Devs please fix advanced loot system

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Brelic, May 23, 2015.

  1. Mashef Augur

    Just go the distance and destroy all code and anything that could verify the existence of such a horrible horrible horrible development job. Advanced loot is by far the WORST thing ever developed in video games. Just delete it already. Purge it from the annals of EQ history. You will be thanked by millions, despised by a few.
  2. CocoaNut Elder

  3. Harry New Member

    Advanced look definitely causes crashes with my client, usually when trying to click on the cog.
  4. Xelris New Member


    Crashing and logging in quickly shouldn't put you at the back of the queue, by the way.
    Reposting this to reddit as well for visibility.
  5. Lothoec New Member

    Don't use the options through the button that looks like a cog wheel (called Manage I think..). Anything in there seems to cause a crash. Instead to leave an item on the corpse, just right click on the item(s) no one wants and choose "Leave on corpse" there.

    Leave a /bug in-game, and post here. It will hopefully get fixed soon, but there are a few ways to avoid it.
  6. Machen New Member

    That's actually what I've been doing. 99% of the time it works fine. This one time, it didn't. No idea why.
  7. Zyltas New Member

    advloot is broken for sure. I bug reported it back in beta that I was crashing when doing something like leave on corpse.
    Just happend to me again, wait 1/5 hours to get in play 20 min hit leave on corpse through the manage gear and then back in queue I go
  8. Oamm New Member

    Same thing just happened to me, I chose to greed the loot after joining a new group. I'll definitely be turning advloot off until a patch is in. I really enjoy using it though, especially when soloing so I can continue medding. The worst part is I just got in from the queue and now I have to wait again, haha.. Oh well.
  9. Leifer Augur

    I was in a group today. The group leader would crash while making changes on Advloot. When one person crashed, the next person who got master looter would make some changes and crash to desktop. This happened SEVERAL times - each time to whoever was ML and making changes to Advloot. So fun to wait in in queue for another hour after trying to setup Advloot for a new group.
  10. Vexosis Journeyman

    Adv Loot caused me to crash a few minutes ago as well. Was telling it to leave loot on the corpse and bam crashed and back in the queue now.. They should expand the queue to allow accounts in that were already in if they reconnect after 5 minutes or something.
  11. Denithor Journeyman

    Seriously. Fix this .

    I wait an hour to get in, finally get into a group, then crash as soon as I accept the group invite. Client crashes every time the advloot window is used in a group setting. It's fine while soloing, but I don't care. I don't want to be the type of player that joins a group, kills one mob, then DC's and can't explain myself because I have to wait at the end of the queue and am kicked from the group by then anyways.
    Tielovou likes this.
  12. Tielovou New Member

    Happened to me FOUR TIMES today. I've waited a combined 9 hours to get back into game, and played maybe 2 hours. I am waiting in queue now after an hour, My group is likely long gone.

    It crashed on "leave on corpse" for items that no one ever wants, it crashed when I chose to roll for my group, it crashed Right after I got back in from a crash on a 2 hour wait, all when the loot window just popped up after a kill, and it crashed just trying to 'X' out of the advloot window. It may be "supposed" to work, but it's not.

    And the Queue system is really maddening, if someone client crashes while active in the game, they should be able to get right back on within 2-3 minutes, instead of waiting 2 hours to get back on.
    Denithor likes this.