Marketplace Addition: What Does the Black Wolf Say?

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Roshen Brand Manager

    By: Ry “Roshen” Schueller


    Much mount. Such wolf. So hip.

    Check out the Marketplace today for a special new mount now available to players. Black Wolf is priced at 1450 SC. Start your adventurers across Norrath on your new Black Wolf today!
    Mary Poppins likes this.
  2. complexication Kassina

    oh my god.

    Doge. really?
  3. Axxius Augur

    What does the black wolf say?

    "Where is the fox?!"
  4. Roshen Brand Manager

    But he's not a doge. Or a fox. He's a wolf. (and WHAT a wolf!)
  5. Derd Augur

    In the great history of the internet, 2013 will be known as the Year of the Doge. The cute Shiba Inu that misspelled his internal monologue in Comic Sans captured everyone's heart for at least a few seconds these last few months (hey, that's all the time it takes on the internet). And that is why Doge -- "dog" in his own special lexicon -- is also the best meme of 2013.
  6. Mojoslinger Elder

    Hey Roshen, I like some of these new mounts but the stacking issues with shamans pact of the wolf is kind of annoying, is there any way we can get mounts without the AC HP / Mana bonus?
  7. GuardSoroko Journeyman

    id pay 1950sc if the thing had a suit of armor on it, similar to the EQ2 armored Wargs.
  8. Fendy Augur

    Doesn't have any stat boosts and looks kinda like a tame worg.
  9. SpamFactory Augur

  10. Derd Augur

    um.. sorry fendy but it has ac and hp and mana boost much like many of the mounts.
  11. a grue New Member

    Give me a corgi mount!
  12. Fendy Augur

    My bad. I was basing my statement on the info available on the marketplace. this
    says it provides benefits. This
    Does not. I guess I should have purchased the wolf so I could make an informed comment. SOE has a habit of hiding information until we commit to paying for things. hehe.
  13. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    Cool mount, I will probably get one for my shaman & druid.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    it looks awful, I was expecting the black wolf we have always see in Commonlands and he looks brown in you SS not black.
  15. Uxtalzon Augur

    A large person riding a small animal? I know what the wolf says:


    Oooooh, MAH BACK!
    Jorahn likes this.
  16. Saave Augur

    I agree, there should be a description of stats.

    I think the mount is cool looking. :)
    Especially if your a fan of Breaking Dawn.

    Thanks Roshan :)
  17. Drou Thorne New Member


    My wolf mount doesn't disappear in the water!
  18. Saave Augur

    Wow, that mount looks cool!
    Is it FAST?
  19. Jowls New Member

    cute lil doggy, but what does it taste like??
  20. Baramos Augur

    There is a dog-like animal from GoD expansion which was absolutely the most terrifying beast of all time. It snarled and drooled and whole groups would run as fast as they could to escape them when the expansion started.

    Get us the Ukun mount. I'd pay for that dog.