Degmar "Burden of the Past" much harder now

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by astroguy66, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. kizant Augur

    I think they made a lot of mistakes by accident. The only reason I'm saying this is right after the patch went through on test I went over to Thuli to do the HA. Tricerasaur was up so I figured hey why not? I went to get myself a tank and tried to charm a young raptor and they could no longer be charmed. So, I tried a drogmar and then I tried a glistenwing and nothing. I even tried mobs that originally couldn't be charmed like aviaks and the ghosts and nothing. At that point I was kind of annoyed. How is this 'relaxed'? So, I did a /bug and a /feedback about whether it was a bug or they just don't want anything in the game to be charmable.

    The following day I went back and I could all of a sudden charm raptors/drogmars/glistenwings again like normal. They must be able to make those changes and only have to reset the zone.
  2. Devildawg Elder

    Should be noted that there shouldn't be a need to ask which mobs in the mission are now unmezzable. They're *all* supposed to be mezzable, besides the Captain on the final wave. Simple fix.

    Dunno why I'm angered by this, I haven't been directly impacted by it, but eh. Setting the goal of making more things CCable and actually making less mobs CCable is... comedic.
  3. shadowgod Augur

    Yep and half the mobs in tempest heroic are immune to mez now also. Before it was only nagas.
  4. Skecpa Journeyman

    I made a small list of changed mobs I've come across.
    These ones I'm certain were all mezzable pre-patch:
    a snarer - Fit for the new world - Mezz/run speed immune
    a trapper - Fit for the new world - Mezz/run speed immune
    a crystal geomancer(Seems to be random plate wearing models) - Deep Lies the Snow - Mezz/run speed immune

    These ones I'm pretty sure were mezzable:
    a triceratops hatchling - A Fateful Arrival - Mezz/run speed immune
    a lumbering triceratops - A Fateful Arrival - Mezz/run speed immune

    This one is a new mob I think: (Pretty sure they all had an adjective in their name before the patch)
    an attendee - Burden of the Past - Mezz/run speed immune
  5. kizant Augur

    The funny thing is that the captain can be rooted, stunned, and mezzed. Weakest boss ever.
  6. tavv New Member

    No. Those are the lowest HP mobs, and are primarily found in the first wave. Different adjectives = different HP ranges. I boxed this about 30+ times I would guess, for progression, loot, helping a friend etc. They've always been there, and I aim to kill them first since they drop like flies. The back row usually has a couple, but that row will never activate/ is not needed (by now you must have noticed one entire row of npcs come alive at a time, from front to back).

    I could do this with wiz/mage before any changes, and never tried mezzing despite having a 105 chanter as well. Most of the time just the npc the mage pet was on would agro, the other 3 to 4 would stay on the invincible quest npcs. For real trouble I'd split with snare and/or root and/or beam of displacement + abscond (which is now insanely fast)(I save wiz fade for when oom during the very long fights). For the Captain, arcane destruction AA rune, move under bridge, abscond. Kill goons, kill captain. No hacks, just clever use of mechanics. Fastest time was just under 50 minutes 3 boxed. Also the priestess is right next to the fighting, you can probably make a hotkey to target her, and say Leave if you cant fade. I never tried. This mission is easy but boring- You can do eeet!

    And yes I crash a lot there too.
  7. Eaiana Augur

    Indeed, expects minions to do the dirty work:

    Captain Gurshock says 'Defend your captain!'
    sifonin likes this.
  8. Hiladdar Augur

    The patch message stated that only mobs in TDS and CotF would be re-evaluated and no-mez, no snare, no-root, no-lull, no-stun, and summon tags would reviewed and possibly removed.

    What really happened, is a bunch of no-mez, no-snare, no-root, no-lull, no-stun tags were added to mobs. In some cases those tags were added to mobs in expansions other then TDS and CotF. I can confirm that the alarans in Eventill now summon. and the plants in Eventall can no longer be rooted or snared.

    It is not my job to go thru each and every zone and test every single mob. But, when the patch message is incomplete or deceptive at best, as a paying customer I am upset.
  9. Vetplayer Elder


    "Could you provide the names of the NPCs in the mission that were previously not runspeed immune but now are"

    Why, Lack of Beta Testing ?
    Lack of listening to palyers before putting it out live?

    Don't you have a violin to practice?
  10. Mayfaire Augur

    Ok. I just can't. :confused:

    There is a huge difference between constructive criticism and flinging poo at the walls to just have fun flinging. Please learn the difference. The thread hijacking is getting old.

    And this is coming from someone who agrees that the nerfs (and lack of proper testing) probably went too far!
  11. Vetplayer Elder

    Something wrong ?
  12. Zamiam Augur

    just because i like to stir the pot .. didn't you quit ?
  13. Reval Augur

    I feel like there is some slightly misplaced blame here. I had a hamburger that was really, really good, and to compensate for this, I'm crediting you for that Dzarn. You did an excellent job! And I restored balance to the universe!
  14. Momentum Elder

    What I found most annoying doing this mission today, is that after I'd killed the Captain and her guards, the task failed to update. For some reason I only received credit for 2/6 kills. I hypothesise that it has something to do with taking the guards out of the room: I pulled them round the corner in order to split them, and they didn't leash. Nice waste of an hour either way.
  15. Vetplayer Elder

    "just because i like to stir the pot .. didn't you quit ?"

    Don't you read?