PoShadows ninja tune up

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kelefane, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. Luft Elder

    Basically, for those claiming RoI has no idea how the orbs work.

    When we were testing the event we discovered early on how the mechanic was working and immediately started circumventing it by simply ranging the orbs down (I.E. Arrows/Pets/Spells). The developer saw this and made a comment about it, even going as far as to make them unable to be cast upon (on beta). We took this as a sign that you were supposed to not be able to circumvent this. After all when you're testing an event, if a developer goes as far as to notice what you're doing to dodge a mechanic and makes a change directly because of your actions it tends to send off red flags.

    That's why we chose, not from ignorance or anything else that people seem to think, to spawn 1 add each time. Based solely on that developer feedback from Elegist at the time. RoI plays very by the books. We do not exploit events, we do not abuse mechanics that other guilds may. Which is why Rafather was stating that dodging an add 'is an exploit' because in RoI we viewed the ability to dodge an add, based on what Elegist said during the beta process and the direct changes from Elegist's comments, as an exploit.
    Candydare likes this.
  2. Genoane Journeyman

    That makes perfect sense. The event didn't go live that way though. It would probably make the event better if did. But range dps is not an exploit, and using the mechanic to spawn 1 add is not significantly different from spawning zero adds
  3. Amor Augur

    Another measuring stick thread trying to belittle someone else. Why does anyone care how a guild beats an event. It has no effect on anyone else's guild other than the one your in. If trying to diminish another person or peoples accomplishment makes you feel better than you have more issues than most. Must be a horrible life if that is your only form of feeling good about yourself.

  4. Axxius Augur

    Thank you for your compliment, kind sir! :)