What class will you be?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Juicepolice, May 16, 2015.

  1. Rolento Augur

    You cant solo as a rogue, and it seems most of the people here are going to multi box. Id love to go a rogue, but with the fear of potentially not getting a group and no real way to level. I think its scaring people off. Thats just my guess though
  2. Druz Augur

    Probably the fact that anyone who has played a modern MMO will be bored out of their mind playing a rogue for the first few expansions is what is turning people off the class. Yall love to turn boxing into a boogeyman, but like half the responders to every poll says they aren't boxing, and VERY few are boxing a full group. Most people aren't boxing, and the vast majority of people that are boxing will have room in their group for others.
  3. The Broken One New Member

    what else? mage or mnk if I want to be the strongest
  4. Behee Augur

    Most people are boxing. Less than 40% of the last poll said they wouldn't box.

    But, What I start out with and what I intend to play longer term will change.

    Long term, I will play Enchanter/Druid/Mage (plus Necro if we decide to add a 4th char each).
  5. Vexosis Journeyman

    I'm actually considering a rogue main right now. Its a toss up between that and a monk.
  6. navypinoy1988 New Member

    Im leaning heavily toward cleric, I always played clerics. also half way debating 2boxing, but I dont know what I'd 2box with the Cleric, either a SK or War , but if i duo with a melee I would probly roll a sham with it....*so confused***
  7. Stewgottz Augur

    I'm going 3 classes I've never played before, Druid/enchanter/necro.
  8. Aiona Augur

    Coming back to EQ and joining Ragefire for launch, I swore I'd never play a cleric again with all the CHeal rotations and all that jazz... but I probably will - almost all of my fond memories of EQ are from when I used to play a cleric.

    I've tried just about everything since my cleric days, including joining Fippy a few years ago and playing Ragefire beta and cleric is the only class that stands out for me. I don't know why, it just feels right. Cleric feels natural to me. Even in crappy gear, lol. :p
  9. Baphamet Elder

    think i finally made my decision to go with DE Nec/Wiz

    anyone else rollin that combo?
  10. Jadefox Augur

    A DE Necro is on my list for later alts, but not at the start.
  11. Corvus New Member

    I honestly can't make up my mind between and Erudite Necro (it's amazing how many places these guys can go without being KoS) or Barb Shaman
  12. Klaria Journeyman

    In my heart I want to play a Magician again, as that's the first class I properly played, plus I can solo a little more often and just explore as I won't have as much time as "back in the day". However my head tells me to try another class to see it from another angle...

    TL;DR: I'll probably play a Magician again ;)
  13. enciscojarbez New Member

    I will probably roll an Enchanter or Magician as main; Ranger as alt.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  14. oldemangamer Augur

    There are 14 classes and I am willing to bet that 20 percent of the server will be magicians. You will not see enough tanks. Least played classes will be ranger paladin and rogue. Having a couple of casters in your group will trivialize the content. May as well go level up a toon in WoW.
  15. Jadefox Augur

    Rangers and Pallies are always the least played in Classic, so them being not the most popular classes here wouldn't be out of the ordinary. Your mage bet, though, smacks of hyperbole. Not that I would know anything about hyperbole. :rolleyes:

  16. drunk New Member

    I'll be a halfling rogue all the rogue loot belongs to me!
    Fetish and Fallfyres like this.
  17. Fallfyres Augur

    Yes MBear...it seems there are players who can not stand the idea of groupable loot that has +3 stam, or +2 wis....how atrocious, /sarcasm. To deal with your character gaining skills as they level up of like +2% elemental resistance, or winning low-stat groupable loot with +2 to Wis or +1 to dex, to have to actually need to sell tradeskilling ingredients to earn coin instead of labeling it nothingness and literally deleting it for space because its vendor value is so little.

    Well, those are some of the players/playstyles that think this lovely classiq-est EQ server would just be too much effort for too slow and too little of a reward. Also those who sincerely believe that the 'real game' only starts at cap. Isn't it awesome that there are many current live servers they can have fun on?
  18. Fallfyres Augur

    Rolento, you can solo every class. You can use an alt to level up a Shammy so you can make potions to help that supposedly non-solo-able character, or make friends you can duo with when full on groups aren't available. You can help friends or newbies out on your Shammy so they will in turn include your Rogue in grouping. You can build a friend list etc.

    *Wonders how those Rogues from day one of EQ launch in 1999 ended up being so accomplished and having such a blast...how did they do it? *Guess no one told them they couldn't, or maybe they just didn't listen to the naysayers, but instead enjoyed their journey and became skilled.
  19. Aaramis Augur

    If the modern poisons were in place for classic, a lot more people would be playing Rogue.

    But until things such as bite of the shissar come into place, as well as AAs, the class does really struggle to solo and is stuck at soloing blues (with downtime). Compared to the OP Mage that will be able to chain yellows..... it'll be very noticeable.

    That said, they're a fun class. Props to anyone who rolls one from the start untwinked. Same with Warriors.
  20. drunk New Member

    Also remember who will be opening your doors and dragging corpses. Don't group with me. Don't get mad if I charge you 100pp to drag you from the bottom of seb or solb or guk