I think it's somewhat accurate. There's only one pvp server yet no one plays on it, so your point of view sort of falls apart too in my opinion....
Cool man. I remember you from 10 years ago doing some CotF stuff. Any old PnG members still around that you know of? Back then I played a...
Did you used to play on Vox in Pain and Glory Orienn?
I've made a couple posts requesting the same, don't want to spam it so this will be my last.
Overall I like it. I would really like it to be free-trade (no random loot) and non-truebox. Also, maybe they didn't specifically say true-box or not...
Mischief remains a gimmick server with random loot, and free-trade activists enjoy a server which merges into FV. Fantastic.
Correct, I made statement that wasn't well thought out. Lots of nuances and facets to consider. It would be nice if they would take a poll on...
Correct, what I more accurately mean to say is that mischief's ruleset was a majority success. I can see why they may not want to go back to back...
Considering how many servers don't have free-trade, and how the server population of the two servers that do have free-trade are the highest...
I enjoy the idea of the challenge server. Along those lines. If you were to ever consider adding in different difficulty modes to all servers, such...
A live server with level locked increments would be interesting. I'd also like to see some variance added in, such as having different difficulty...
Free trade is nice, wouldn't mind it being standard. I would prefer they spend their innovating power for new TLP on new ideas that add some fun...
Hey Allayna, how've you been? You leave MS?
Update. Lvl 65. Still seeking dedicated group for activities.
Yes this would be desirable by many I would assume and is much needed.
Separate names with a comma.