Question on the ragefire rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Overcast, Jul 27, 2015.

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  1. lalaloup Augur

    Honestly? Neither.
    omgskyisfallin likes this.
  2. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    To be fair you're getting the brunt of it in this thread.

    But rotations bring everyone out of the woodwork, only to complain, never to really try to help people other than themselves.
  3. Frottage Journeyman

    My eyes are hurting
  4. Precognition New Member

    It is astounding that you somehow think you have the power to make rulings on what guilds will be part of the rotation. To me this sounds as though you believe that whatever proposal, fair or not, is put forth by TL you would have out voted the proposition based purely on spite. I would aslo point out that False Prophecy is an Apok carry guild, which would easilyqualify them as an alt guild. You have had 0 kills without the majority of your raid being from Apok.
  5. Tweene Augur

    Apok has no affiliation with False Prophecy. We did try early on to be peaceful with them but it went sour fast with pull stealing in planes. They also ninja looted our shattered emerald of corruption the other day. On top of that you should of heard their words about us in stream yesterday. I'm not sure who your sources are but you should double check them.
  6. Heartland Augur

    here is more proof tht TL has been meening to do this the entire time
    toxn and his alt guild should never be included
  7. Stewgottz Augur

    I Lol'd at this pics, that was funny.

    Its a shame everyone is always so serious about this game.
  8. Sulerill Elder

    HAR HAR HAR made a joke, it must be a law. Should let us know who your 'friend' in TL is.
  9. Abracadabra Augur

    Corrigin = Yeowow, he doesn't even play. Winner = still guilded in our guild. All members that decided to leave our guild have severed their ties.
  10. -wycca Augur


    You presumably (or the person that gave you this), have access to our forums.

    You have successfully found *1* lvl 31 Magician who posts but doesn't play who suggested this.

    Obviously, you could not locate anyone in charge of the guild, or any regular members who play saying that. You've also cut off the rest of the thread, which is rather plain (except our leader saying we're sticking around).

    So yes, congrats on your amazing detective work. You would have, presumably, posted anything stronger than this to "prove" your point. You have not, so yea...nice try on the benghazi play.

    What people post/think/say when upset, angry, or just giggling to themselves, is not a conspiracy.
    lalaloup likes this.
  11. Mind tickle Lorekeeper

  12. Aekold Augur

    Isn't this proof that the guild is fracturing into separate groups? If its a separate account with a different character on it, I'm pretty sure that passes the 'not an alt' litmus test.
    Maybe there should have been more work and consideration put into such an important document? Sorry to hear that, less than 24hours in, it already requires arbitration because of vague and poorly considered rules.
  13. Genoane Journeyman

    I don't see how former affiliation should have any bearing on the legitimacy of a guild. Of course people will want to be in the smallest group possible that will get them the loot. Its not a conspiracy to prove a point, an attempt at disruption, or any other evil plan..... it is the best course of action for people that can do it. Only the giant spawn windows on raid mobs makes having a guild over 40-50 toons really advantageous under this Rotation plan.
    Any guild that can pass the litmus test should be in the rotation
  14. Precognition New Member

    Matthias, a former member of Apok, is now the guild leader of False Prophecy. Alt guild status confirmed.
  15. lalaloup Augur

    It does not impact the legitimacy of a guild. No ruling or official information concerning whether or not boxing guilds will be conceivably included at any point before kunark - at which time many support the pausing of the rotation for an extended FFA period - have been nailed down.This is still highly nebulous

    People who are looking to skirt whatever dbg's intentions are with this or any company backed rotation are likely trolling themselves at this point.

  16. Zeksy FP New Member

    LOL. No, Matthias has never been in Apok. He and I announced our intention to make False Prophecy during BETA on live twitch streams dozen of times. Matthias has never been in any guild but False Prophecy from 12 hours after server launch.

    Try again.

    <False Prophecy>
  17. Babyruthie Elder

    Rotations better end with expansion unlocks or this server will be the worst TLP ever. There is absolutely nothing like the competition at the beginning of expansions on these EQ TLP servers in any game that I have played.
    lalaloup likes this.
  18. lalaloup Augur

    Look at it this way:

    Everyone, no matter what stripe of norrathian is being given the opportunity to silence their critics through their actions and the reputation their guilds earn on the server. This is not favortism, this is not punishment, at least not yet.

    The game just got harder, not easier.
  19. lalaloup Augur

    It's also rarely accurate.
  20. nicemace Journeyman

    posting as a non raider and someone who doesn't have too much interest in getting into raiding at this stage (so kinda unbiased).

    while i support this style of rotation (although i'd allow for more time for guilds(i like friendly environment)) ... you guys who got the rotation in place need to understand that TL/apok/whoever may have fielded like 60 - 70 people before (im not saying it happened, im just saying for arguments sake) because they needed those numbers around the clock to stay competitive. however, with rotation in place where they no longer need such large numbers, its only reasonable to assume that they would cull some of their current membership to form new guilds because they dont NEED 60 - 70 people to do the raids. this is not unreasonable and should be allowed to happen.

    the same goes for a box guild. if they meet all the criterion of the rotation they should be entitled to their spot. how someone plays is not for you to judge. this is the beauty of a rotation.

    and before you say blah blah blah youre not a raider. i was doing middle of the night batphones and grueling poopsocks (96 hour variance anyone?) on p99 for multiple years.

    overall im happy to see a rotation came into place. the 'hardcore' raiding on p99 absolutely killed that server and made it a horrible place to be.
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