What is your ideal group?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Mittensworth, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Nniki Augur

    Probably something like this:

    Bard (me!)
  2. code-zero Augur

    Suppose you wanted to fill out a group with an existing core of Bard, Druid, SK and Wizard? Those aren't subject to replacement at all so what to recruit for the last two slots?
  3. Zaknaffein Augur

    Enchanter and Cleric.
  4. Nniki Augur

    Beastlord and Ranger.
  5. Inke New Member

    Any ideal grouo without a bard is incomplete. Bard tank healer dps backup tank dps dps.. So bard, tank (sk, pal, war), healer (Druid, cleric), ranger (backup tank, track) Mage (best pet tank) beast lord (backup tank, mana regen, adps) , necro (backup tank, mana regen, most dps) , dps, dps
  6. jeskola pheerie

    If it is 6 real people, war clr mag wiz dru enc. War and CLR need to be good though!
  7. Norathorr Augur

    When I played as a berserker it was Berserker Bst Bard Shaman Warrior Rogue.
  8. Nylrem Augur

    Any 6 that REALLY know how to play their class well, will dominate ANY 6 random players of any class you choose. Don't choose your groupmates based on class, IMO.

    SKILL is MUCH greater importance than class. If you have 5 friends that can play their class very well, join them, and have a blast.

    A skilled Paladin or SK in group gear with 8k AA runs circles around a raid geared, max AA warrior that's a poor player. And vice versa.

    Same can be said for any DPS or priest classes. A skilled chanter can out DPS a poorly played wizard, on and on.

    A skilled priest of any kind, a skilled tank of any kind, and any other 4 skilled players can dominate 99% of all group content.
  9. Gruffish Elder

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