So despite all that stuff you posted, they somehow managed to use that post and make adjustments? Not to mention the issue really was 1 thing across...
Frannie sipping his Pina coladas tonight.
The 25th anniversary event was not designed for the 25th anniversary tlp. Interesting logic considering they could have just not added the tower...
The point was to establish the difference between ooc regen versus classic regen without outside variables. The poster I replied to...
Yea that's not remotely accurate. Without any additional regen a level 60 cleric that's moderately geared takes 3 minutes with ooc regen....
I cannot speak for vaniki, but those other servers population numbers are laughably off and are reeking desperate copium.
Imagine agreeing and being on the side of this thing who misconstrues every single thread on this forum to fit his brown nosing obsession.
This forum is known for it's really garbage takes, but I gotta say the people convincing themselves that being handed gear that invalidates half of...
He or she is making the assumption because your comments on the situation really make no sense on the matter and lead him to think nothing...
I'd suggest bouncing on your guild if you are actually running 12 characters while the rest of your guild isn't sharing their bypass with you and...
Are you just basing this off of your feels? Because this isn't near accurate. they did not. The queue was gone by day 2 and even at it's worst it was like a 1hr wait. It's crazy how wrong you are on so much...
What's amusing about this post is that the server that isn't the exact same thing they offer over and over has about 1/3 of the population. Nek...
uhhh Truebox didn't exist at the beginning of EQ.
Separate names with a comma.