Holly quote.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Symbius, Jun 30, 2015.

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  1. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    What, you're seriously telling me that the best raiders couldn't complete that content? Filthy casuals.
    Rhiyannon and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  2. Gumlakx Augur

    Maybe they will do a poll, and whatever the results are spin it so that there will be instancing on Lockjaw and Ragefire will stay contested.
    sihpa likes this.
  3. Finwen Augur

    Lockjaw would have a login queue, and Ragefire would have about 50 people with no competition.
    sihpa and frankie78227 like this.
  4. Canik Augur

    There are more than 50 people in TL. They just wont have anyone to train.
    sihpa and frankie78227 like this.
  5. rekais910 Augur

    don't forget the fact that there are members in TL who would prefer instancing of raids as well. Though this is there only opportunity to enjoy the content even under a leadership that is obviously toxic.
  6. Elkay Augur

    Wouldn't that say something about what most of the community actually wanted?
  7. Vlerg Augur

    Sigh... really?

    anyone can design a boss that's unbeatable. that's not the point.

    bosses causing zones to crashes when you reach 5% have nothing to do with challenge. bosses going inactive and never waking up have nothing to do with challenge. AoE doom-curses overlapping with an AoE-silence have nothing to do with challenge...

    the first version of tac'vi wasn't hard. it was broken.

    Can you drive to work without an engine in your car? no? well damn, you must be a terrible driver then.

    you'd make a much better point with OOM in anguish , Two-gods in solteris or Sepulcher 5.
  8. rekais910 Augur

    Don't worry he was being sarcastic. His original post you responded to referred to the fact that it was broken as well.
    He was just doing it with a heavy note of sarcasm.
    "The entire concept of instancing being a casual demand is illusory anyway. I'd love for all the hardcore players posting here right now who beat the ~instanced~ Tunat pre-GoD nerfs to give me a shout out.

    What, nobody?"
  9. Vaclav Augur

    It wasn't100% accurate without lumping things inaccurately.

    Sorry, but on "hardcor" in this genre you're completely misguided. And I don't care about no interference, don't put words in my mouth, I care about a consistent set of agreed upon rules that are abided to in mutual respect.

    There's nothing hardcore about playing a sport with constantly changing rules with the rule writers being part of the dominant team, that's what you have right now. "We don't want to poopsock and won'ts tart it" got discarded because it became inconvenient to see a tracker in zone. And you've pretty much avoided any other rules besides finally not DPS racing on Nagafen ONE TIME, immediately post change. (likely to get a chancet o take full stock of changes involved, rather than politenes)
  10. Jamz Augur

    I'm just happy we aren't getting instancing.
  11. rekais910 Augur

    The enjoy the continued demise of Everquest. Enjoy paying a company that doesn't live up to it's promises.
    Artemis-Entreri and frankie78227 like this.
  12. Jamz Augur

    I've got everything I asked for and more...
  13. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    Yes, I'm sorry, perhaps a little too much heavy sarcasm on my part. The point is that these were raids designed and tuned for end-game hardcore elite gamers. Instancing doesn't imply casual, it's a strawman argument being thrown around as if it has some kind of actual basis in reality.
  14. Vaclav Augur

    You were promised a playground bully simulato?

    Funny, I thought we were promised a Nostalgic Everquest experience with directm mention of getting a chancet o reexperience the early days of the game.

    Funny that this plays more like a worst of hits than a best of album.

    But then again, you're still a kid at an age where you don't give a crap about anyone but yourself.
  15. Jamz Augur

  16. frankie78227 Augur

    Best solution to all the progression problems is for everyone who is not a boxer to just stop paying for a couple months and see how DBG reacts. Have a problem with the way things are being run - vote with your wallets.
  17. rekais910 Augur

    That's the point. At this point, you are in the minority. What happens when you happen to be in the majority and don't get what you want. You would be quite angry to. The developers here had many options open to them and could have made some insanely popular changes and even open up a new server that would help bring happiness to all of their customer base. They could have easily ripped down boundaries that were problems within the original Everquest game. They already ripped out many things that were essential to Everquest to begin with. This is a missed opportunity that would have blown up to be so popular they might have actually needed even more servers than they do now. Yes, I believe that the best of options is to have a Competition(PvPvE) server and a Content PVE only server and there would have been even more people flocking back to these servers to come experience all the content that the original everquest expansions had to offer. It very well could have led to a small resurgence in subscriptions and even more so as people would flock to enjoy the Nostalgic experience of Everquest without the frustrating experiences of Trains, KSing, and general griefing. Would these things still occasionally happen? Yes. They wouldn't however occur during the raiding which is where they have the biggest amount of impact. The simple fact is that Holly and the Dev team (I don't just blame holly) have decided to leave what is obviously a massive boundary in classic Everquest expansions in. There is still a chance to make a ground breaking change by updating the classic content to modern standards and allow everyone a proper feeling of nostalgia. Though I have to ask. If there were two servers. The competition server would be by far much more deserted. How would that help fuel the competition? I suppose it wouldn't matter in the slightest as long as there are 2-3 guilds in competition with each other. My guess is though that they would be the only ones on the server, I could be wrong though.
    Elkay, Smallpox and Artemis-Entreri like this.
  18. RoamingBlue Journeyman

    Another solution would be to avoid trading Kronos to the boxers for a while - just to find out how interested they are in running their slaughter squad around when they have to actually pay for it out of their own wallet and/or pay their own damn rent.
  19. Frenzic Augur

    I'm not putting words in your mouth, you want instanced raid targets. That's a clean uninterrupted shot at raid targets, which dbg said no to. No one is changing any rules and never did I say TL doesn't poopsock. I think you're confusing me with someone else. What I say is that I don't train and I don't grief. That's 100 % accurate. I do and will poopsock and dps race. The rules for this server have not changed.
  20. Tintaglia Elder

    Fixed that for ya, since the rules apply to ALL servers, not just TLP. Or more accurately, the LACK of rules.
    Smallpox likes this.
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