Oakwynd Feedback

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by coltongrundy, Mar 18, 2023.

  1. Aiona Augur

    It's not like 30 seconds is the only numerical solution.
    Fallfyres and Zrender like this.
  2. Laronk Augur

    Well if it has to go all the way home before it resets and unlocks then it might even be easier to split and pull because mob 1 gets back to his spawn and resets while the other is still walking then it might just 100% clear that mob off your agro then you stand and mob 2 comes at you.

    Really we'll kinda have to wait and see how it actually plays.
    Makin likes this.
  3. zenless Journeyman

    Fallfyres likes this.
  4. Laronk Augur

    if everyone on agro died it would go back to its spawn and reset the way I read it. so how many attempts do you get? 1 unless you re-engage before the other force.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  5. Brazy Augur

    Agreed 100%. It's almost like they don't know their own player base. Please fix this Darkpaw! Maybe make it so we can link our accounts or something to make it useful.
    Sanduleak and Joules_Bianchi like this.
  6. Thatoneguy666 Elder

    Some people have alts on the same account. Some. But very few. And even for those who do,what kind of a bonus is this? It's basically trash. Waste of time even coding that. I also love how they say it's semi-permanent, and the next sentence says, it goes away every level cap increase. So the only time you'd really care about it, you don't have it.

    There is just no excuse for this level of failure.

  7. Kunfo Augur

    There will be a lot less player data for them to collect once they implement encounter locking, so it works out perfectly.
  8. Sakuraba Augur

    That too. I am glad the post where I mentioned this IS in the feedback topic, maybe they'll see the badge suggestion and add that next time lol.

    Honestly, I hope I am right on this because so far it does sound like I am. If it works like EQ2's we shouldn't have too many problems - it does sound like it is a bit different from EQ2s in a few ways though, as some are suggesting it even prevents Damage Shield PLs, not just AoE PLs.
  9. Zinkeh Augur

    Perhaps the experiment was to see how much they could piss off subscribers after that last horrid TLP, Yelinak. :p
  10. Aiona Augur

    You may not play your game like this, but the majority if my friends have a long list of alts on the same account, on TLP's. I cant' speak for live but I would get bored of not having alts after 24 years. And that's the point, a lot of players aren't going to level up alts unless it's easier (EXP potions, holiday bonus EXP, etc.), hence the more EXP for alts. :)

    I think you're pretty out of touch here.

    Encounter locking is a great idea. DPS racing is dumb.
    Fallfyres, Vinlail10 and Sanduleak like this.
  11. Vindar Augur

    Yea that's never going to happen because it defeats the entire point of having it.
  12. Vindar Augur

    Tons of people have alts on their only account, myself included. Why the heck would I need extra accounts? I don't box. The whole point of an alt is to have something different to play.
    Fallfyres, Arclyte and Aiona like this.
  13. Noxious Journeyman

    Well, from what I gathered in the forums from the past few weeks was that lot of people actually like free trade. It just makes life easier. Yes, it also makes it easier for farmers, but there is just not much you can do to the farmers that will also effect the regular playerbase. I am glad that some people like the idea and that is fine. I just wont be over there.
    Brazy, Kunfo and Runes like this.
  14. Triconx Augur

    Good for you.
    Dre. likes this.
  15. xmod2 Happybear

    How so? Now all he needs is a staff of temperate flux.
    B0HICA and Crabman like this.
  16. PudiTangk Apprentice

    Let's be very clear about this. TLP's are not an opportunity to beta test new features for live and beyond. That is what test server is for. Do you not understand the majority of people that play on TLP's are playing for the nostalgia and don't want feature changes of this magnitude? We are essentially beta testing features for you, while paying you money. Let's call it for what it is. You added a few gimmick bonuses to try and distract us from the fact that this entire server is to test out the First To Engage feature. By adding FTE in, you are trying to change a game and the culture of a game that we have played for most of our lives. The reason we play TLP's is to enjoy the game for how it was.
    B0HICA, Faydra, rogueling and 18 others like this.
  17. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    By far and away, more accounts are owned by players with more than one account. Even F2P to Krono all access is doable.

    I think it's you who is out of touch.

    and wait until the encounter lock race takes the place of a DPS race.

    Note they are advancing the rollouts of Relaxed truebox and free boxing due to customer demand and lessons learned on previous TLPs concerning player base attrition and players asking for earlier access.

    Families are also a thing.

    We're 3, with 6 all access and several silver and all access accounts.

    Heavily banking on solo players with one account. one character is NOT where EQ makes it's money.

    One mount in 24 years? I've purchased 3 mounts <this week> on 2 different servers, on alt accounts.
    What about families with 6x all access recurring billing on the books?

    and lots of max level players park their max level to start level 1?

    and if you weren't leveling alts because it was so hard, did you think maybe of boxing? ;p It's easier!
  18. Noxious Journeyman

    I am ready for all of the trolls. I just wish there was another tlp, where those of us that do not like the game fundamentally changed can play.
    Brazy likes this.
  19. Aiona Augur

    I own three accounts myself. What's your point?

  20. Aiona Augur

    Way too much doom in this thread already.

    I'm all for having more than one account in EQ.

    But if you're trying to tell me that everyone should have 1 character only on each account and there's no need for more, hence no need for bonus Alt EXP... you're as dense as a brick.
    Skuz and Joules_Bianchi like this.