raid gear + trash mobs. Capitalizing on HA system

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Goth, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Battleaxe Augur

    If it's so easy and undemanding then you have a route to raid gear.

    (Two actually - you can transfer to FV).
  2. Goth Augur

    when there was free xfer to FV a bunch of people went there.

    FV was a server that rarly had a guild that has the final expantion on farm. Currently there are 3 of them. and one is ranked #14. FV raiding wise is somewhat comparible to all other servers.

    if the population bar on is telling of anything it too is also equally popular to most standard servers.

    i shouldn't have to tell you this but EQ has changed. when it went to FTP and kronos were introduced things changed. for Sony EQ to bring in revenue it needs people to be gold or buy kronos. for that to happen you need more people willing to pay for gold accounts and or buy krono.

    making things tradable fuels the game market driving demand for krono. chase item which are prestige requires people to be gold and continue to be gold if they wish to utilize those items. it will only take a few prestige raid items to persuade people to either buy krono or sub for gold.

    what some of you dont understand. this is not just a game. it is a business. if you think only having gold raider accounts is all EQ needs you are dead wrong. if i could capitalize on the casual market by providing carrots which boosted demand for krono and gold subs i would do it in a heart beat. especially considering that these items in which no way takes from what raiders can still achieve. over casual/hardcore none raiders.
    Ssixa likes this.
  3. Bleed New Member

    I don't by choice but others might.

    Life is about choices and the results of those choices. If that is what people want to do, fine. I personally don't participate in either one of those scenarios but its not my business to say people shouldn't do that. If people run scripts and get busted, than that is their problem. If people want to go to FV, and buy their gear...hey great. Its your time and your money and it has ZERO impact on my play or sense of accomplishment.
  4. Goth Augur

    some things you just dont talk about... trust me EQ is the most hacked MMO on the market. one person with about 8 good computers and a good internet could run an entire raid by him self. anyone in denial of this should pull there head out of the sand.
  5. Derd Augur

    You all "raiders only can have the best gear" types are really going to hate plane of war :)
  6. Goth Augur

    i have been saying the same crap for a long time. once you release something of some value and it is tradable and or none prestige then all stuff equal too or lower should also be changed. no much point in having all these variances. it is confusing and also benifits no one.

    lets just say they make all that old raid gear tradable. again your going to boost the in game market in which will boost krono sales. if you put raid gear up there it should all be made prestiege no raid gear should be made none prestige. this will help booste gold subs and more krono sales.

    It wont hurt the game. but it will provide more revenue for sony EQ which will intern hopefully provider more staff support.
  7. Goth Augur

    im not paying for an xfer let alone all the hardward and accounts to box 8 groups.

    simply saying it is very much possible and you dang well know it.
  8. phraxasthereal Journeyman

    This is the second time ive seen you reference people asking to get off FV. Correct me of im wrong or not but people transfer off all servers all the time. The only reason you see people post about transfering off FV vs other servers is because you can't. People transfer off ALL servers for various reasons, just because you physically see post about it doesnt mean the server is bad or in a bad state. So I dont get why you continue to post people are transfering off FV like its a dying server.
  9. Gortar Augur

    What I'm hearing here is that everything under current content should have no drop removed. That would help everyone in the game have fun. Make current content no drop until a new expansion comes out, then make it dropable. That would suit raiders/groupers sellers/buyers.

    Set group based content items as non prestige and all raid based items as prestige.
  10. Khat_Nip Meow

    Forgetting for the moment that these items never should have been T4 raid in the first place, suggesting these items be buyable from the vendor absolutely 100% detracts from the spirit of the intention of these chase items.
    Putting them on the vendor is a guaranteed way for someone to get between 1 and all of them and that is not what these items are about in any way, shape, or form. They are supposed to be a rare bonus that one could potentially happen upon while adventuring. They are not a guaranteed means of progressing your gear and were never meant to be.
    You may get one, you may get really lucky and get more than one, heck you may never get one to ever drop. All you're doing is trying to make these items into something they are not and were never intended to be.
  11. phraxasthereal Journeyman

    That's actually incorrect, a dev who does not handle itemization was under the "assumption" they where t1/2 quality, however the itemization dev confirmed the intent was for them to be t4
    Ssixa and Sinestra like this.
  12. Ratbo Peep Augur

    This is 100% correct.
    Past that - this thread smells way too much like the old thread - only more stale.
    Sinestra likes this.
  13. Khat_Nip Meow

    That is not what I was saying.
    Put another way, in the grand scheme of things when they decided on what the level of the drops should have been they should not have decided on them being T4 raid.
  14. phraxasthereal Journeyman

    Whats better or worse...

    2 chase items zonewide as current raid gear, CoTF t1a/t1b or 35ish chase items previous tier'd RoF T4 raid gear
  15. Gnomeland Augur

    COTF T1 is 2500 HME, projecting the increase from ROF T4, COTF T2 is going to be around 2600-2700 HME, which is around ROF T1.

    The fact is, COTF T1 raid is pushing 3500 HME, and COTF T2 is going to be around 3700-3800 HME. The gap is already large enough.

    For chase items to be worthwhile, they have to be beat the group gear by, at the minimum, a tier. So 2900-3000 HME when COTF T2 rolls around.
    Ssixa likes this.
  16. Ravengloome Augur

    No. The gap? is 30% at most. Its pretty much the same way it has been for years.

    The problem is the Skill gap. Because last i checked Gear doesn't play EQ.
  17. Gnomeland Augur

    It's a lot larger than 30%. I'm simply using HME because it is an easy way to see tier difference.

    Tier-wise, 200 HME is about one tier. So 3500 HME is five tiers above current group gear. Five tiers is a huge difference. Imagine tackling COTF content in VoA gear.
  18. Ravengloome Augur

    I Can imagine it since i did it in Beta with /betabuff 100 and never buying the ROF gear because I was lazy.
    Hard? Sure? Doable Yeh.

    There is nothing in COTF (group content) that cannot be tanked with T4 VOA gear.

    Also what you fail to realize is COTF group content was tuned around group gear of the time... So uhh yeh, i don't care if raiders have 30% more then me, my ego isn't hurt. Especially since they earned it. Their content is tuned for their gear, my content is tuned for mine.

    I don't need to steal their gear to do my content, I can stand on my own two feet, without raid gear carrying me.
  19. Cicelee Augur

    I think a lot of casual groupers want something, but they do not understand the ramifications of wanting it.

    I belong to a high end raid guild, one of 35-ish that farms the eight CoTF raids. Half of my gear is COTF T1 raid, the other half is RoF T2-4 pieces. This expansion, in my gear, is a complete and utter joke with regards to challenge. It is so insanely easy that I get bored out of my mind. I do the group missions with guild mates, and breezed through the first four in an hour combined. The second batch of group missions were completed in less time. This with all of us in a mix of RoF/CoTF raid gear.

    Raid gear trivialized the group game. It makes the already easy, even more mind numbingly easier. Is this what the casual grouper wants- to make easy mode even more easier for them? To be able to acquire the second best gear in the game to completely trivialize your group game? How insanely boring would that become?

    Having some challenge gives some sort of satisfaction. Raiders get zero satisfaction from the group game- we do it because we have to. Our satisfaction comes from raids, where even though CoTF raids are much easier than years past...they still have some tiny risk involved. A raid can still wipe on Xulous if people do not handle the clouds properly. WK2 can be a challenge with the amount of DPS the Commander puts out. In order to be successful, we need raid gear to defeat raids. Group gear is needed for group content- anything more starts to trivialize the group content, to the point where you are just bored with the easyness of it.

    Be careful what you wish for, casual grouper. While it looks awesome for your character to have an 300ac 3300hp shield, you will soon realize how boring and easy your content (the group game) will become.
  20. Goth Augur

    its already boring, nothing to do, nothing to go after, no reason to be gold. well this was prior to them releasing the random drops.

    its not about how easy or hard the content is. its about actually having content to do. Even the harder expansions like UF did not have long lasting content. once you got what you wanted your where done. its actually worse when the content is hard because you do what you go to do and you never go back.

    that's sort of what is cool about "chase" items. it gives you at least something to work at for a good long while. I have reason to go and kill stuff in CoTF now. I just wish now they would do something with the HA system which makes it worth while to repeat over and over again and something to use the points on.

    for chase items to work they have to be much better than what normally can be obtained in short amount of time or there is again no point in trying to get them. Absolutely zero reason to grind out for marginal upgrades. Marginal upgrades come when they release new content.