If Faceless would just stop raiding, the lag would stop. :)
A casual would never be able to get a Robe of the Azure Sky on another server format.
I'm maining a Shaman. When my box mage hit 40 last week, I went to the hole. We crawled around quite a bit. I did see some PL groups, but...
Definately not. Plenty of people levelling up, although the very first levels are, as others have said, normally solo. You should find people...
i think it was designed for all servers. For example, my level 42 Vaniki shadowknight with a merc had no problem completing the key quests solo. My...
This was not designed for TLP. Can't level 60 chars on a regular server with mercs and defiant gear handle the missions normally? Isn't our...
This is a "be the change" kind of momement for you. Rasper made some great informaiton, what about 10 years ago? It was the goto resource for TLPs...
No. I'm enjoying raids. Plenty of gear to get.
Pets don't tank as well on TLP as they do on live. My magician alts (haven't mained one since....Torvonilous) usually tank for the pet, and sit and...
And the shaman "Inner Fire" does not stack with the Druid HP buffs, but the better buff overwrites, so its not a problem. Inner Fire is for solo...
to 26: Make patchwork armor you can buy ruined wolf/cat/bear hides at newbie zone vendors,there' usually a lot. to 36: Raw silk armor, you need...
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