NO QUEUE at login - do not make the second server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Qing, May 27, 2015.

  1. Lateryn Augur

    This is the worst. Especially when you accidentally click one of the stupid icons in Adv Loot window, crash and have to sit in a 1-2 hour queue again.
    Motherlee likes this.
  2. Makenzi Journeyman

    I give master loot away as fast as humanly possible. No way I'm touching that cog ever again!
  3. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    Took me about 45-50 minutes to get back in.
  4. Peri Journeyman

    Que is ok til about 5pm cst, then up to 3 hr wait. So they have to do something about it.
    Motherlee likes this.
  5. Lateryn Augur

    Yeah I only touch the boxes now. The auto roll box if GL, then the Greed/Need/Never boxes. I don't touch icons anymore.
    random_pawn00 likes this.
  6. Tons Journeyman

    30 mins and counting
  7. JEllise New Member

    I am in Q as i type this and also moving to LJ when it opens this weekend.
  8. Deftoned New Member

    I think maintaining the exclusivity of the server would be a good thing for the longterm.
  9. Steampunk Augur

    So, YOU can get on without a queue, so we don't need a new server? Doesn't matter whether anybody else can or not? Aren't you a special snowflake!
    Kasuka and random_pawn00 like this.
  10. Qing Journeyman

    Well I do live in the superior time zone, after all!
  11. Brelic Elder

    nice troll thread but there is a queue after 6pm everynight..
    Motherlee and random_pawn00 like this.
  12. Tachya Elder

    Is that the "I don't know what school or a job is" time zone? Well, while these concepts may be foreign to you, there are people who don't have the luxury that they can log on when there's no queue, then just stay online the rest of the day.

    I, too, can log on without a queue. When I'm home for lunch at noon, when I can play for about half an hour. Or around midnight. But when I can actually really play there's a huge queue.

    So yes, the second server is very much needed. The whole world doesn't revolve around you.
  13. Sandrito Elder

    He's right. If its anything like ArcheAge, the queue will rapidly diminish in a few weeks and the new server will be a ghost town.
  14. Warlorf Augur

    well its a Wed night at 930pm CST and ive been in queue 30 mins .. way too long. Glad the 2nd server is coming. Anything over 5 minutes and its not worth playing in the evenings on weekdays for those that have kids or work early
  15. Tamarian New Member

    There is def a que new server or not I'll still stay on ragefire.
    give it a few weeks and those mid level paladins/rangers ect will get bored and quit and run back to their normal servers mark my words. The only thing I'd like to see is Kunark unlocked velious in 3 months then a 6 month timer after that. There is truly not enough content in classic to support the player base if it does infact stay this busy.
  16. Tachya Elder

    That's your opinion. My opinion is you're wrong. And this isn't ArcheAge. ArcheAge sucks, hackshield rootkit pos.

    And how long do paying customers have to be basically unable to play because they have daytime jobs, before you admit you're wrong? And if people are worried about two servers getting out of sync, well every day we have to wait for Lockjaw they'll be more out of sync.

    Also, with Kunark open too soon, people can't really help leveling past 50 and trivializing classic content.
  17. Motherlee Augur

    I was told it was 5 hours this evening. /shrug
  18. Adaman New Member

    No queue, huh? It' s9:30 PM PST and I've been in queue for an hour.

    Yeah...we need Lockjaw ASAP.
  19. Bloops Journeyman

    EST isn't GMT+1