Faction Tab

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Oorionwave, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. Oorionwave New Member

    Would it be possible to add a Faction tab to Inventory windows like in eq2. not knowing exactly where percentage wise my faction is for questing is difficult to say the least. From the time it takes to hop 5 zones to test its con and 5 zones to return to the faction hits consumes 15% of my nights. It doesn't have to be a point base more of a percentage slider/indicator. Please make this change happen! Id like to know where I stand with my faction before I adventure into this great wide world of Everquest. Thank you all :)
    Cazmac, Ishtass and Tobin like this.
  2. Dibab Augur

    This isn't EQ2.
    This isn't WoW.
    This isn't any other MMO.

    This is everquest. just let it be and run your zones. This is a feature that isnt needed.
  3. Lazy automation Elder

    It would be nice. I hated going back and checking npc reaction every 30 min after mass killing to see what faction level i was. Could have really used it when doing spirit wracked cords or velious faction swapping.
    Cazmac likes this.
  4. Riou EQResource

    Think the main problem is that there are like 5000 factions in the game, and a window that listed it all would be super rough to do anything with
    Uxtalzon and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  5. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Aye and it would have to load all these when it loaded your toon. I am pretty sure when this was suggested before that was the problem.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  6. Atvar Augur

    It already does when you /con a mob, no? Just add the number into the con message.
    Meatball likes this.
  7. Lazy automation Elder

    have it like an aa window and sort by expansion? make its like bazaar search and have a sortable search by fields? Lots of easy solutions.

    It not really necessity, but I like quality of life improvements, adding in things like the easy loot and some sort of faction window would be nice little additions.
    Ishtass likes this.
  8. Abazzagorath Augur

    I've always wanted this. They took a small step with adding the faction +/- numbers in awhile ago.

    I don't buy the argument about having to load them all. The game already does that else you'd always have /con bugs popping up with factions reset temporarily when there is latency issues serverside. Its probably part of the character flat file and if we had the correct references and UI pieces needed, players could create one.
    Ishtass likes this.
  9. Tadenea Augur

    probably just be easier for when you get faction adjustment it tell you like 500/5000 on faction for numbers along with the number it increased or decreased by
    -Your Faction with Pie has been increased by +2 (500/5000)
    as an example
  10. Stickietoes Augur

    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare, Ishtass and Tobin like this.
  11. Abazzagorath Augur

    Great idea, perfect!
  12. Ferry-Tunare Augur

    Displaying the factions for all possible hits in the zone you're in should be possible and not require too large of a window.
  13. Tatankawolfdancer Elder

    You can avoid this, somewhat.

    1 - Turn on logging
    2 - Get the "faction" chart from ZAM: http://everquest.allakhazam.com/wiki/EQ:faction
    The lower chart is the correct one
    3 - Find your base (starting) faction (/con something on the faction)
    4 - Just track the log messages. GamParse works well for this. I filter for the messages, grab all the text, paste into Excel, and get a column total. That tells me how much progress I've made. Takes less than a minute to do.
    5 - Compare to chart referenced in step 2. You'll know when you're there, or getting close.

    No need to constantly travel back and forth to check factions.

    Note: This is possible now that faction hit messages show the actual amount of the hit. This couldn't be done back before they changed the messages.

  14. Tadenea Augur

    also some classes and race can max higher then others
    for instance Shaman's 1.0 they can max ally higher then other classes which is to prevent multiquesting since end part requires max True Spirit Faction
    (work around for that is to get faction increasing item to put you temporary past max cap for your class/race)
    Same goes for factions like Wood Elf in Neriak, some factions max out at Dubious to the Woodelf in Neriak
  15. Iila Augur

    It wouldn't matter. You just show the adjustable part and ignore the by-NPC adjustments that take place.

    BaseFaction + FactionAdjustment + RacialMod + ReligionMod + ClassMod + OtherMod = Con outcome.

    The part we care about is the FactionAdjustment variable that we can raise and lower. If being at +5,000 DarkBargainers means I'm still only dubious because they hate wood elves, so be it.

    And despite it coming up about how different NPCs on the same faction might care about race about race/class/god differently, that's extremely rare.
  16. Lazy automation Elder

    I want to play a game not keep track of a database=P
  17. Tatankawolfdancer Elder

    Fine, have it your way.

    However, you CAN do what I suggested, or ask for a feature that will 99.99% never appear.

    Happy zone hopping :)
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  18. Tobin Augur

    I seem to sense a hostile attitude towards the OP in this thread.

    I saw it raised an idea of faction checking and idea came out from it:
    /factionstanding "The HotWingz"

    I have many years ago at an EQ event in NYC saw the GM interface UI. It displays the true faction number not just a +/- number.on each kill. That feature would be useful and they already have the code for it.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And mobs can base their reaction off of multiple factions so unless you know all the factions for a given mob and how it is calculated knowing one faction might not be all you need.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  20. Milfurd Augur

    Maybe the devs want to keep the max/min faction a secret and would prefer:

    -Your Faction with Pie has been increased and is now (Amiable)
    Tobin, Ishtass, Yinla and 1 other person like this.