Avatar of War

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by krozman, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. krozman Augur

    Every expansion we get a few named that are just crazy hard. This expansion has a few, although on the whole they are easier than VoA.

    The exception to this, of course, is the Avatar of War. He is unslowable. He hits for 23k. He AE rampages. He has a 40k AE DD. My character is fully RoF raid geared and with 125k+ HP i cannot survive this with two clerics spam healing me. Thats with me self healing.

    Basically I have consider deflect/ WS with 2 wizards burning and pray that it dies before it wears off.

    Even if we respect the fact that he should be badass, he shouldn't require crazy numbers to beat.
  2. Falos Augur

    I actually found that the diminutive kromriff was 1000 times harder for my friend and I than any other tie 1 named. In fact Diminutive kroriff was actually on par with xolok, those were the only two named mobs in the expansion that i considered hard enough that they had the potential to kill us.
  3. roguerunner Augur

    Wizards have a better time landing magic only but you need tash and then you can burn down AoW before your disc fades. Are your clerics using 3rd spire too? You have to go all in on saving burn for AoW part.
  4. Galin Augur

    You can use a Cleric or Paladin to mark Diminutive and he can't land the buff that makes him difficult. Apparently, the AE dd from it fading is also buff blockable, guessing that was an oopsie, eh?
  5. Gladare Augur

    Won't be for long lol.
  6. Falos Augur

    Yeah, unfortunately we did kael hunter before we did crystal caverns hunter so i didnt have that mark clicky and we didnt have a real cleric or paladin with us. Diminutive kromriff cuts through pet tanks so ungodly fast it's insane.

    P.S. Pets need boosts.
  7. Tobynn Augur

    I thought the diminutive was rather trivial. I just warrior tanked him with no-weapons, dumped a ton of hate on him and let loose the wizard mercs on burn. He died easy. Pet boost? Pets don't live long hitting a 15,000 point damage shield, boosted or not.

    Avatar is a wrecking crew. That's not a T1 namer, its a T1 mini-raid. It was a workout for the raid-geared group I was in for the kill, and well beyond the difficulty of any other namer anywhere in the expansion. And it drops bazaar lewts. lulz.
  8. SpamFactory Augur

    AoW is too strong for a tier 1 group. the loot he drops doesn't even make him worth doing.

    IMO one of two things should happen, either
    1. make him easier; or
    2. keep him as he is, but give him some better loot that is more appropriate for the difficulty
  9. Illusionist_Innania Augur

    I like option 2. Make him like the Squires in Crystallos.
  10. Fllint Elder

    I 3boxed AoW with a T2 raid geared warrior and a decently geared cleric/bard with 1 healer merc and 2 wiz mercs (that were almost perma dead from the aoe) and it was pretty dang intense. I don't envy group geared peeps on this one heh.
  11. Muji Augur

    Avatar of War was ruined! He should have no AE and no rampage. He should hit like a truck, have a gazillion hps, unslowable, and flurry. And maybe require 2 healers. His current form spits on the tradition of what is Avatar of War!
  12. Ronak Augur

    And he should flurry like a buzz-saw too. Also, while we're on this topic, he should have been a raid target, not a group one :/
    Elricvonclief and BlankStare_001 like this.
  13. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    We wiped to AoW the other day with a RoI Paladin tanking, and he laughed, called it insane, and decided we weren't going to retry. ;)
    If you took away or nerfed one of his elements, such as the 40k DD or AE ramp or made him hit easier, it wouldn't have been an issue -- but AEing forces me (as the Cleric) into group heals, which means I cannot focus on keeping the tank up.

    You can probably 1-group it, with the right 6 players. The difficulty also is that he spawns immediately upon Idol (or was it Statue?) death and pummels whomever he likes until ganked by the tank.

    In regards to the little giant, could you strip his DS like you can with Dain during the Tormax raid?
  14. Axxius Augur

    Got AoW down easily not long after release with this group: PAL WIZ CLR CLR ENC BRD (the first 3 were VoA raid geared with a couple RoF raid items, 2nd CLR was a mix of RoF T1 raid and some old stuff, ENC was group T1 RoF gear, BRD was a box with RoF group stuff T1/2). This fight is not about DPS. AoW has enough hp not to be dead by the time Deflection ends. You have to survive first and foremost. BRD and ENC were the most important. WAR tank should have it easier than PAL.

    Key notes:
    1. AoW is immune to slow but ENC cripple does wonders to his dps.
    2. Bard tank support songs are incredible.
    3. ENC runes make the DD a non-issue.
    4. AoW is immune to fire, but ice and magic land just fine. 1 non-merc WIZ is all the dps you need. Or NEC. Statue and Idol have different immunities, have to change nukes between all 3 mobs. Not sure about poison/disease, but NEC should work just fine using different type dots.
  15. Rafather Augur

    hmmm since my first post was removed for no reason other then someone being butt hurt, drop the elemental orb and hp augs and get ac. the fight is not bad at all.
  16. Galin Augur

    Have killed AoW with no issue, Group was 2 rangers, shaman, cleric and I, fight took 2.5 minutes, and one ranger was boxed. Had a Wizard merc who died on incoming, but they have no souls, so it doesn't count! Would do again.

    This is my tanking summary for it:

    Tanking summary for: Galin --- Total damage: 2096587 --- Avg hit: 10482 --- Swings: 414 --- Defended: 196 (47.3%) --- Hit: 200 (48.3%) --- Missed: 18 (4.3%) --- Accuracy: 91.7% --- Dodged: 47 (17.7%) --- Parried: 57 (15.6%) --- Blocked: 48 (11.6%) --- Riposted: 44 (14.2%) --- Absorbed: 0 (0%)

    250k of that was dot damage. 23k? Did you not use discs? Never got hit over 17k.
  17. Terakathis Journeyman

    I wouldn't change a thing on AoW (yes he is hard) other than removing the corpse camping/massive aggro radius feature that makes wipe recovery extremely painful.

  18. Theka Elder

    you just need a high dps group to chew him b4 he chews you, IE all spell casters melee is more ouchy a cpl necros and wiz in your group he will go down in about 1 minute... corruption cold and i think disease land full and easy full burn he dies quick...

    i will say hes not worth doing cept for hunter.
  19. Mrtiny New Member

    It seems to me that if you need raidgeared people to down him, he needs to be toned down. Has anyone in ROF T1 groupgear killed him? It is fine with a few hard nameds, but they shouldn't require raidgear to be killed.

    BlankStare_001 likes this.
  20. Mellifleur Augur

    Gear: VoA tier 4 raid / RoF group 2

    Group: Necro, Necro, Enchanter, Wizard -- Merc Heals Balanced, Merc Heals Reactive

    Result: Dead avatar.

    • Cripple wins the day
    • Pets can mitigate him quite well with EM 16
    • Silent casting
    • Fortify Companion
    • Aegis of Kildrukaun AND Spectral Guard on pets
    • Mecurial torment + CoA Robe + 3rd Spire + Ench twincast aura made this fight laughable.