light when u cant even complete a mission before the crash
  4. hackermom New Member

    also, no point really in the offline trader feature, as it simply disconnects every time.
  5. Lheo Augur

    and down oh what a surpirse...
  6. usernamealreadyexist Journeyman

    Wondering why the "we are investigating a potential issue" msg is gone.. its not the issue have been fixed. seems like DB have given up on us
  7. Mesmorise New Member

    and bang again
  8. Diani Augur

  9. stamme New Member

    Come on !
  10. Lera New Member

    This is embarrassing, after four weeks no one has responded.
    I have not seen anything like it in 15 years of play
    hackermom likes this.
  11. forbes77 Elder

    9 pages of info from your players daybreak and yet you fail to inform us anything tut tut,this is unacceptable,any news good or bad would let us know whats going on,hopefully you'll respond,but going by the last 9 pages of your paying customers trying to inform you of the issues i wont be holding my breath,its a disgrace to keeps us uninformed like this.
    hackermom and cadres like this.
  12. Diani Augur

    Yes, you have...remember the AB-instanceproblem...that one they let fester on for about 1 year.

    Maybe they are gonna try and break the record this time!
  13. tanith Augur

    This is just ridiculous - that's 3x yesterday, 2x so far today - at what level does DB consider this unplayable?
    cadres likes this.
  14. Aelisha New Member

    27-Sep-15: 12:40BST.
    Cant get in to PoK after gating and just been disconnected from HoT Library as well.
  15. Diani Augur

    Yeppers, zipperdeedoo ah, AB down again
  16. Mesmorise New Member

    yep here we go yet again
  17. tanith Augur

    So that's 3 yesterday and 3 (some are saying 4) today.
    Is it time to start talking refunds?
    This is not playable. It's not even possible to keep a trader in
    hackermom and cadres like this.
  18. Fessor111 New Member

    This gotta stop now, we are paying a monthly fee for a service, and not getting the promised product. It is imposible to play with this zoning lag/crashes and constantly being kicked out of the game. Plus half of times you have to restart your pc because it freezes, makes it imposible to do other things on your pc while medding. It is only the Euro server, you have to make sure we have the same setup on the servers as the US ones, how hard can that be.
    mortiv and hackermom like this.
  19. usernamealreadyexist Journeyman

    ctrl + alt + delete, and kill EQ from task manager.
  20. Fessor111 New Member

    It works half of the times
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