Thoughts on new buffed raid targets...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vaalk, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Vaalk New Member

    Vox and Naggy are waaay more of a challenge now. Thank you DBG for securing these kills solely for TL. No more need for poop socking because other guilds will not be able to do them
  2. Nickatropolis Augur

    Why on earth is there so much WHINING. Why do people thing killing raid mobs should be EASY? ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EASY!
  3. Hexaholic Augur

    First stuff is too easy, now it is too hard. Make up your mind. Oh wait, you want things CATERED to you. I get it now.
    Frenzic likes this.
  4. Vaalk New Member

    I'm not whining, I'm just saying that the casuals have zero chance now, and that makes me happy.
  5. Pikallo Augur

    We want the EASY version, but we also want it available Tuesday's and Thursday's from 6-10pm. Only to us though.
    Teylk likes this.
  6. Oakenn Tigerspirit Augur

    Can you imagine when we actually get to hard raid content? How long b4 they are asking for the instanced fights to only require 15-20 people to beat?
  7. Eleusis Elder

    You mean when we quit and move on to WoW?

    The Apex of EQ raiding can be summed up in two strats

    Run away

    Get over yourself with the "EQ raiding is for the hardcore " nonsense
    Sinzz likes this.
  8. Nolrog Augur

  9. Oakenn Tigerspirit Augur

    Lets all go to WoW for a month beat all the content and come back. It is super hard.
  10. Eleusis Elder

    A month is a lot longer than the 72 hours it took to trivialize TLP content
  11. Hexaholic Augur

    If it's so easy and "meh", then why do you "casuals" want to do it so bad?
  12. Eleusis Elder

    I'm not a casual I am a hardcore raider
    And if there's anything I "want bad " it's the opportunity to continue laughing at the ridiculous sigs you guys adorn your posts with

    LoL@video game resumes
  13. Fiyero Augur

    Faceless on Lockjaw took down Vox and Naggy too, so it's not just TL that can take down raid targets. And the 2nd raid guild on Lockjaw to attempt Naggy got him to 30-40%. So it's doable, it just is challenging now. You're not supposed to smash your head against the keyboard and kill a raid target. Their original form was nothing but loot pinatas.
  14. Tharrg Augur

    If TL was doing it without using tons of Sk and mage bots.. then we might not care.. but they took them out still without much of a loss. You remove their box programs... and things change.
    SithWizard and Templeton like this.
  15. Groans Augur

    What is a casual? What do we need to do to "Deserve" raid targets? please clarify this in great detail.
  16. Tharrg Augur

    we need to pay to win... using a 3p program that has subscription base.... (wonder if the revenue from it gets funneled to any leading memmbers of the staff?)
    Wayylon and Templeton like this.
  17. Ducreux Augur

    It's funny cause you obviously have no idea how the new raid mobs' mechanics work if you think SKs and mages are the key to killing them.
  18. rekais910 Augur

    I frankly think that if people are complaining this much then. These targets are the perfect difficulty to start instancing. It'll make the targets enough of a challenge that it only makes sense now. Real casuals won't stand a chance, real guilds and players that bring enough people and treat it like the threat it is will be able to win and earn the loot that is sitting in it's stomach.
    Vaclav likes this.
  19. Jamz Augur

  20. rekais910 Augur

    That selfie doesn't do you any justice. May I suggest you pick a different picture to represent yourself?