RoF favorites

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sirene_Fippy, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    It seems like a lot of people really dislike the latest expansion, but I am curious what aspects of it people do like (or hate slightly less). Here's mine:

    favorite zone: Plane of Shadow
    quest: A Well Regulated Militia in kael (that quest with the drunk mercenaries), I also really like The Believers in SL (where you take the forsaken's head to the underground city)
    mission: Dispelling the Shadows (luclin)
    raid (of those completed): High Priest Syltetzalvek in SL (maybe I'm a sucker, but the murderer part always keeps me interested and the boss itself is somewhat interesting)
    item graphic: pretty much anything from T3
    item: The Lady's Entreaty (clicky tash)
    what you want the last portal to be: Velketor's Labyrinth
    honorable mention (anything else you really liked): the collection system. There's something irresistible about picking up shiny things :p I also really love the new item icons.

    If you decide not to flame me for liking things in RoF, here's a template:
    favorite zone:
    item graphic:
    what you want the last portal to be:
    honorable mention:
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. Recnarp Augur

    Zone: Chelsith
    Quest: That one SL quest where you deliver the talking head and stuff.
    Mission: Chelsith Arena or Xaric
    Raid: Luclin
    Item: Yeah, T3 had really good art.
    Portal: Something new and not rehashed
    Honorable: Although I'm not a huge fan of paying $$$ for rehashed content (something that should be left for anniversary/seasonal events), I do recognize how successful it was for bringing back older players and how ToV allowed low-tier/open raiding guilds to do stuff. Overall, I say this was a success.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  3. Edrick Augur

    The quest in Shard's where you meditate in front of the crystal is awesome. What happens during it actually shocked me for a second. I don't want to spoil it because it was a surprise, something that doesn't happen too often in this game.

    I also want the last portal to be *Edrick is polymorphed into a scholarly gorilla and a snide voice cackles in the distance*
  4. Axxius Augur

    favorite zone: Chelsith Reborn
    quest: Hammered mercs in Kael, chasing your bones in Kael, or killing invisible creatures in Kael. Pretty much all quests in Kael are good.
    mission: An End To Fear, or Dispelling Shadows
    raid: An End To Fear
    item graphic: all weapons and shields from Plane of Shadow
    item: none from this expansion
    what you want the last portal to be: Plane of Mischief 3.0
    honorable mention: AA from Shadow of Fear. More useful that the main expansion's AA.
  5. Tegila Augur

    favorite zone: Breeding Grounds: Lava and dragons thats plenty for me to love it. that said, i havent really been back much since i finished the trophy there
    quest: shard experience: weird choice i konw but i like it because its soemthing i dont have to take 3 hours explaining to a new or returning player exactly what it is they have to do to do it (group tasks are nicer in taht regard)
    mission: defeat zeixshi kar: the main reason is that i put off diong this mission for so long based on the many many complaints from toher people (raiders) about how horribly hard the thing was and blah blah and how long it would take etc..and when i went to do it, with a full group of individual players (not all high aa or well-raidgeared yet as most were newer guildies at the time and still eager to do it while the older members were avoiding it like the plague too) and we had the whole thing wiped out in 15-20 minutes with every achievement , with zero difficulty, made me wonder just what my fellow guildmates were complaining so much about as their group was far more "perfect" for missions than mine was. also like teh whole portal attuning thing and wish there was SOMEthign required for t4 beyond just clickign soemthing already tehre the entire time. people that have never done anything in the expansion cant jsut run there for the first time ever by takigna portal and walking in to loot a rot, they have to do teh legwork to get the reward even if the reward is free.
    raid:dont have one
    item graphic: dont have one of those either but i do collect as many as i can
    item: shawl 3.0 ofcourse
    what you want the last portal to be:sleeper's, but it wont be
    honorable mention: i like the first 2 tiers better tahn the last 2 all around. i hate the way they did loot in t3/4 and love the variety there is in t1/2 even if there are some zones i hate, there are many more i liked. i also like the way questing has become a viable levelling alternative to grinding as i hate grinding xp in a group format, and as someone that didnt experience any of the reminisced zones when they were new, and some never at all, i like the nostalgia aspect
  6. Uxtalzon Augur

    favorite zone: Chapterhouse
    quest: Strong Stomachs Needed
    mission: Forget the name, the one where the deathtouch knight slowly follows you in chapterhouse
    raid: Have only done two... :\ but Kael is my choice. Killing those old named feels good man
    item graphic: the horribly underpowered Paladin class specific weapon from that "Depths of Fear" achievement, it looks like a great ornament to place in a barrel in my non-existent house.
    item: N/A, the only ROF gear I have ever obtained is group gear.
    what you want the last portal to be: Rivervale (THEY PROMISED MORE HALFLINGS TO KILL, THEY LIED SO FAR)
    honorable mention: Thanks for fixing HoFb collectible spawns very fast, but too bad they didn't fix the wandering walks-through-walls mobs.

    Edit: I keep checking the Unkempt Woods.... the druid ring is almost complete.
  7. Phrett Augur

    Aside from the t4 zones, I thought RoF was a pretty damn good expansion. Not sure why all the hate (actually I do know, most eq players and gamers in general just hate everything because they think it's cool), but I'd give RoF on the whole a solid 8 out of 10 considering the age of this game. Waaaaay better than VoA was...

    Only main gripe, t4 zones were an afterthought and the t4 raids should have been release at the same time as t3... not enough times to farm t4 gear until next expansion.
  8. Phrett Augur

    favorite zone: Chelsith Reborn
    quest: none
    mission: Return of King Xorbb
    raid: Champions of the People
    item graphic: Possessed Dreadstone Ravager's Scythe
    item: Blackened Band of Oscura or Burden of Truth
    what you want the last portal to be: PoTime 2.0
    honorable mention: Slayer achievements, Megadeath
  9. Luft Elder

    favorite zone: Breeding Grounds
    quest: shawl 3.0
    mission: The one with Xaric, I forget it's name. I hated that one the least.
    raid: Shard's Landing
    item graphic: Possessed Dreadstone Ravager's Scythe
    item: Possessed Dreadstone Life Reaver
    what you want the last portal to be: Ever seen event horizon?
    honorable mention: Pre Hotfix zone crash bugs raid version of Xorbb 1, Pre nerf Vulak (we had some good times man), Qulas' Fiery Katar of Insanity for being the ugliest weapon in the game.
  10. Ronak Augur

    Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.
  11. Keshua Journeyman

    favorite zone: Plane of Shadow
    quest: The Halfling Trail ... follow the ham!
    mission: Calling Phantasm was pretty fun... loved trying to figure out who the murderer was and dodging barrels.
    raid: Not a raider so can't really answer this one.
    item graphic: The weapons and shields from Plane of Shadow are my favorite
    item: Alot of nice clickies in RoF but only one I farmed personally was The Chief's Influence ...only took about 50 kills
    what you want the last portal to be: Was hoping for a full-fledged Candyland zone
    honorable mention: I really liked working on the Collectibles - just wished that the rewards for doing the 2nd half were better.
  12. silku Augur

    favorite zone: chapterhouse (love the crowd control potential in here).
    quest: the one with the invisible mobs in Kael, where you have to consume the meat to see them
    mission: the SL one where you have 6 mobs to CC the entire time, and they keep spawning as you kill one
    raid: don't raid
    item graphic: maybe not actually a part of RoF but very happy with the Epic Aug quest.
    item: shawl 3.0 (even though I haven't managed it yet.)
    what you want the last portal to be: kedge.
    honorable mention: very happy with most of t1/t2 and parts of t3.
  13. MrGPAC Augur

    Personally I found this expansion to be awesome...though I really wish they had played more with the Velious factions than they did. Something about working different Giant factions within Kael that were pitted against eachother (but not really) just felt wrong. Still...was GREAT fun going back to some of my favorite old Velious zones.

    CToV was AWESOME and did a LOT for the raiding communities...and whats even better is once the level cap does increase, if not today, a lot of that content is going to be viable for pick up raids. I DO wish they had made a Vulak only instance version for those that had slain Vulak before though.

    What really set this expansion apart from some of the older ones was itemization. They actually created chase items again that people would lust after. Shield with dd proc on it, burden of truth, slow procing 2 hand weapon, upgraded tash orb clicky, upgrade to the stun clicky from time, etc. Lots of stuff we haven't seen upgraded in a LONG time, some since Velious, were back in the game. This was the first time in a long time I decided to camp something with the idea that, "This is something I'll be using 3 expansions from now"...that wasn't an aug.

    Also...Big thumbs up to more tier 1 raids...only 1 tier 1 raid in VoA was terrible. There may have been too many T2 raids with not enough t3/t4 through.

    All in all this expansion had a lot of high points...even if people loved to complain about too little content, then too much content without enough time to complete it all.
