Suggestion: Revamped PoP flagging

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Iven, Dec 22, 2023.

  1. Iven the Lunatic

    It has become a sickness that players are fighting over limited dev ressources. The dev team is in a strong need for being expanded but that won't happen as long as Dagobert Duck is the CEO.
    Tatanka likes this.
  2. Velisaris_MS Augur

    But in THIS particular instance, it would appear that a lot of the work is already's just sitting on Beta. That's why I'm shaking my head at the "you have to prioritize things" crowd. There's nothing to prioritize - it's already mostly there.
  3. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Now what are we talking about? What's on Beta?
  4. Riou EQResource

    The Full pop progression has achievement check offs for each section basically so you can just go by your own Achievement List, but the dev working on it quit like 3 or 4 months ago
    Joules_Bianchi and Tatanka like this.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    The achievements in beta did not agree with what the Seer in PoK sees. I think I had something like 2 in 10 achievments completed when I had infact completed all. (I didn't count so those numbers are guessed, but I had few achievements when I should have had all). So it is far from finished. They may be there but they are not linked to the flags.

    Bit like Raid achievements for PoP. Seer sees I've done them yet we still have to go back and do the raids for the achievement.
  6. Iven the Lunatic

    That is bad news. :( Hopefully another dev can finish it.
  7. fransisco Augur

    How about just make it so you can spawn non-loot dropping versions of the flag mobs at will.
    Agents of Change are worthless because you need 6 players who are high enough level - and most players don't actually 6 box.
  8. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Can we transfer a persona as an individual character like we can with an alt?

    (rhetorical question)

    Personas are a loss of value versus an alt, which was free to begin with.

    Is this really worth it? Was there an outcry from the players that they needed this?

    Like it took 19 months to fix Umbral Plains triggered spawns and currently mercenaries are being stripped of all buffs every time we level up. Reported, petitioned for 2 weeks now. Not even a dev response.

    WHERE are the developer's priorities anymore?

    Is this all about potential sales of new playable races and veteran players have full character slots?
  9. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    "nobody wants this"

    /points to 3 websites created because people wanted it.

    Carry on.

    So little gets done on the to do list, you all are terrified the devs might fix some other issue and not your pet one.

    No, don't fix that or you won't do what I wanted fixed.

    'round and 'round we go.

    If they fixed this dumb thing, EQ will stop releasing new expansions?


    Not release it and hire a guy?

    pish posh.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  10. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    /points to 3 websites and now we have it.

    Very little to be gained at this point.

    Where were you 20+ years ago?
  11. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Copied from another thread on here right now:

    * Overseer - Mass convert

    * Overseer - Option to convert extra agents into "something" useful

    * Banner - Generic "Raid" banners for open "alliance" raids

    1st is meh, it's not really new fuctionality, just saves some time, hopefully just one time, and then you don't let it get out of control.

    2nd is reasonable. There is NO workaround, and they should be useful for something.

    3rd is a terrific idea, there's no workaround, and it would be really useful. THAT'S a feature request we should all get behind.

    Oh, and I don't raid. No benefit to me, but I can see just how useful it would be to many people.

    Comments have NOTHING to do with "oh add my feature first", which obviously, wasn't mentioned above, that's just your fever dreams.
  12. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    PoP flagging in era was a year. on TLP it's a silly forced march that maybe 3% of players finish.
  13. SuinegOne New Member

    PoP flagging is one of the most common sense processes that tons of us have completed many many times. There are tons of guids and plenty of helper scripts for those that screw it up because they just aren't paying attention at all. It is difficult to screw it up yet there is always 5-10 people in a raid that are not capable of following instructions.

    There is never a shortage of people that always come up with some magical process they think that the community needs in order to play a game that they've been doing well for decades. They write paragraph after paragraph of reasons and systems that are just not necessary.
  14. Vumad Cape Wearer

    It's always a shame to read responses to an idea where the counter point is developer time. Adding PoP flagging seer checks to the ACH window, which is already existing flagging system, output and UI system, that simply needs a data presentation update, is such a small ask, compared to overseer, personas and other massive implementations. It's just such a silly argument. Rather new content? You already have the flags and the ACH system is already in place. Tying them together is such a small ask in comparison to the huge projects that do happen, like, why even make that counter point. I just don't get it. There's no content you are not going to get because PoP flagging is added to the ACH window. People act like we would get 5 more zones if they just continued to skip the PoP flag ACH. Like, seriously? And it's even worse when it's a TLP conversation since the entire concept of TLP is not getting new content. Maybe TLP development hugely hinders expansion development but I doubt it.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  15. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    PoP flagging should go away entirely. Tie PoP progression to achievements and be done with it.
  16. Windance Augur

    My understanding is that the folks who play the TLP servers do so because they want to "relive the early EQ experience". Isn't PoP flagging a part of that experience?

    Kind of like the rush of open world bosses, and contesting rare drops/epics/keys, etc.
    Yinla and Tatanka like this.
  17. Burdi Augur

    This clunky flagging system is unfortunately still used on TLP.
    Bottom line, that would be a good thing to at list create achievements for each and every ascension steps.
    Frankly,I would prefer it to be much simplified, i don’t see how to achieve that in three months.
  18. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon


    It is no different to flagging for other locked zones. You get given the task, you killed for a drop/collect ground spawn, etc. You do a hand in and hail then you have completed your quest. The only difference with POP is there is multi zones you need to be flagged for.

    Even VP in RoS had a quest you had to do for entry, it had an achievement but it didn't tell you which medallions you had or if you had done all the hails needed.
    Tatanka likes this.
  19. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I don't have a horse in this race. But tracking my PoP flags was one of the worst experiences I've ever had in EverQuest.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  20. Soulbanshee Augur

    Achievements are scripts that check character flags, without flags there are no achievements. Nothing is checking achievements, its all tied to the underlying character flags. Achievements are just a visual representation as to what you have flagged.