Producer’s Letter April 2024

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Lifa Halflings represent

    Having played on Agnarr and Aradune, I will say that the Oakwynd evolving bonuses should be in place for all future TLP, even the plain jane ones. They fix or mitigate some fundamentally unfun aspects of the game. 25% more loot is hardly game breaking and it helps smooth out a little bit of the bad luck that can happen on certain drops, and it adds a little excitement to a largely solved gaming experience.

    I understand why the heirloom rule isn't carrying over, since it competes with Personas.

    FTE has worked out well, and iirc was to reduce load on CSR - did that not work out? Seems like dev time not getting as much return as it could if it won't see the light of day on new servers.
    Darrowin and Kaenneth like this.
  2. Tachyon Augur

    love it, finally kunark start!
  3. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Anyone else feel like these Producer's Letters have just become "Tell us the next TLP ruleset!" Letters? They don't seem to contain any real, actual information about the game...just TLP crap and reminders of the events they already have every single year.
    Rijacki, Mesil and Jedipokey like this.
  4. Titusraco New Member

    Kunark is a nice start for the Teek TLP - but cant you folks do more? A bunch of us were hyped about another Mischief like server coming up.. but we dont want to play the same thing again... Can you spice it up? Add in Selo's EXP? Have relaxed true box start at launch instead? Just do "something" that would actually make us want to play this server, Im beggin ya'.
    Tuho and Flexin like this.
  5. Jedipokey The Devs have become better at Apathy! (380)

    Not true. Healing aggro will unlock a target without /yell
  6. Ogamuk New Member

    How about make Tormax a no krono server. I would pay double the sub cost for that one.
    OldSalty, Ecos and Lifa like this.
  7. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    Nah, you’re just drinking too much Haterade. They put out more updates than I’ve expected.
  8. xxar Augur

    So what day is launch ? Link please?
  9. Brickhaus Augur

    Can we make the first name cutoff at 1000 days?

    Asking for an EQ addict (not me of course).
    Kaenneth likes this.
  10. Gialana Augur

    If you mean the Progression servers, they launch May 22.
  11. xxar Augur

    Where was that stated , I didn't see the date posted or is that a assumption.
  12. xxar Augur

    Nevermind , seen it ! Thanks
    Gialana likes this.
  13. Toni Xelphi of Bristlebane

    Thank you for no FTE, I will play on these TLP.
    Yinla likes this.
  14. Cyrics New Member

    Really? Thats the best you can do for this anniversary? A server no one wants, and a clone of another? You guys went all out,, GG
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  15. Tankkin Journeyman

    Remove level req on Teek for the ultimate server!

    Don't let this amazing perk for a server die out on only Vaniki.
    Barton-Vox and Yinla like this.
  16. Numiko Augur

    Have to admit I am disappointed in the lack of imagination the rules for these new servers display. You would think for 25th anniversary servers they would have come up with something special, imaginative and original, but no we just get a rehash of older TLP servers that are still active.:oops:
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  17. coltongrundy Augur

    Can we get an EXP bonus on Teek so the name makes sense?
    Barton-Vox, kain200 and Yinla like this.
  18. Iove Elder

    Dont care about FTE, but hate Kunark start. I want Classic EQ for at lest few weeks!
  19. Basak Augur

    Classic start since 2011 (some exceptions) while I love classic start it is unfair to people that do not care for classic start to do classic start again. This is a big needed start for those that don't like classic.
  20. Brickhaus Augur

    For the Teek name to make sense, everyone would have to get an automatic quest add and port to a zone not open yet once per day.