Laurion's Song: Only 2 Missions and 8 Raids

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cassiera, Oct 18, 2023.

  1. NatazzEvoli Elder

    If it's the scenario where someone isn't relinquishing responsibilities to make deadlines, that's a problem. I don't think that's the case. It might be more of that person not having adequate and creative help or having the help reallocated at a crucially bad time, that's a much easier problem to solve.
    What if the 2 missions are implemented one month after release? Will these walls still have punch holes filled with koala tears in them?
  2. Knifen Augur

    I have an easy fix for this, no lockouts for missions this expansion.
    Hobs, Xeladom and Metanis like this.
  3. Tuco Augur

    Difficult group content is pretty much why I play EQ, and recently the only difficult group content has come in the form of missions. So only two missions is pretty disappointing, especially if they are trivial.

    If I'm able to roll in with my team and beat the hardest RS content at level 120 with NoS group gear, the rest of the content is kinda pointless. At least it'll only be a one month sub this time and which saves me quite a bit of money!
  4. Tuco Augur

    What's funny is that this would be wildly popular if the mobs were tuned for a group and were challenging. I think a lot of people would prefer it over dealing with whatever goofy mechanics.
    Flatchy likes this.
  5. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I certainly hope one of the missions isn't the hot potato, freeze tag, rock-paper-scissors one.
  6. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I don't have access to the beta forums.
    Was there any indication that this 2 missions situation is locked in and there won't be more than 2 ever, or did he perhaps imply that more would be added later like the way raids are rolled out?
  7. Soulbanshee Augur

    No implication either direction, just a straightforward statement of fact.
    Hobs, Velisaris_MS and Sissruukk like this.
  8. Forcallen Augur

    But like 50% base weapon damage increases!

    Sure there will be tweaks but with augs (raid):
    1800 knight 2h'ers
    570 1hp (and 1h weaps up to 600s)
    1100ish monk 2h
    1300-1600 zerker 2h
    Hobs likes this.
  9. Svann2 The Magnificent

    This is really disappointing. The last expac was the shortest ever, and now the content is being cut even further.
    Sissruukk likes this.
  10. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    Maybe it is just shrinkflation. You have to have a smaller party with the party size bag of chips, despite the price increasing or staying the same.
  11. Swiss Augur

    It's odd to me that so many people are just fine with half the group missions and losing 1 more raid this year. Great you can farm weekly raids slightly faster, but you could have always just skipped a raid if you can only clear 8/9 in your schedule.
    Losing content isn't a good thing and the quality of content doesn't appear to be increasing from the sacrifice either.

    If there were missions/raid added later it would be nice but that also likely hurts the time for the next expansion to get content done.
    I know there are some theories about an anniversary raid as well but that seems unlikely if we're not getting the full normal raids unless it was already completed content from a previous year.
    Limited time raids like anniversary also don't make much sense if you look at the 23rd anniversary raid "mad emperor" that could have just been a permanent raid for the year but instead it was limited time and nobody goes back to it after the next expansion drops anyway.
    Hobs, Fenthen and Cassiera like this.
  12. Flatchy Court Jester

    I am like you , can only do one of the missions out of the 4. It has been like that for a few expansions now. Being cut in half it makes me wonder what happens if the one people can do, who dont have other programs to help them, gets left out of the rotation?
  13. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Or the Head and Shoulders sort of thing.
  14. uberkingkong Augur

  15. Tutankamen Augur

    I couldn't care less. I don't do missions, and if I do it's years later. They're a hassle and after the first time or 2 not at all a novelty. Much more important to have interesting drops and good exp areas. Not at all worried about 2 missions.
    Raptorjesus5 likes this.
  16. FranktheBank Augur

    I assume you didn't read for comprehension. Him carrying the game IS the problem. He should be sharing the load.
    Hobs, Szilent, Cassiera and 3 others like this.
  17. fransisco Augur

    That is the core of the problem. Absor doesn't teach anyone else. He makes sure he does it all alone.
    What happens when Absor leaves, cause some day he will? EQ is screwed.

    Imagine if he took the time to teach raid/mission design. Yes, it'll slow him down a little at first, but then more missions/raids get made. Everything doesn't revolve around one person.

    Also, absor meets the criteria of a horrible senior dev. ALL senior devs are required to teach others how to do what they do. To make sure that no one person is critical, that no one else knows anything about what they do.
    Rijacki and Mesc like this.
  18. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I concur. It's really mind-boggling that people are OK with an already tiny amount of content being cut even further...especially if you're a casual/group-focused player. This feels like a HUGE middle finger to non-raiders.

    And it's that sort of attitude...the "we'll buy any steaming pile you want to sell us" attitude...that empowers them to cut content.
    Fenthen likes this.
  19. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    Players are just high on the other things they accomplished this UI, lag reduction, class balance, personas as a definite maybe for hardly notice missing content.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I dislike missions being scaled down raids. Might just be me though.
    Raptorjesus5, Marton and Rijacki like this.