Pearl shards, are nodrop, and should being tradeable, and Crown are tradeable and should be no drop. Life mistery
Épics drama, from 2000 to 2021, the fault are alwais someone pay, there are no market With no buyer. The good Point are the cleric Epic helps a...
Skuz i can agree un majority of your points, the problem are the "better box tools" include hacks and bots. And is a pay to use app, then you know...
100% recomendable guild, solid raid skills, just in time raid starts, coperative ambient.
Problem are alot people 3+ boxing, final fall in the .ini game. You can dual box decent, but legit 6 box... Is so rare. All starts... /follow non...
Some actitudes, needs more fast perma bands, and not just acounds. Stream breaking the rules, are like think you are over the rules.
Khorno is the way you can keep your progress from a previus server to a new one, if you like start from the botton in each server are ok, but after...
You cant survive a CH rotation, if your priests have not enought maná pool or your DPS no kill the mob enought fast, or your tank have not enought HP...
Aradune exists
You cant zerg AoC, the only zerg content are the badphones, and this happens alwais in each server, and each guild who manage to dominate this part...
Im camping some lvl 30 range, fast spawn nameds finding Pegasus cloack, at same time i make home work, and i no feels bad, why better group exp spots...
Str increase Atack, and wen you calculate damage, you check your Atack, vs AC. AC and ATK are probable the key on min max.
One minute of silence for the people Who mastered EC flip, hoard items are just lose money, why economy just run so fast, stop flip items and just...
For a second , there I thought this was that guy who used to RP an Ogre , when making forum posts... but its not.
Yes its ok more rare ites drop less, but there are alot of commond items in the table, but sems some common items are really dominating the drop...
Separate names with a comma.