Mercs became useless

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by krozman, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Uxtalzon Augur

    At 95 a week ago, I was able to molo (solo + merc healer) three mobs at once in Fear Itself.

    Now I'm constantly dying to two mobs at 96, same setting, AND burning disciplines. The healer merc isn't healing fast enough I think, or that the stupid heals are just... 10k each. Petty slow heals, terrible.

    Couldn't fight anything in Shard's Landing without using discs. I think one mob was immune to stun, and I used *everything* to stay alive. Four minute fight, and 1/5 for task? No thanks. =\
  2. Nenton Augur

    Two years in a row with this nonsense. Back to spam healing through nameds because cleric merc is once again worthless compared to the day before just like VoA launch. Good job.
    VanillaCoke and Leerah like this.
  3. zerelia New Member

    Was in windsong my husband is a 95 necro with all pet aa's current up to voa with em15 pet using rof mage pet summon gear using the lvl 92 warrior pet. my lvl 96 merc could barley keep it alive but his lvl 95 healer merc has no trouble at all. i have the clockwork tier 5 journey man healer merc. he has a journey man tier 5 healer froglok merc.
  4. Cyantune Journeyman

    96 merc J T5 in Sarith can not keep me alive on balanced
    95 merc J T5 in Sairth on same mob can keep me alive on balanced

    an Orator's army XXXXX mob is what I am normally fighting.
  5. clark53 Journeyman

    My merc is a lvl 96 female Dark Elf. The problem was happening in Shards Landing, City of Bronze, Sarith, The Valley and Resplendent Temple. Even with two healer mercs the same thing was happening. One merc was on reactive and one was balanced. My lvl 96 ranger was tanking at that time and I could not last thru a mob in The Valley. Please no ranger jokes. I box a lvl 96 enchanter with the ranger. My tank merc died 4 or 5 times today to mobs that have not been any problem, always stayed above 70%. My ranger died 3 times. The buffs that the merc had on it was what is normal lobby buffs, shaman, ranger, haste(enc), cred and on the ranger pretty much the same thing plus my clickies. Nothing as far as the set up goes was different today from yesterday. Yesterday I had no problem to I do.
  6. Liliana Augur

    I remember it being posted that warrior mercs have a cloak similar to mage pets, do cleric mercs also have something an maybe the lvl 96+ are not receiving it?
  7. Chunk Elder

    I fought in Feerott and my 95 healer merc was fine. As soon as I dinged 96 the merc started spam healing a 10k heal and couldn't keep up. I was using the dragorn animation. My brother poped his 95 cleric merc and he was healing fine. There is clearly a bug of some kind with its heal spells.
  8. fehren New Member

    Dying over and over here as well, and that's using the new 96 air pet. It almost never survives a fight. Very buggy release it seems.
  9. Ralston New Member

    "We have been looking into this but haven't been able to reproduce the issue. Any additional info you could provide would be useful: In which zone was this happening? Which race of mercenary were you using? Which rank and tier was the mercenary? What buffs did you and your mercenary have on?"

    I don't know how this coulds be missed, I play a Necromancer and spend alot of time in certain places and lesson in these same places. Now bein level 96 and playing on familiar places in VoA it is very noticable that the mercenary is NOT effectively healing no matter what stance you choose, i tried using all the setting for no change. The pet is being beat down faster than the merc seems to be able to heal cause the pet to die most fight to used to be won handily. Between this change and the ridicules 'nerf' to the 'RB' AA the game is no longer playable in the manner i am accustom. I don't see any future is this game if this is the direction the game is going. If the intent is to force groups to be more dependent of actual clerics then adjust it where a group of 4-6 require a cleric over a merc and leave up duel/soloers along.
  10. Aggate New Member

    When I was 95 Merc cleric healed fine, as soon as I made 96th in Feerott I was chased out of the zone. Merc could not heal me or herself.
  11. Elricvonclief Augur

    I"m sure this will be fixed soon.

    Still, it cracks me up. I see healers LFG, and folks don't invite them, cause they prefer their mercs...

    anyone else see the irony?
    Aeia and Mary Poppins like this.
  12. Mary Poppins Augur

    Hehe, yeah. It still sucks, though.
  13. Aeia New Member

    Same problem here. After dinging 96, merc healing became much less effective; the mercenary is mostly spamming Zealous Light Rk II. Happened to me yesterday after patch in Resplendent Temple and Beast Domain on Xegony. Even healing a tank that was 20% after the mob died too ages - several heals were needed, each healing the tank for 10K HP or so.

    Apart from the ding and the patch, there has been no change in other conditions - i.e. it's the same mercenary, healing the same tanks, in the same zones, etc. She was doing just fine before yesterday. I only killed a few non-named mobs yesterday after the patch, she was fine too, so it looks more likely the problem is the ding to 96, not the patch.

    Wood-elf female healer, journeyman Tier5. Buffed with her own credence, druid's regen and damage shield, flight of eagles, chanter haste and Voice, and chanter damage and spell runes. The mercenary is owned by my second account, by character xegony.Arland, if more examination is needed.

    I'm at work currently, so I can't access the logs, but I'll be able to post some excerpts from how exactly the merc behaved before and after when I get home in the evening.
  14. Uxtalzon Augur

    Few things I've noticed.

    Zealous Light Rk. II heals for 10001 every time. Spell says it heals for more if below 20% health, but that doesn't seem to be the case, still healing for 10001. It's as if mercenaries lost any if not all focus or innate AAs at 96?

    My health can wobble around 15-30% and the mercenary (scarecrow healer, J5 hired a month ago, blah blah) will toss a Zealous Light Rk. II, and just stand there... and stand there... for an agonizing 5 seconds or more. Way too long between heals or something. I went from soloing in Sarith/CoB a few days ago, retreated to Fear Itself (HoT), and now even further back to Lower House, equating to scaling back 10 levels of difficulty because of the lack of heals and constant deaths. In Fear Itself, I was using willsapper, disciplines, self-healing... and it felt like I was fighting on my own, literally.

    Funny thing is, when I die and de-level to 95, I can go back to where I died and just plow that crap down that killed me. When I rez up, I'm weak again. LOL
  15. IWP-test New Member

  16. fehren New Member

    /who [in Shard's Landing]

    There are 48 players in Everquest.

    /who cleric

    There are 2 players in Everquest.

    You can do the math.
  17. Kirbane Augur

    I had this happen to to me to me when i was killing in ashenate, im a lvl 91 bard i had to keep switching mine between reactive and balanced for it to keep healing me, some times it would just stop and look at me. I also have a j5 journeyman merc that i got from my gold subscription. if the mobs would have been higher i would have died several times.
  18. Kutsmuffin New Member

    As has been highly evidenced in this thread, just about any merc race (J5 at the least) on every setting except for 'passive' suddenly starts healing for far less as soon as they hit level 96. Every single person I know who hit level 96 yesterday was able to recreate this by taking some damage and letting their merc try to heal them. That said, what merc are you using that you can't recreate this? I need to use that one until all the others are fixed it seems.
  19. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Buff block Graceful Remedy Rk. II, at least until you get to level 98 -- at that point the merc will have access to Graceful Light. Once blocked, the merc stops being stupid and uses Zealous Light again.

    There are probably other spells to block, the merc loves to cast Splash a lot more now, Word of Renewal... but now that it's casting Zealous Light it's MUCH better. Once you hit 98.. 99 and then finally 100 the merc problem will be gone. It's just bad logic on which spell to cast.

    Really not sure why the devs couldn't reproduce this - just load up a merc @ 96 and watch the spells it casts.
    Nennius likes this.
  20. Ayragon New Member

    can block Graceful Remedy Rk. II on a merc tank? If so how?