+1 I sure many ppl looking for such guild, but all big guilds on standard DKP atm and all will try batphone OW. But Gdkp guild, like GiG, I sure can...
So any full GDKP guild for Teek server? :)
I am very upset that there is no original EQ. A 25th anniversary without classic start? At least 4 weeks would be fine for players like me who...
Hope to see at least 4 week of Classic, many returned players will be happy with Classic start i sure. And everyone who want Kunark will be...
Discord link not work? https://discord.gg/SUdAwpZe
Just wondering if any guilds (like GiG was on Mischief) are gonna run full GDKP rules if one of coming server will be with free trade?
Hope this true, many ppl (like me) love to see classic launch! I understand someone not like it, so maybe 2 month too long, but at least 4...
If you so like GoD or TSS+ era can just join Oakwynd, as at time 25th Anniversary Server Oakwynd will be at this expansions.
Bump! :)
Seems easy way is clone Mangler/Phinny 2 time per year = everyone is happy? But I want to see FV TLP with AoC someday.. After Brekt-FV merge we...
Or them can ninja open servers early, not at primary US time, but something 5-6 hours early. So if peoples come at 12PM PDT and find server already...
Last year DPG totally ignore TLP part of game, too busy Live problems (new raids, Overseer, etc). Hope them move their attention to us, who...
You really think it will keep most ppl playing? LoY / Ldon? :) Don't think people leave because of this reason, most casuals just blocked by...
Separate names with a comma.