Hot zone: Old Bloodfields

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Raluden, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Raluden Elder

    I for one am glad this was picked and I'll tell you why. It's the home of three excellent augmentations that are virtually impossible to score.

    Curator's Treasure
    AC: 35
    DEX: 0+2 AGI: 0+2 MANA: +70 ENDUR: +70

    Ksatharx's Amber
    AC: 30
    STR: 0+1 DEX: 0+1 AGI: 0+1 HP: +90 ENDUR: +90
    Damage Shield Mitigation: +3

    Pallorax's Frozen Flame (not as good)
    AC: 25
    STR: +10+1 DEX: +10+1 STA: +10 CHA: +10+1 WIS: +10+1 INT: +10+1 AGI: +10+1
    SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10

    These are impossibly rare drops so I hope you people grinding who do not need the augs will offer them to the zone as rots.
  2. Buktum Lorekeeper

    I probably should have checked the corpses of the 300 or so mobs I slaughtered last night. Oh well. Thanks for the heads up though.
  3. Axxius Augur

    They are not 'impossibly rare' by any means. They drop just about as often as RoF T2 stuff like Mask of the Chetari, Call of the Wild, etc etc.
  4. Mintalie Augur

    Not impossibly rare. I camped OBF for months and months during that expansion and saw a very fair amount of aug drops and got pretty much everyone in the guild who wanted one a rot. :)
  5. moogs Augur

    I have all 3 augs on my warrior, and I only play him maybe once a month?
  6. Sinestra Augur

    I spent about 3-6 hours a day killing thousands of mobs for months in OBF and only saw one of the augments drop twice in the same night.

    I have no luck with this zone evidently.
  7. Jonny Panic Augur

    These will drop overall about as often as the various zonewide augs did in Korascian Warrens. The good news is that this means better level 65-75 weapon damage augs (+4 1h, +7 2h) will be generally available to anyone who can get to and loot them.
  8. RaceCondition Augur

    Curator's Treasure is still kinda nice to have, but it's not as good as it used to be with all the augs they've added since SoD.
  9. BQLIFE New Member

    I always had pretty good luck with those augs when I was killing there. Solid choice for a hotzone